The vertx-lang-kotlin-coroutines
integrates Kotlin coroutines for performing asynchronous operations and processing events.
This results in using a programming model that looks like sequential code, yet it does not block kernel threads.
One of the key advantages of Vert.x over many legacy application platforms is that it is almost entirely non-blocking (of kernel threads). This allows Vert.x-based applications to handle a lot of concurrency (e.g., many connections and messages) using a very small number of kernel threads, which in turns unlocks great scalability.
The non-blocking nature of Vert.x leads to asynchronous APIs. Asynchronous APIs can take various forms including callbacks, promises, fibers or reactive extensions. Vert.x uses the callback style for the core APIs but it also supports other models like RxJava 1 and 2.
In some cases, programming using asynchronous APIs can be more challenging than using a classic / sequential style of code, in particular with several operations need to be done in sequence. Also, error propagation is often more complex when using asynchronous APIs.
uses coroutines. Coroutines are very lightweight threads that do not correspond
to underlying kernel threads, so that when a coroutine needs to "block" it gets suspended and frees
its current kernel thread so that another coroutine can process events.
uses kotlinx.coroutines to implement the Coroutines.
vertx-lang-kotlin-coroutines currently only works with Kotlin and will be out of the experimental status
in Kotlin 1.3
Running a coroutine from a Vert.x context
Having imported io.vertx.kotlin.coroutines.VertxCoroutine
, the GlobalScope.launch
method allows to run a block of code as a
coroutine in the "Global" application scope (bounded on the lifetime of the application):
val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
GlobalScope.launch(vertx.dispatcher()) {
val timerId = awaitEvent<Long> { handler ->
vertx.setTimer(1000, handler)
println("Event fired from timer with id $timerId")
The vertx.dispatcher()
returns a coroutine dispatcher that execute coroutines using the Vert.x event loop.
The awaitEvent
function suspends the execution of the coroutine until the timer fires and resumes the coroutines
with the value that was given to the handler.
More details are given in the next sections on handlers, events and stream of events.
Extending CoroutineVerticle
You can deploy your code as instances of io.vertx.kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineVerticle
, a specialized type of verticle
for Kotlin coroutines. The CoroutineVerticle
class implements the kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineScope
making all coroutines builder methods bounded by default to the verticle context. You should override the suspending start()
and (optionally) the suspending stop()
methods of the verticle:
class MyVerticle : CoroutineVerticle() {
override suspend fun start() {
// ...
override suspend fun stop() {
// ...
All code examples below assume to be run inside a CoroutineVerticle
implementation, but you can replace all <builder> { .. }
calls with GlobalScope.<builder> { .. }
to use the application scope instead.
Getting one-shot asynchronous results
Many asynchronous operations in Vert.x take a Handler<AsyncResult<T>>
as the last argument.
An example would be executing an object retrieval using the Vert.x Mongo client, or sending an event bus message then
awaiting for a reply.
This is achieved by using the awaitResult
method which returns the value or throws an exception.
The coroutine is being suspended until the event is being processed, and no kernel thread is being blocked.
The method is executed by specifying the asynchronous operation that needs to be executed in the form of a block that is passed to the handler at run-time.
Here is an example:
suspend fun awaitResultExample() {
val consumer = vertx.eventBus().localConsumer<String>("a.b.c")
consumer.handler { message ->
println("Consumer received: ${message.body()}")
// Send a message and wait for a reply
val reply = awaitResult<Message<String>> { h ->
vertx.eventBus().request("a.b.c", "ping", h)
println("Reply received: ${reply.body()}")
When the block produces a failure, the caller can handle it as an exception using the usual exception
suspend fun awaitResultFailureExample() {
val consumer = vertx.eventBus().localConsumer<String>("a.b.c")
consumer.handler { message ->
// The consumer will get a failure, "it failed!!!")
// Send a message and wait for a reply
try {
awaitResult<Message<String>> { h ->
vertx.eventBus().request("a.b.c", "ping", h)
} catch (e: ReplyException) {
// Handle specific reply exception here
println("Reply failure: ${e.message}")
Getting one-shot events
Processing a one-shot event (and not the next occurrences, if any) is achieved using the awaitEvent
suspend fun awaitEventExample() {
val id = awaitEvent<Long> { h -> vertx.setTimer(2000L, h) }
println("This should be fired in 2s by some time with id=$id")
Getting one-shot worker results
Processing a blocking computation is achieved using the awaitBlocking
suspend fun awaitBlockingExample() {
awaitBlocking {
Streams of events
In many places in Vert.x APIs, streams of events are processed through handlers. Examples include event bus message consumers and HTTP server requests.
The ReceiveChannelHandler
class allows receiving events through the (suspendable) receive
suspend fun streamExample() {
val adapter = vertx.receiveChannelHandler<Message<Int>>()
// Send 15 messages
for (i in 0..15) vertx.eventBus().send("a.b.c", i)
// Receive the first 10 messages
for (i in 0..10) {
val message = adapter.receive()
println("Received: ${message.body()}")
Awaiting the completion of Vert.x asynchronous results
Vert.x 4 provides futures and Future
has an await()
suspending method latching the asynchronous result.
The await
extension method on instances of Vert.x asynchronous results suspend coroutines until they have completed, in
which case the method returns the corresponding AsyncResult<T>
suspend fun awaitingFuture(anotherFuture: Future<String>) {
// Getting a future
val httpServerFuture = vertx.createHttpServer()
.requestHandler { req -> req.response().end("Hello!") }
val httpServer = httpServerFuture.await()
println("HTTP server port: ${httpServer.actualPort()}")
// It also works for composite futures
val result = CompositeFuture.all(httpServerFuture, anotherFuture).await()
if (result.succeeded()) {
println("The server is now running!")
} else {
Suspending extension methods
Vert.x 3 generated extension methods to simplify writing coroutines with Vert.x asynchronous APIs. It relieved
the user from using the idiomatic awaitResult
and makes the code more natural and readable.
Since Vert.x 4 provides a future based API, such extension methods still exists for compatibility but are deprecated.
suspend fun generatedSuspendingExtensionMethod() {
// Use the extension instead of wrapping with awaitResult
val client = vertx.createNetClient()
val socket = client.connect(1234, "localhost").await()
Channels are similar to Java BlockingQueue
except that they do not block and instead suspend the coroutine
instead of blocking:
sending a value to full channel suspends the coroutine
receving a value from an empty channels also suspends the coroutine
Vert.x ReadStream
and WriteStream
can be adapted to channels with the toChannel
extension method.
These adapters take care of managing the back-pressure and the stream termination
is adapted to aReceiveChannel<T>
is adapted to aSendChannel<T>
Receiving data
Channel can be really useful when you need to handle a stream of correlated values:
suspend fun handleTemperatureStream() {
val stream = vertx.eventBus().consumer<Double>("temperature")
val channel = stream.toChannel(vertx)
var min = Double.MAX_VALUE
var max = Double.MIN_VALUE
// Iterate until the stream is closed
// Non-blocking
for (msg in channel) {
val temperature = msg.body()
min = Math.min(min, temperature)
max = Math.max(max, temperature)
// The stream is now closed
It can also be useful for parsing protocols. We will build a non blocking HTTP request parser to show the power of channels.
We will rely on the RecordParser
to slice the stream of buffer to a stream of buffer delimited by \r\n
Here is the initial version of the parser, that handles only the HTTP request-line
vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler { socket ->
// The record parser provides a stream of buffers delimited by \r\n
val stream = RecordParser.newDelimited("\r\n", socket)
// Convert the stream to a Kotlin channel
val channel = stream.toChannel(vertx)
// Run the coroutine
launch {
// Receive the request-line
// Non-blocking
val line = channel.receive().toString().split(" ")
val method = line[0]
val uri = line[1]
println("Received HTTP request ($method, $uri)")
// Still need to parse headers and body...
