Vert.x featuring Continuous Delivery with Jenkins and Ansible

This blog entry de­scribes an ap­proach to adopt Con­tin­u­ous De­liv­ery for Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions using Jenk­ins and An­si­ble by tak­ing ad­van­tage of the Jenk­ins Job DSL and An­si­ble plu­g­ins.


This post was writ­ten in con­text of the project ti­tled “De­vOps tool­ing for Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions”, one of the projects at Vert.x tak­ing place dur­ing the 2016 edi­tion of Google Sum­mer of Code, a pro­gram that aims to bring stu­dents to­gether with open source or­ga­ni­za­tions in order to help them to gain ex­po­sure to soft­ware de­vel­op­ment prac­tices and real-​world chal­lenges.


Sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion man­age­ment (e.g., An­si­ble) has been re­ally hype in the re­cent years and there is a strong rea­son for that. Con­fig­u­ra­tion man­age­ment fa­cil­i­tates con­fig­ur­ing a new en­vi­ron­ment fol­low­ing a fixed recipe or slightly vary­ing it with the help of pa­ra­me­ters. This has not only the ad­van­tage of being able to do it more fre­quently but re­duces the chance of er­rors than doing it man­u­ally.
Be­yond that, com­bin­ing it with Con­tin­u­ous In­te­gra­tion tools (e.g., Jenk­ins) al­lows mak­ing a de­ploy­ment as soon as a new code­base ver­sion is avail­able, which rep­re­sents the main build­ing block of a Con­tin­u­ous De­liv­ery pipeline, one of the ob­jec­tives of em­brac­ing a De­vOps cul­ture.

Given that Vert.x is a frame­work that con­sists in a few li­braries which can be shipped within a sin­gle fat jar, adopt­ing a De­vOps cul­ture while de­vel­op­ing a Vert.x-​based ap­pli­ca­tion is straight­for­ward.


As seen in the di­a­gram below, this post de­scribes a method to de­fine a Jenk­ins build job which will react to changes in a code repos­i­tory. After suc­ces­fully build­ing the project, the job will ex­e­cute an An­si­ble play­book to de­ploy the new ap­pli­ca­tion ver­sion to the hosts spec­i­fied within the An­si­ble con­fig­u­ra­tion.

Overview of the continous delivery process

Creating a Jenkins build job using Job DSL

Jenk­ins has cre­ated a con­ve­nient way to de­fine build jobs using a DSL. While this op­tion avoids the has­sle of con­fig­ur­ing build jobs man­u­ally, it sup­ports all fea­tures of the reg­u­lar in­ter­face through its API. It is pos­si­ble to use An­si­ble to­gether with Jenk­ins with the help of the An­si­ble plugin, whose in­struc­tions are also in­cluded in the Job DSL API. Al­ter­na­tively to the Job DSL Plu­gin, An­si­ble can be used in­side the de­f­i­n­i­tion of Jenk­ins Pipeline, one of tool’s most re­cent fea­tures.

Below is a sam­ple job de­f­i­n­i­tion which can be used after cre­at­ing a freestyle job (seed job) and adding a new build step with the DSL script. In the script, there are a few things to no­tice:

  • A name for the job cre­ated by the seed job is given.
  • Spe­cific ver­sions of JDK, Maven, and An­si­ble (avail­able in the en­vi­ron­ment) are used.
  • Git is se­lected as the SCM plat­form and the tar­get repos­i­tory is de­fined. Also, the build job is trig­gered ac­cord­ing to a spe­cific in­ter­val.
  • The Maven pack­age goal is in­voked, which is in­structed to pack­age the ap­pli­ca­tion into a fat jar.
  • Lastly, An­si­ble is used to call a play­book avail­able in the filesys­tem. The app will be de­ployed to the de­fined tar­get hosts and the cre­den­tials (con­fig­ured in Jenk­ins) will be used to log into the tar­get hosts. Ad­di­tion­ally, en­abling the colorizedOutput op­tion will re­sult in a friend­lier for­mat­ting of the re­sults in the con­sole out­put. The con­tents of this play­book will be ad­dressed in the next sec­tion.
job('vertx-microservices-workshop-job') {
    scm {
    triggers {
        scm('*/15 * * * *')
    steps {

      def mvnInst = 'M3.3.9'  
      maven {  
      ansiblePlaybook('/ansible/playbook.yml') {  


Deploying Vert.x app using Ansible

An An­si­ble Play­book re­sults quite con­ve­nient to de­ploy a Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion to a num­ber of hosts while still tak­ing con­sid­er­a­tions for each of them. Below is a sam­ple play­book that de­ploys the re­spec­tive ap­pli­ca­tion to each of the hosts de­scribed in an in­ven­tory file. The play­book com­prises the fol­low­ing tasks and takes the listed con­sid­er­a­tions:

1) A task that tar­gets only hosts with a data­base.

