VS Code Vert.x Starter Extension

Hi Vert.x com­mu­nity! Today, we are re­ally ex­cited to an­nounce the Vi­sual Stu­dio Code Vert.x Starter ex­ten­sion.

The ex­ten­sion is a com­mu­nity con­tri­bu­tion made by Daniel Petisme (@danielpetisme).


Vi­sual Stu­dio Code is a pop­u­lar code ed­i­tor with a lot of ad­di­tional ex­ten­sions.

Vi­sual Stu­dio Code Vert.x Starter ex­ten­sion al­lows you to:

  • Cre­ate a Vert.x project
  • Cus­tomize the cre­ation (Vert.x ver­sion, lan­guage, build tool, groupId, artifactId, pack­age name, JDK ver­sion)
  • Search for de­pen­den­cies

The ex­ten­sion can be con­fig­ured to match your con­text (e.g. defin­ing your de­fault com­pany groupId).

How it works

Be­hind the scene, the ex­ten­sion re­lies on the Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion gen­er­a­tor API and demon­strate how easy it is to de­velop your own IDE plug­in or cus­tom tool­ing to gen­er­ate Vert.x projects. For fur­ther de­tails about the start.vertx.io API, please refer to the Vert.x Starter project on GitHub.


Feel free to ask ques­tions or pro­pose new fea­tures on the VS­Code Vert.x Starter GitHub repos­i­tory.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.8.0 released!

We are extremely pleased to announce that Eclipse Vert.x 3.8.0 has been released. This is an important release introduceing a few changes ramping up to Vert.x 4.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.7.1

We have just released Vert.x 3.7.1, a bug fix release of Vert.x 3.7.x and a few small features.

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