Parsing the request-line is as simple as calling receive
on the channel.
The next step parses HTTP headers by receiving chunks until we get an empty one
// Receive HTTP headers
val headers = HashMap<String, String>()
while (true) {
// Non-blocking
val header = channel.receive().toString()
// Done with parsing headers
if (header.isEmpty()) {
val pos = header.indexOf(':')
headers[header.substring(0, pos).toLowerCase()] = header.substring(pos + 1).trim()
println("Received HTTP request ($method, $uri) with headers ${headers.keys}")
Finally we terminate the parser by handling optional request bodies
// Receive the request body
val transferEncoding = headers["transfer-encoding"]
val contentLength = headers["content-length"]
val body: Buffer?
if (transferEncoding == "chunked") {
// Handle chunked encoding, e.g
// 5\r\n
// HELLO\r\n
// 0\r\n
// \r\n
body = Buffer.buffer()
while (true) {
// Parse length chunk
// Non-blocking
val len = channel.receive().toString().toInt(16)
if (len == 0) {
// The stream is flipped to parse a chunk of the exact size
stream.fixedSizeMode(len + 2)
// Receive the chunk and append it
// Non-blocking
val chunk = channel.receive()
body.appendBuffer(chunk, 0, chunk.length() - 2)
// The stream is flipped back to the \r\n delimiter to parse the next chunk
} else if (contentLength != null) {
// The stream is flipped to parse a body of the exact size
// Non-blocking
body = channel.receive()
} else {
body = null
val bodySize = body?.length() ?: 0
println("Received HTTP request ($method, $uri) with headers ${headers.keys} and body with size $bodySize")
Sending data
Using a channel to send data is quite straightforward:
suspend fun sendChannel(httpResponse : HttpServerResponse) {
val channel = httpResponse.toChannel(vertx)
while (true) {
val buffer = readBuffer()
// Broadcast the temperature
// Non-blocking but could be suspended
// Wait for one second
awaitEvent<Long> { vertx.setTimer(1000, it) }
Both SendChannel#send
and WriteStream#write
are non blocking operations, however unlike SendChannel#send
can suspend the execution when the channel is full, the equivalent without a channel would look like
suspend fun sendChannel(httpResponse : HttpServerResponse) {
val channel = httpResponse.toChannel(vertx)
while (true) {
val buffer = readBuffer()
// Broadcast the temperature
// Non-blocking but could be suspended
// Wait for one second
awaitEvent<Long> { vertx.setTimer(1000, it) }
Delay, cancellation and timeouts
Vertx dispatcher fully supports coroutine delay
function via Vert.x timers:
launch {
// Set a one second Vertx timer
Timers support cancellation
val job = launch {
// Set a one second Vertx timer
while (true) {
// Do something periodically
// Sometimes later
cancellation is cooperative
You can also schedule timeout with the withTimeout
launch {
try {
val id = withTimeout<String>(1000) {
awaitEvent { anAsyncMethod(it) }
} catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {
// Cancelled
Coroutine builders
Vert.x works will all coroutine builders, as long as an instance of CoroutineScope
is available: launch
, async
`produce', … . A couple of important things to remember:
doesn’t need aCoroutineScope
and must not be used from a Vert.x event loop thread. -
To avoid memory leaks, always use
coroutineScope {..}
to define a child scope. In this way, if a coroutine fails inside the scope, all the others, defined inside that scope, will be cancelled too.
Coroutine interoperability
Vert.x integration has been designed to be fully interoperable with Kotlin coroutines
are executed on the event loop thread when using the vertx dispatcher
RxJava interoperability
The module vertx-lang-kotlin-coroutines
does not have specific integration with RxJava however Kotlin coroutines
provide integration with RxJava, which works out nicely with vertx-lang-kotlin-coroutines
You can read about it in the Guide to reactive streams with coroutines