  • The tar­get hosts is spec­i­fied with the name of the host (or hosts group) de­fined in the in­ven­tory file.

2) Ac­tual ap­pli­ca­tion de­ploy­ment task. Here, sev­eral con­sid­er­a­tions are done:

  • The ap­pli­ca­tion may re­quire that only one host is up­dated at the time.
    This can be achieved with the serial op­tion, while the order of the de­ploy­ment to hosts can be en­forced in the hosts op­tion.
Host processing order

Even though we could have de­clared all hosts, An­si­ble does not pro­vide an ex­plicit way to spec­ify the order.

  • Java is a sys­tem re­quire­ment for our Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions.
    Be­sides in­stalling it (keep read­ing), we need to de­clare the JAVA_HOME en­vi­ron­ment vari­able.
  • A de­ploy­ment may just rep­re­sent an up­date to an al­ready run­ning ap­pli­ca­tion (Con­tin­u­ous De­ploy­ment), hence it is con­ve­nient to stop the pre­vi­ous ap­pli­ca­tion in­side the pre_tasks and take post-​deployment ac­tions in the post_tasks. Vert.x ships with the con­ve­nient start/stop/list com­mands that re­sult very help­ful here. We can use the list com­mand and ex­tract (using regex) the id of the run­ning ap­pli­ca­tion of its out­put to stop it be­fore de­ploy­ing a new ver­sion.

If our so­lu­tion in­cludes a load bal­ancer or proxy, we could deal with them at this step as de­scribed in An­si­ble’s best prac­tices for rolling up­dates

  • Call to a role that makes the ac­tual ap­pli­ca­tion de­ploy­ment. The Jenk­ins An­si­ble Plu­gin in­cludes, be­tween oth­ers, a WORKSPACE en­vi­ron­ment vari­able, which may re­sult very help­ful in the fol­low­ing tasks, as shown later.
  # 1) Special task for the service with a db
- hosts: audit-service
  remote_user: vagrant
  become: yes
    - db-setup

  # 2) Common tasks for all hosts
- hosts: quote-generator:portfolio-service:compulsive-traders:audit-service:trader-dashboard
  remote_user: vagrant
  become: yes
  serial: 1
    JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk/

  - name: Check if the app jar exists in the target already
    stat: path=/usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar
    register: st
  - name: List running Vert.x applications
    command: java -jar /usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar list
    register: running_app_list
    when: st.stat.exists == True
  - name: Stop app if it is already running (avoid multiple running instances)
    command: java -jar /usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar stop {% raw %}{{ item | regex_replace('^(?P<V_id>.[8]-.[4]-.[4].[4].[12])\t.*', '\\g<V_id>') }}{% endraw %}
    with_items: "{% raw %}{{ running_app_list.stdout_lines|default([]) }}{% endraw %}"
    when: st.stat.exists == True and (item | regex_replace('.*\t(.*)$', '\\1') | match('.*/app-fatjar.jar$'))

  # Main role
    - { role: vertx-app-deployment, jenkins_job_workspace: "{{ lookup('env', 'WORKSPACE') }}" }

  - name: List again running Vert.x applications
    command: java -jar /usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar list

Once we took care of the ac­tions shown be­fore, the re­main­ing tasks (in­cluded in the main de­ploy­ment role) re­duce to the fol­low­ing:

1) Pre­pare the tar­get ma­chine with the proper en­vi­ron­ment to run our ap­pli­ca­tion. This in­cludes:

  • Set up Java (pretty con­ve­nient to do it through a pack­age man­ager).
  • Copy the Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion pack­age to the ap­pro­pri­ate folder (quite sim­ple using a fat jar). The ac­tual name and lo­ca­tion of the jar pack­age in the Jenk­ins en­vi­ron­ment can be de­fined using host-​specific vari­ables.
  • In case nec­es­sary, copy the re­quired con­fig files.
- name: Install Java 1.8 and some basic dependencies
  yum: name={% raw %}{{ item }}{% endraw %} state=present
   - java-1.8.0-openjdk
- name: Ensure app dir exists
  file: path=/usr/share/vertx_app/ recurse=yes state=directory mode=0744
- name: Copy the Vert.x application jar package
  copy: src={% raw %}{{ app_jar }}{% endraw %} dest=/usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar mode=0755
- name: Ensure config dir exists
  file: path=/etc/vertx_app/ recurse=yes state=directory mode=0744
- name: Copy the application config file if needed
  copy: src={% raw %}{{ app_config }}{% endraw %} dest=/etc/vertx_app/config.json mode=0755
  when: app_config is defined

2) Run the ap­pli­ca­tion as a ser­vice in the host­ing ma­chine.

