Vert.x Web API Service Introduction

Vert.x 3.6 in­tro­duces a new mod­ule called vertx-web-api-service. With the new Web API Ser­vices you can eas­ily com­bine the Vert.x Web Router and the Vert.x Ope­nAPI Router Fac­tory fea­tures with Vert.x Ser­vices on Event Bus.

Small recap on OpenAPI and Vert.x Web API Contract

Let’s start from this Ope­nAPI de­f­i­n­i­tion:

openapi: 3.0.0
      operationId: getTransactionsList
      description: Get transactions list filtered by sender
      x-vertx-event-bus: transactions_manager.myapp
        - name: from
          in: query
          description: Matches exactly the email from
          style: form
          explode: false
            type: array
              type: string
      responses: ...
      operationId: addTransaction
      x-vertx-event-bus: transactions_manager.myapp
        required: true
              $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transaction"
      responses: ...
      - name: transactionId
        in: path
        required: true
          type: string
      operationId: updateTransaction
      x-vertx-event-bus: transactions_manager.myapp
        required: true
              $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transaction"
      responses: ...
      operationId: removeTransaction
      x-vertx-event-bus: transactions_manager.myapp
      responses: ...
    Transaction: ...
    Error: ...

We de­fined getTransactionsList, addTransaction, updateTransaction and removeTransaction op­er­a­tions. Now with OpenAPI3RouterFactory we cre­ate a Router that ac­cepts this var­i­ous op­er­a­tion re­quests:

OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(vertx, "src/main/resources/petstore.yaml", ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    // Spec loaded with success
    OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = ar.result();
    routerFactory.addHandlerByOperationId("getTransactionsList", routingContext -> {
      RequestParameters params = routingContext.get("parsedParameters");
      RequestParameter from = params.queryParameter("from");
      // getTransactionsList business logic
    // add handlers for addTransaction, updateTransaction and removeTransaction
    Router router = routerFactory.getRouter();
  } else {
    // Something went wrong during router factory initialization
    Throwable exception = ar.cause();
    // Log exception, fail verticle deployment ... etc

The OpenAPI3RouterFactory pro­vides an easy way to cre­ate a spec­i­fi­ca­tion com­pli­ant Router, but it doesn’t pro­vide a mech­a­nism to de­cou­ple the busi­ness logic from your op­er­a­tion han­dlers.

In a typ­i­cal Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion, when you re­ceive a re­quest to your router, you would for­ward it to an event bus end­point that per­forms some ac­tions and sends the re­sult back to the op­er­a­tion han­dler.

Vert.x Web API Ser­vice sim­pli­fies that in­te­gra­tion be­tween RouterFactory and EventBus with a new code gen­er­a­tor. The final re­sult is a loose cou­pling be­tween the Web Router logic and your busi­ness logic.

Let’s get started with Vert.x Web Api Services!

To use vertx-web-api-service you need to add a cou­ple of de­pen­den­cies to your project. In a Maven POM file that would be:


We will pro­ceed in this order:

  1. Model the ser­vice in­ter­face
  2. Rewrite it to work with Web Api Ser­vices
  3. Im­ple­ment the ser­vice
  4. Mount the ser­vice on the event bus
  5. Use the router fac­tory to build a router with han­dlers that con­nects to our event bus ser­vices

Model your service

Let’s say that we want to model a ser­vice that man­ages all op­er­a­tions re­gard­ing CRUD trans­ac­tions. An ex­am­ple in­ter­face for this asyn­chro­nous ser­vice could be:

public interface TransactionsManagerService {
  void getTransactionsList(List<String> from, Handler<AsyncResult<List<Transaction>>> resultHandler);
  void addTransaction(Transaction transaction, Handler<AsyncResult<Transaction>> resultHandler);
  void updateTransaction(String transactionId, Transaction transaction, Handler<AsyncResult<Transaction>> resultHandler);
  void removeTransaction(String transactionId, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> resultHandler);

For each op­er­a­tion, we have some pa­ra­me­ters, de­pend­ing on the op­er­a­tion, and a call­back (resultHandler) that should be called when the op­er­a­tion suc­ceeds or fails.

With Vert.x Ser­vice Proxy, you can de­fine an event bus ser­vice with a Java in­ter­face sim­i­lar to the one we just saw and then an­no­tate it with @ProxyGen. This an­no­ta­tion will gen­er­ate a ser­vice han­dler for the de­fined ser­vice that can be plugged to the event bus with ServiceBinder. vertx-web-api-service works in a very sim­i­lar way: you need to an­no­tate the Java in­ter­face with @WebApiServiceGen and it will gen­er­ate the ser­vice han­dler for the event bus.

