Vert.x 3.2.0 is released!

We are pleased to an­nounce the re­lease of Vert.x 3.2.0!

Some of the high­lights of this re­lease in­clude:

The re­lease also con­tains many bug fixes and a ton of im­prove­ments. Full re­lease notes can be found here:​x3/wiki/wiki/3.2.0-​—Release-Notes

Break­ing changes are here:​x3/wiki/wiki/3.2.0-​Breaking-changes

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge are avail­able from NPM, Bower and as a We­b­Jar:

Dock­ers im­ages are also avail­able on the Docker Hub The vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion is also avail­able from SD­KMan.

Many thanks to all the com­mit­ters and com­mu­nity whose con­tri­bu­tions made this pos­si­ble.

Next stop is Vert.x 3.3.0 which we hope to have out in March 2016.

The ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

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Automatic redeployment in Eclipse IDE

Vert.x 3.1 has (re-)introduced the redeploy feature. This blog post explains how to use this feature in the Eclipse IDE. However, you can easily adapt the content to your IDE.

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Combine vert.x and mongo to build a giant

This blog post is part of the introduction to Vert.x series. We are now going to replace this JDBC client by the vertx-mongo-client, and thus connect to a Mongo database.

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Unit and Integration Tests

Let’s refresh our mind about what we developed so far in the introduction to vert.x series. We forgot an important task. We didn’t test the API.

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