Vertx Zipkin Tracing
Vert.x integrates with Zipkin thanks to the Zipkin Brave client.
Vert.x uses the ZipKin HTTP sender based using a Vert.x HTTP Client reporting
spans to http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans
in JSON format.
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions()
new ZipkinTracingOptions().setServiceName("A cute service")
The service name is the mandatory Zipkin service name. If you don’t set it, then a-service
will be used instead.
You can configure the sender to use a specific URL
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions()
new ZipkinTracingOptions()
.setSenderOptions(new HttpSenderOptions().setSenderEndpoint(senderEndpoint))
The default sender uses a single HTTP connection in plain text with compressed bodies.
You can override the configuration of the HTTP sender with custom HttpClientOptions
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions()
new ZipkinTracingOptions()
.setSenderOptions(new HttpSenderOptions()
Finally you can set a custom ZipKin Tracing
allowing for greater control
over the configuration.
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions()
new ZipkinTracingOptions(tracing)
Tracing policy
The tracing policy defines the behavior of a component when tracing is enabled:
The tracing policy is usually configured in the component options.
HTTP tracing
The Vert.x HTTP server and client reports span around HTTP requests:
: the HTTP method -
: the HTTP method -
: the request URL -
: the HTTP status code
The default HTTP server tracing policy is ALWAYS
, you can configure the policy with setTracingPolicy
HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions()
The default HTTP client tracing policy is PROPAGATE
, you can configure the policy with setTracingPolicy
HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions()