What's new in Vert.x 4

Vert.x 4 comes with plenty of new ex­cit­ing fea­tures, some of them have been de­vel­oped in Vert.x 3 and made avail­able as tech pre­views.

Here is an overview of the most im­por­tant fea­tures sup­ported in Vert.x 4.

User experience

Vert.x 4 has been de­signed to im­prove user ex­pe­ri­ence and API’s us­abil­ity while keep­ing it fast, un-​opinionated, and most im­por­tantly fun!

Callback to the Future

Get away from call­back hell and use the power of Vert.x 4 fu­tures.

Microservices monitoring

Vert.x Trac­ing sup­ports both Open­trac­ing and Zip­kin. It also com­ple­ments Vert.x Met­rics.

Reactive SQL clients

High-​performance re­ac­tive SQL clients, fully in­te­grated with Vert.x Met­rics and Vert.x Trac­ing.

Reactive Redis client

The re­vamped client API now sup­ports all Redis con­nec­tion modes, sin­gle, sen­tinel and clus­ter, with full and ex­ten­si­ble sup­port for Redis com­mands.

SQL templating

SQL Client Tem­plates is a li­brary de­signed to fa­cil­i­tate build­ing SQL queries.


Web ses­sions can now be stored on a ex­ter­nal back­end such as Redis.

Web rout­ing ex­pe­ri­ence has been im­proved.

Web val­i­da­tion has never been so easy using the lat­est Json Schema stan­dards thanks to Vert.x Web val­i­da­tion.


The re­vamped Ope­nAPI im­ple­men­ta­tion uses Web val­i­da­tion to en­force Con­tract Dri­ven De­vel­op­ment.

Authentication and Authorization

A set of new mod­ules are avail­able

  • vertx-auth-properties and vertx-auth-ldap to re­place the dep­re­cated shiro auth.
  • vertx-auth-sql to work with re­ac­tive sql clients in­stead of block­ing jdbc clients.
  • vertx-auth-webauth as a FIDO2 ver­i­fied im­ple­men­ta­tion of FIDO2/We­bau­thn Relay Party.

The vertx-auth-oauth2 mod­ule now sup­ports PKCE as an extra layer of se­cu­rity to your ap­pli­ca­tion.

JSON Web To­kens (JWT) and JSON Web Keys (JWK) have been en­hanced to sup­port more al­go­rithms, EC, RS and PS as well as now fully sup­port cer­tifi­cate chain val­i­da­tions, en­abling bet­ter ver­i­fi­ca­tions.

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Migrate from Vert.x 3 to Vert.x 4

We provide a clear and well-documented migration path from Vert.x 3.9 to Vert.x 4. Existing users will feel at home with the new version.

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