Maven verticle factory

The Maven verticle factory is an implementation of verticle factory loading a service dynamically from a Maven repository at run-time. It’s useful if you don’t want to package all your service dependencies at build-time into your application, but would rather install and deploy them dynamically at run-time when they are requested.


Vert.x picks up VerticleFactory implementations from the classpath, so you just need to make sure the vertx-maven-service-factory jar file on the classpath. First you need to add the Maven verticle factory to your application’s classpath. If you are using a fat jar, you can use the following dependencies:

  • Maven (in your pom.xml):

  • Gradle (in your build.gradle file):

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-maven-service-factory:3.9.4'

This VerticleFactory uses the prefix maven: to select it when deploying services. The service identifier is made up of the Maven co-ordinates of the artifact that contains the service, e.g. com.mycompany:main-services:1.2 followed by a double colon :: followed by the service name. The service name is used to find the service descriptor file inside the artifact which is named by the service name with a .json extension. This is explained in the the vert.x service factory documentation.

For example, to deploy a service that exists in Maven artifact com.mycompany:my-artifact:1.2 called my-service you would use the string maven:com.mycompany:main-services:1.2::my-service. Given this string, the verticle factory

  1. uses the Aether client try and locate the artifact com.mycompany:my-artifact:1.2 and all its dependencies in the configured Maven repositories and download and install it locally if it’s not already installed.

  2. constructs a classpath including all those artifacts and creates a classloader with that classpath

  3. service using the vert.x service factory.

Note that if the current Vert.x classpath contains already an artifact, then this dependency will not be overridden and will be effectively used. Vert.x does not attempt to make some class loading magic, conflicts should be resolved by modifying the Vert.x classpath to not contain this dependency.

The Service Verticle Factory will look for a descriptor file called my-service.json (in the previous example) on the constructed classpath to actually load the service.

Given a service identifier the service can be deployed programmatically e.g.:

vertx.deployVerticle("maven:com.mycompany:my-artifact:1.2::my-service", options);

Or can be deployed on the command line with:

vertx run maven:com.mycompany:my-artifact:1.2::my-service ---

The service name (my-service) can be omitted when the META-INF/MANIFEST in the jar containing the service contains a Main-Verticle entry that declares the verticle to run:

vertx.deployVerticle("maven:com.mycompany:my-artifact:1.2", options);

And the manifest contains:

Main-Verticle: service:my-service

Declaring the Verticle Factory programmatically

You can also declare the verticle factory programmatically:

vertx.registerVerticleFactory(new MavenVerticleFactory());

Configuring repositories

The Maven local repository location can be configured using the vertx.maven.localRepo system property - this should point to the local repository directory on disc. The default value is: {user.home}/.m2/repository

The list of remote repositories can be configured using the vertx.maven.remoteRepos system property - this should contain a*space** separated list of urls to the remote repositories. The default value is


You can also configure the repositories programmatically by passing a ResolverOptions object to the constructor of the MavenVerticleFactory:

vertx.registerVerticleFactory(new MavenVerticleFactory(
    new ResolverOptions()

Remote repository access through authenticated https

You can specify https URLs for remote repositories, the client will uses the JSSE system properties configuration. It can be achieved via JVM system properties, you can read more at

Using system properties

It can configured when running the JVM: for instance:

java -jar my-fat-jar


To configure the HTTPS property, use:

System.setProperty("", "/my_trust_store.jks");
System.setProperty("", "somepassword");

Note that programmatic configuration must be done before using the underlying Aether client (so before instantiating the MavenVerticleFactory.

Remote repository access through proxies

Using system properties

Repositories can be accessed using an http proxy using the vertx.maven.httpProxy and vertx.maven.httpsProxy. The former configures a proxy for remote http repositories and the later configures a proxy for remote http repositories.


You can also configure the repositories programmatically using the setHttpProxy and setHttpsProxy:

vertx.registerVerticleFactory(new MavenVerticleFactory(
    new ResolverOptions().setHttpProxy(proxy))

Configuring authentication

Basic authentication can be achieved by adding a username and/or password in the repository or proxy configuration. For instance will configure to use julien username and secret password if the remote server needs authentication. Proxies are also supported.

Configuring Remote Snapshot Refresh Policy

By default SNAPSHOT dependencies are updated once a day. This behavior can be modified using the system property vertx.maven.remoteSnapshotPolicy. This can be set to always to ensure SNAPSHOT dependencies are updated every time, daily to update just once a day, which is the default, or to never to ensure they are never updated.

It can also be set to interval:X where X is the number of minutes to allow before updating a SNAPSHOT dependency.

The refresh policy can also be configured from the ResolverOptions:

vertx.registerVerticleFactory(new MavenVerticleFactory(
    new ResolverOptions().setRemoteSnapshotPolicy("never"))

Customizing the resolver

You can create an instance of MavenVerticleFactory using your own Resolver:

vertx.registerVerticleFactory(new MavenVerticleFactory(myResolver)