Vert.x 3.5.0.Beta1

It’s sum­mer time and we have just re­leased Vert.x 3.5.0.Beta1!

Let’s go RxJava2

First and fore­most this re­lease de­liv­ers the Rx­Java2 API with sup­port of its full range of types.

In ad­di­tion of Single, Rx­i­fied APIs ex­pose also theCompletable and Maybe types

// expose Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>
Completable completable = server.rxClose();

completable.subscribe(() -> System.out.println("closed"));

// expose Handler<AsyncResult<String>> where the result can be null
Maybe<String> ipAddress = dnsClient.rxLookup("");
  value -> System.out.println("resolved to " + value),
  err -> err.printStackTrace(),
  () -> System.out.println("does not resolve"));

Rx­Java aug­ments Vert.x streams with a toObservable() method, Rx­Java2 adds the toFlowable() method:

// Flowable<Buffer> maps to a ReadStream<Buffer>
// back-pressured stream
Flowable<Buffer> flowable = asyncFile.toFlowable();

// but we still can get an Observable<Buffer>
// non back-pressured stream
Observable<Buffer> flowable = asyncFile.toObservable();

What’s so dif­fer­ent be­tween Flowable and Observable ? the for­mer han­dles back-​pressure, i.e the sub­scriber can con­trol the flow of items and the later can not!!!

You can read the doc­u­men­ta­tion in the beta sec­tion of the docs or go straight to the ex­am­ples

MQTT Client

In Vert.x 3.4 we added the MQTT server, 3.5 com­pletes the MQTT story with the MQTT client:

MqttClient mqttClient = MqttClient.create(vertx,
   new MqttClientOptions()
     .setHost(BROKER_HOST)).connect(ar ->
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    System.out.println("Connected to a server");

      s -> mqttClient.disconnect(d -> System.out.println("Disconnected from server")));
  } else {
    System.out.println("Failed to connect to a server");

You can find MQTT client and server ex­am­ples here

Auth handler chaining

There are times when you want to sup­port mul­ti­ple authN/authZ mech­a­nisms in a sin­gle ap­pli­ca­tion.

Vert.x Web sup­ports auth han­dlers chain­ing

ChainAuthHandler chain = ChainAuthHandler.create();

// add http basic auth handler to the chain

// add form redirect auth handler to the chain

// secure your route

// your app
router.route("/secure/resource").handler(ctx -> {
  // do something...


This beta also pro­vides

  • Vert.x Con­fig stores for Vault and Con­sul
  • Up­grade to Hazel­cast 3.8.2

Use it!

You can use and con­sume it in your projects from Maven or Gra­dle as usual with the ver­sion 3.5.0.Beta1 or read

You can also down­load var­i­ous bi­na­ries from Maven Cen­tral:

as usual feed­back is very im­por­tant to us and one goal of this beta re­lease is to let the com­mu­nity pro­vide early feed­back!

The final is ex­pected at the be­gin­ning of Oc­to­ber.


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Introducing Vert.x MQTT client

In this article, we will see how to set up the new Vert.x MQTT client. An example project is available on GitHub.

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OpenAPI (fka Swagger) 3 support in Eclipse Vert.x now in test stage!

As GSoC 2017's student, I'm working on an embedded support to OpenAPI 3 standard inside Eclipse Vert.x framework. Now, after a lot of work, you can try it!

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