Vertx 3 and Keycloak tutorial

With the up­com­ing re­lease of Vert.x 3.3 se­cur­ing your ap­pli­ca­tion with Key­cloak is even eas­ier than be­fore.

About Keycloak

Key­cloak de­scribes it­self as an Open Source Iden­tity and Ac­cess Man­age­ment For Mod­ern Ap­pli­ca­tions and Ser­vices.

With Key­cloak you can quickly add Au­then­ti­ca­tion and Au­tho­riza­tion to your vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion. The easy way is to setup a realm on key­cloak and once you’re done, ex­port the con­fig­u­ra­tion to your vert.x app.

This how you would se­cure your app:

  1. cre­ate a OAuth2Auth in­stance with OAuth2Auth.createKeycloak(...)
  2. copy your con­fig from the key­cloak admin GUI
  3. setup your call­back ac­cord­ing to what you en­tered on key­cloak
  4. se­cure your re­source with router.route("/protected/*").handler(oauth2)


The fol­low­ing screen­cast ex­plains how you can do this from scratch:

Don’t for­get to fol­low our youtube chan­nel!

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Vert.x 3.3.0 is released!

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