Vert.x MongoDB Client

A Vert.x client allowing applications to interact with a MongoDB instance, whether that’s saving, retrieving, searching, or deleting documents. Mongo is a great match for persisting data in a Vert.x application as it natively handles JSON (BSON) documents.


  • Completely non-blocking

  • Custom codec to support fast serialization to/from Vert.x JSON

  • Supports a majority of the configuration options from the MongoDB Java Driver

This client is based on the MongoDB Async Driver.

Using Vert.x MongoDB Client

To use this project, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:

  • Maven (in your pom.xml):

  • Gradle (in your build.gradle file):

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-mongo-client:3.9.0'

Creating a client

You can create a client in several ways:

Using the default shared pool

In most cases you will want to share a pool between different client instances.

E.g. you scale your application by deploying multiple instances of your verticle and you want each verticle instance to share the same pool so you don’t end up with multiple pools

The simplest way to do this is as follows:

MongoClient client = MongoClient.createShared(vertx, config);

The first call to MongoClient.createShared will actually create the pool, and the specified config will be used.

Subsequent calls will return a new client instance that uses the same pool, so the configuration won’t be used.

Specifying a pool source name

You can create a client specifying a pool source name as follows

MongoClient client = MongoClient.createShared(vertx, config, "MyPoolName");

If different clients are created using the same Vert.x instance and specifying the same pool name, they will share the same pool.

The first call to MongoClient.createShared will actually create the pool, and the specified config will be used.

Subsequent calls will return a new client instance that uses the same pool, so the configuration won’t be used.

Use this way of creating if you wish different groups of clients to have different pools, e.g. they’re interacting with different databases.

Creating a client with a non shared data pool

In most cases you will want to share a pool between different client instances. However, it’s possible you want to create a client instance that doesn’t share its pool with any other client.

In that case you can use MongoClient.create.

MongoClient client = MongoClient.create(vertx, config);

This is equivalent to calling MongoClient.createShared with a unique pool name each time.

Using the API

The client API is represented by MongoClient.

Saving documents

To save a document you use save.

If the document has no \_id field, it is inserted, otherwise, it is upserted. Upserted means it is inserted if it doesn’t already exist, otherwise it is updated.

If the document is inserted and has no id, then the id field generated will be returned to the result handler.

Here’s an example of saving a document and getting the id back

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    System.out.println("Saved book with id " + id);
  } else {

And here’s an example of saving a document which already has an id.

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit")
  .put("_id", "123244");"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    // ...
  } else {

Inserting documents

To insert a document you use insert.

If the document is inserted and has no id, then the id field generated will be returned to the result handler.

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");
mongoClient.insert("books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    System.out.println("Inserted book with id " + id);
  } else {

If a document is inserted with an id, and a document with that id already exists, the insert will fail:

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit")
  .put("_id", "123244");
mongoClient.insert("books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
  } else {
    // Will fail if the book with that id already exists.

Updating documents

To update a documents you use updateCollection.

This updates one or multiple documents in a collection. The json object that is passed in the updateCollection parameter must contain Update Operators and determines how the object is updated.

The json object specified in the query parameter determines which documents in the collection will be updated.

Here’s an example of updating a document in the books collection:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");
// Set the author field
JsonObject update = new JsonObject().put("$set", new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien"));
mongoClient.updateCollection("books", query, update, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    System.out.println("Book updated !");
  } else {

To specify if the update should upsert or update multiple documents, use updateCollectionWithOptions and pass in an instance of UpdateOptions.

This has the following fields:


set to true to update multiple documents


set to true to insert the document if the query doesn’t match


the write concern for this operation

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");
// Set the author field
JsonObject update = new JsonObject().put("$set", new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien"));
UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions().setMulti(true);
mongoClient.updateCollectionWithOptions("books", query, update, options, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    System.out.println("Book updated !");
  } else {

Replacing documents

To replace documents you use replaceDocuments.

This is similar to the update operation, however it does not take any operator. Instead it replaces the entire document with the one provided.

Here’s an example of replacing a document in the books collection

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");
JsonObject replace = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Lord of the Rings")
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
mongoClient.replaceDocuments("books", query, replace, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    System.out.println("Book replaced !");
  } else {

Bulk operations

To execute multiple insert, update, replace, or delete operations at once, use bulkWrite.

You can pass a list of BulkOperations, with each working similar to the matching single operation. You can pass as many operations, even of the same type, as you wish.