  • Make sure to ig­nore the hang up sig­nal with the help of nohup com­mand. Oth­er­wise, An­si­ble will be stuck at this step.
- name: Run Vert.x application as a service, ignore the SIGHUP signal
  shell: nohup java {% raw %}{{ vertx_opts }}{% endraw %} -jar /usr/share/vertx_app/app-fatjar.jar start {% raw %}{{ launch_params }}{% endraw %}
  register: svc_run_out
- name: Print run output
  debug: var=svc_run_out.stdout_lines
Launching the Vert.x app

This ex­am­ple uses the start com­mand to launch the ap­pli­ca­tion as a ser­vice. This method may re­sult more com­fort­able than cre­at­ing an init.d script or call­ing Vert.x from com­mand line, which would have re­quired to in­stall the Vert.x li­braries in an in­de­pen­dent An­si­ble task.

This de­scribes all the con­fig­u­ra­tion needed to be able to build from a repos­i­tory using Jenk­ins and de­ploy the re­sults to our hosts with An­si­ble.

Sample sources and demo

The sam­ple con­fig­u­ra­tions pre­sented be­fore are part of a com­plete demo fo­cused on the Vert.x mi­croser­vices work­shop to ex­em­plify a basic Con­tin­u­ous De­liv­ery sce­nario. This set up is avail­able in a repos­i­tory and con­tains, in ad­di­tion, a pre-​configured Jenkins-​based demo ready to host the build job de­scribed the pre­vi­ous sec­tions. The demo sce­nario re­quires Va­grant and Vir­tu­al­box to be launched.

Launch instructions

  • Clone or down­load this repos­i­tory, and launch the demo using vagrant up
git clone
cd demo
vagrant up

This com­mand will launch a vir­tual ma­chine host­ing Jenk­ins with the re­quired plu­g­ins in­stalled (tools names needed) and also launch five ad­di­tional VMs that will host the mi­croser­vices de­ployed by Jenk­ins.

  • Cre­ate a Jenk­ins freestyle build job using the DSL job script (seed job) found in deployment-jobs/microservices_workshop_dsl.groovy and build it.
Tool configuration assumption

The DSL Job as­sumes the fol­low­ing tools (with names) have been con­fig­ured in Jenk­ins: Java 8 (JDK8), Maven (M3.3.9), An­si­ble (Ansible2.0)

  • After build­ing the seed job, a new job (vertx-microservices-workshop-job) will be cre­ated, which will be in charge of pulling re­cent changes of the project, build­ing it, and de­ploy­ing it.


Watch the pre­vi­ous demo in ac­tion in the fol­low­ing screen­cast:


Con­tin­u­ous De­liv­ery ap­proach is a must in mod­ern soft­ware de­vel­op­ment life­cy­cles (in­clud­ing Vert.x-​based ap­pli­ca­tions) and a step fur­ther to­wards adopt­ing a De­vOps cul­ture. There are a num­ber of tools that en­able it and one ex­am­ple is the com­bi­na­tion of Jenk­ins + An­si­ble de­scribed in this post.
While Jenk­ins of­fers the pos­si­bil­ity to in­te­grate re­cent changes per­ceived in a code­base and build runnable ar­ti­facts, An­si­ble can help to de­ploy them to host­ing en­vi­ron­ments. The usage of both tools can be cou­pled eas­ily with the help of the Job DSL plug­in, a fea­ture of Jenk­ins that al­lows de­scrib­ing a build job using a domain-​specific lan­guage, which can help to in­te­grate ad­di­tional steps and tools to a CD pipeline.

Fur­ther en­hance­ments can be done to this basic pipeline, such as, in­te­grat­ing the re­cent Pipeline plugin, a fea­ture that al­lows a bet­ter or­ches­tra­tion of CD stages; in­clu­sion of no­ti­fi­ca­tion and alert­ing ser­vices; and, ul­ti­mately a zero-​downtime de­ploy­ment ap­proach, which could be achieved with the help of a proxy; plus, tons of op­tions avail­able trough Jenk­ins plu­g­ins.

Thanks for read­ing!

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