Let’s rewrite the TransactionsManagerService to work with Web API Ser­vice:

import io.vertx.ext.web.api.*;
import io.vertx.ext.web.api.generator.WebApiServiceGen;

public interface TransactionsManagerService {
  void getTransactionsList(List<String> from, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);
  void addTransaction(Transaction body, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);
  void updateTransaction(String transactionId, Transaction body, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);
  void removeTransaction(String transactionId, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);

  // Factory method to instantiate the implementation
  static TransactionsManagerService create(Vertx vertx) {
    return new TransactionsManagerServiceImpl(vertx);

First of all, look at the an­no­ta­tion @WebApiServiceGen. This an­no­ta­tion will trig­ger the code gen­er­a­tor that gen­er­ates the event bus han­dler for this ser­vice. Each method has the same two last pa­ra­me­ters:

  • OperationRequest context: this data ob­ject con­tains the head­ers and the pa­ra­me­ters of the HTTP re­quest
  • Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler: this call­back ac­cepts an OperationResponse data ob­ject that will en­cap­su­late the body of the re­sult, the sta­tus code, the sta­tus mes­sage and the head­ers

The gen­er­ated han­dler re­ceives only the OperationRequest data ob­ject and ex­tracts from it all op­er­a­tion pa­ra­me­ters. For ex­am­ple, when the router re­ceives a re­quest at getTransactionsList, it sends to TransactionsManagerService the OperationRequest con­tain­ing the RequestParameters map. From this map, the ser­vice gen­er­ated han­dler ex­tracts the from pa­ra­me­ter.

There­fore op­er­a­tion pa­ra­me­ters names should match method pa­ra­me­ter names.

When you want to ex­tract the body you must use body key­word. For more de­tails, please refer to the doc­u­men­ta­tion.

Implement the service

Now that you have your in­ter­face, you can im­ple­ment the ser­vice:

public class TransactionsManagerServiceImpl implements TransactionsManagerService {

  private Vertx vertx;

  public TransactionsManagerServiceImpl(Vertx vertx) {  this.vertx = vertx;  }

  public void getTransactionsList(List<String> from, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler){
    // Write your business logic here

  // Implement other operations


Check the OperationResult doc­u­men­ta­tion to look at var­i­ous handy meth­ods to cre­ate a com­plete re­sponse.

Mount the Service

Now that you have your ser­vice in­ter­face and im­ple­men­ta­tion, you can mount your ser­vice with ServiceBinder:

ServiceBinder serviceBinder = new ServiceBinder(vertx);

TransactionsManagerService transactionsManagerService = TransactionsManagerService.create(vertx);
    .register(TransactionsManagerService.class, transactionsManagerService)

And the Router Factory?

The ser­vice is up and run­ning, but we need to con­nect it to the Router built by OpenAPI3RouterFactory:

OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(this.vertx, "my_spec.yaml", openAPI3RouterFactoryAsyncResult -> {
  if (openAPI3RouterFactoryAsyncResult.succeeded()) {
    OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = openAPI3RouterFactoryAsyncResult.result();
    // Mount services on event bus based on extensions
    routerFactory.mountServicesFromExtensions(); // <- Pure magic happens!
    // Generate the router
    Router router = routerFactory.getRouter();
    server = vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions().setPort(8080));
    // Initialization completed
  } else {
    // Something went wrong during router factory initialization

In our spec ex­am­ple we added an ex­ten­sion x-vertx-event-bus to each op­er­a­tion that spec­i­fies the ad­dress of the ser­vice. Using this ex­ten­sion, you only need to call OpenAPI3RouterFactory.mountServicesFromExtensions() to trig­ger a scan of all op­er­a­tions and mount all found ser­vice ad­dresses. For each op­er­a­tion that con­tains x-vertx-event-bus, the Router Fac­tory in­stan­ti­ates an han­dler that routes the in­com­ing re­quests to the ad­dress you spec­i­fied.

This is one of the meth­ods you can use to match ser­vices with router op­er­a­tion han­dlers. Check the doc­u­men­ta­tion for all de­tails.

More examples

Check out the com­plete ex­am­ple in vertx-​examples repo.

Thanks you for your time, stay tuned for more up­dates! And please pro­vide feed­back about this new pack­age!

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