To specify if the bulk operation should be executed in order, and with what write option, use bulkWriteWithOptions and pass an instance of BulkWriteOptions. For more explanation what ordered means, see Execution of Operations.

Finding documents

To find documents you use find.

The query parameter is used to match the documents in the collection.

Here’s a simple example with an empty query that will match all books:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject();
mongoClient.find("books", query, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    for (JsonObject json : res.result()) {
  } else {

Here’s another example that will match all books by Tolkien:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
mongoClient.find("books", query, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    for (JsonObject json : res.result()) {
  } else {

The matching documents are returned as a list of json objects in the result handler.

To specify things like what fields to return, how many results to return, etc use findWithOptions and pass in the an instance of FindOptions.

This has the following fields:


The fields to return in the results. Defaults to null, meaning all fields will be returned


The fields to sort by. Defaults to null.


The limit of the number of results to return. Default to -1, meaning all results will be returned.


The number of documents to skip before returning the results. Defaults to 0.

Finding documents in batches

When dealing with large data sets, it is not advised to use the find and findWithOptions methods. In order to avoid inflating the whole response into memory, use findBatch:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
mongoClient.findBatch("book", query)
  .exceptionHandler(throwable -> throwable.printStackTrace())
  .endHandler(v -> System.out.println("End of research"))
  .handler(doc -> System.out.println("Found doc: " + doc.encodePrettily()));

The matching documents are emitted one by one by the ReadStream handler.

FindOptions has an extra parameter batchSize which you can use to set the number of documents to load at once:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
FindOptions options = new FindOptions().setBatchSize(100);
mongoClient.findBatchWithOptions("book", query, options)
  .exceptionHandler(throwable -> throwable.printStackTrace())
  .endHandler(v -> System.out.println("End of research"))
  .handler(doc -> System.out.println("Found doc: " + doc.encodePrettily()));

By default, batchSize is set to 20.

Finding a single document

To find a single document you use findOne.

This works just like find but it returns just the first matching document.

Removing documents

To remove documents use removeDocuments.

The query parameter is used to match the documents in the collection to determine which ones to remove.

Here’s an example of removing all Tolkien books:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
mongoClient.removeDocuments("books", query, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    System.out.println("Never much liked Tolkien stuff!");
  } else {

Removing a single document

To remove a single document you use removeDocument.

This works just like removeDocuments but it removes just the first matching document.

Counting documents

To count documents use count.

Here’s an example that counts the number of Tolkien books. The number is passed to the result handler.

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");
mongoClient.count("books", query, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    long num = res.result();
  } else {

Managing MongoDB collections

All MongoDB documents are stored in collections.

To get a list of all collections you can use getCollections

mongoClient.getCollections(res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    List<String> collections = res.result();
  } else {

To create a new collection you can use createCollection

mongoClient.createCollection("mynewcollectionr", res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    // Created ok!
  } else {

To drop a collection you can use dropCollection

Dropping a collection will delete all documents within it!
mongoClient.dropCollection("mynewcollectionr", res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    // Dropped ok!
  } else {

Running other MongoDB commands

You can run arbitrary MongoDB commands with runCommand.

Commands can be used to run more advanced MongoDB features, such as using MapReduce. For more information see the mongo docs for supported Commands.

Here’s an example of running an aggregate command. Note that the command name must be specified as a parameter and also be contained in the JSON that represents the command. This is because JSON is not ordered but BSON is ordered and MongoDB expects the first BSON entry to be the name of the command. In order for us to know which of the entries in the JSON is the command name it must be specified as a parameter.

JsonObject command = new JsonObject()
  .put("aggregate", "collection_name")
  .put("pipeline", new JsonArray());
mongoClient.runCommand("aggregate", command, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    JsonArray resArr = res.result().getJsonArray("result");
    // etc
  } else {

MongoDB Extended JSON support

For now, only date, oid and binary types are supported (see MongoDB Extended JSON).

Here’s an example of inserting a document with a date field:

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit")
  //ISO-8601 date
  .put("publicationDate", new JsonObject().put("$date", "1937-09-21T00:00:00+00:00"));"publishedBooks", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    mongoService.findOne("publishedBooks", new JsonObject().put("_id", id), null, res2 -> {
      if (res2.succeeded()) {
        System.out.println("To retrieve ISO-8601 date : "
          + res2.result().getJsonObject("publicationDate").getString("$date"));
      } else {
  } else {

Here’s an example (in Java) of inserting a document with a binary field and reading it back

byte[] binaryObject = new byte[40];
JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("name", "Alan Turing")
  .put("binaryStuff", new JsonObject().put("$binary", binaryObject));"smartPeople", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    mongoService.findOne("smartPeople", new JsonObject().put("_id", id), null, res2 -> {
      if (res2.succeeded()) {
        byte[] reconstitutedBinaryObject = res2.result().getJsonObject("binaryStuff").getBinary("$binary");
        //This could now be de-serialized into an object in real life
      } else {
  } else {

Here’s an example of inserting a base 64 encoded string, typing it as binary a binary field, and reading it back

String base64EncodedString = "a2FpbHVhIGlzIHRoZSAjMSBiZWFjaCBpbiB0aGUgd29ybGQ=";
JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("name", "Alan Turing")
  .put("binaryStuff", new JsonObject().put("$binary", base64EncodedString));"smartPeople", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    mongoService.findOne("smartPeople", new JsonObject().put("_id", id), null, res2 -> {
      if (res2.succeeded()) {
        String reconstitutedBase64EncodedString = res2.result().getJsonObject("binaryStuff").getString("$binary");
        //This could now converted back to bytes from the base 64 string
      } else {
  } else {

Here’s an example of inserting an object ID and reading it back

String individualId = new ObjectId().toHexString();
JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("name", "Stephen Hawking")
  .put("individualId", new JsonObject().put("$oid", individualId));"smartPeople", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    String id = res.result();
    JsonObject query = new JsonObject().put("_id", id);
    mongoService.findOne("smartPeople", query, null, res2 -> {
      if (res2.succeeded()) {
        String reconstitutedIndividualId = res2.result()
      } else {
  } else {

Getting distinct values

Here’s an example of getting distinct value

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    mongoClient.distinct("books", "title", String.class.getName(), res2 -> {
      System.out.println("Title is : " + res2.result().getJsonArray(0));
  } else {

Here’s an example of getting distinct value in batch mode

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit");"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    mongoClient.distinctBatch("books", "title", String.class.getName())
      .handler(book -> System.out.println("Title is : " + book.getString("title")));
  } else {
  • Here’s an example of getting distinct value with query

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit")
  .put("publicationDate", new JsonObject().put("$date", "1937-09-21T00:00:00+00:00"));
JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
    new JsonObject().put("$gte", new JsonObject().put("$date", "1937-09-21T00:00:00+00:00")));"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    mongoClient.distinctWithQuery("books", "title", String.class.getName(), query, res2 -> {
      System.out.println("Title is : " + res2.result().getJsonArray(0));

Here’s an example of getting distinct value in batch mode with query

JsonObject document = new JsonObject()
  .put("title", "The Hobbit")
  .put("publicationDate", new JsonObject().put("$date", "1937-09-21T00:00:00+00:00"));
JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("publicationDate", new JsonObject()
    .put("$gte", new JsonObject().put("$date", "1937-09-21T00:00:00+00:00")));"books", document, res -> {
  if (res.succeeded()) {
    mongoClient.distinctBatchWithQuery("books", "title", String.class.getName(), query)
      .handler(book -> System.out.println("Title is : " + book.getString("title")));

Configuring the client

The client is configured with a json object.

The following configuration is supported by the mongo client:


Name of the database in the MongoDB instance to use. Defaults to default_db


Toggle this option to support persisting and retrieving ObjectId’s as strings. If true, hex-strings will be saved as native Mongodb ObjectId types in the document collection. This will allow the sorting of documents based on creation time. You can also derive the creation time from the hex-string using ObjectId::getDate(). Set to false for other types of your choosing. If set to false, or left to default, hex strings will be generated as the document _id if the _id is omitted from the document. Defaults to false.

The mongo client tries to support most options that are allowed by the driver. There are two ways to configure mongo for use by the driver, either by a connection string or by separate configuration options.

If the connection string is used the mongo client will ignore any driver configuration options.

The connection string the driver uses to create the client. E.g. mongodb://localhost:27017. For more information on the format of the connection string please consult the driver documentation.

Specific driver configuration options

 // Single Cluster Settings
 "host" : "", // string
 "port" : 27017,      // int

 // Multiple Cluster Settings
 "hosts" : [
     "host" : "cluster1", // string
     "port" : 27000       // int
     "host" : "cluster2", // string
     "port" : 28000       // int
 "replicaSet" :  "foo",    // string
 "serverSelectionTimeoutMS" : 30000, // long

 // Connection Pool Settings
 "maxPoolSize" : 50,                // int
 "minPoolSize" : 25,                // int
 "maxIdleTimeMS" : 300000,          // long
 "maxLifeTimeMS" : 3600000,         // long
 "waitQueueMultiple"  : 10,         // int
 "waitQueueTimeoutMS" : 10000,      // long
 "maintenanceFrequencyMS" : 2000,   // long
 "maintenanceInitialDelayMS" : 500, // long

 // Credentials / Auth
 "username"   : "john",     // string
 "password"   : "passw0rd", // string
 "authSource" : "some.db"   // string
 // Auth mechanism
 "authMechanism"     : "GSSAPI",        // string
 "gssapiServiceName" : "myservicename", // string

 // Socket Settings
 "connectTimeoutMS" : 300000, // int
 "socketTimeoutMS"  : 100000, // int
 "sendBufferSize"    : 8192,  // int
 "receiveBufferSize" : 8192,  // int
 "keepAlive" : true           // boolean

 // Heartbeat socket settings
 "heartbeat.socket" : {
 "connectTimeoutMS" : 300000, // int
 "socketTimeoutMS"  : 100000, // int
 "sendBufferSize"    : 8192,  // int
 "receiveBufferSize" : 8192,  // int
 "keepAlive" : true           // boolean

 // Server Settings
 "heartbeatFrequencyMS" :    1000 // long
 "minHeartbeatFrequencyMS" : 500 // long

Driver option descriptions


The host the MongoDB instance is running. Defaults to This is ignored if hosts is specified


The port the MongoDB instance is listening on. Defaults to 27017. This is ignored if hosts is specified


An array representing the hosts and ports to support a MongoDB cluster (sharding / replication)


A host in the cluster


The port a host in the cluster is listening on


The name of the replica set, if the MongoDB instance is a member of a replica set


The time in milliseconds that the mongo driver will wait to select a server for an operation before raising an error.


The maximum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is 100


The minimum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is 0


The maximum idle time of a pooled connection. The default value is 0 which means there is no limit


The maximum time a pooled connection can live for. The default value is 0 which means there is no limit


The maximum number of waiters for a connection to become available from the pool. Default value is 500


The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available. Default value is 120000 (2 minutes)


The time period between runs of the maintenance job. Default is 0.


The period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool. Default is 0.


The username to authenticate. Default is null (meaning no authentication required)


The password to use to authenticate.


The database name associated with the user’s credentials. Default value is the db_name value.


The authentication mechanism to use. See [Authentication]( for more details.


The Kerberos service name if GSSAPI is specified as the authMechanism.


The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out. Default is 10000 (10 seconds)


The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out. Default is 0 meaning there is no timeout


Sets the send buffer size (SO_SNDBUF) for the socket. Default is 0, meaning it will use the OS default for this option.


Sets the receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF) for the socket. Default is 0, meaning it will use the OS default for this option.


Sets the keep alive (SO_KEEPALIVE) for the socket. Default is false


Configures the socket settings for the cluster monitor of the MongoDB java driver.


The frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server. Default is 5000 (5 seconds)


The minimum heartbeat frequency. The default value is 1000 (1 second)


Enable ssl between the vertx-mongo-client and mongo


When using ssl, trust ALL certificates. WARNING - Trusting ALL certificates will open you up to potential security issues such as MITM attacks.


Set a path to a file that contains a certificate that will be used as a source of trust when making SSL connections to mongo.

Most of the default values listed above use the default values of the MongoDB Java Driver. Please consult the driver documentation for up to date information.

RxJava 2 API

The Mongo client provides an Rxified version of the original API.

Creating an Rxified client

To create an Rxified Mongo client, make sure to import the MongoClient class. Then use one of the create methods to get an instance:

MongoClient client = MongoClient.createShared(vertx, config);

Finding documents in batches

A ReadStream can be converted to a Flowable, which is handy when you have to deal with large data sets:

JsonObject query = new JsonObject()
  .put("author", "J. R. R. Tolkien");

ReadStream<JsonObject> books = mongoClient.findBatch("book", query);

// Convert the stream to a Flowable
Flowable<JsonObject> flowable = books.toFlowable();

flowable.subscribe(doc -> {
  System.out.println("Found doc: " + doc.encodePrettily());
}, throwable -> {
}, () -> {
  System.out.println("End of research");