Using Hamcrest Matchers with Vert.x Unit

Vert.x Unit is a very el­e­gant li­brary to test asyn­chro­nous ap­pli­ca­tions de­vel­oped with vert.x. How­ever be­cause of this asyn­chro­nous as­pect, re­port­ing test fail­ures is not nat­ural for JUnit users. This is be­cause, the failed as­ser­tions need to be re­ported to the test con­text, con­trol­ling the ex­e­cu­tion (and so the out­come) of the test. In other words, in a Vert.x Unit test you can­not use the reg­u­lar Junit as­ser­tions and as­ser­tion li­braries. In this blog post, we pro­pose a way to let you using Ham­crest match­ers in Vert.x Unit tests.

Using Vert.x Unit

Vert.x Unit is a test li­brary made to en­sure the be­hav­ior of vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions. It lets you im­ple­ment tests check­ing asyn­chro­nous be­hav­ior.

Vert.x Unit can be used with Junit. For this, you just need to add the fol­low­ing de­pen­dency to your project:


If you are using Gra­dle, the de­pen­dency is:

testCompile ‘io.vertx:vertx-unit:3.2.0

If you are using an IDE, just add the vertx-​unit jar to your project class­path.

Ob­vi­ously, you would need to add JUnit too.

No­tice that vertx-​unit does not need JUnit, and can be used with­out it. Check the Vert.x Unit doc­u­men­ta­tion for more de­tails.

Vert.x Unit example

Let’s con­sider this very sim­ple Verticle:

public class MyFirstVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

  public void start(final Future future) throws Exception {
        .requestHandler(req -> req.response().end("hello vert.x"))
        .listen(8080, done -> {
          if (done.failed()) {
          } else {

It just cre­ates a new HTTP server and when launched it no­ti­fies the future of the com­ple­tion.

To test this ver­ti­cle with Vert.x Unit you would write some­thing like:

public class MyFirstVerticleTest {

  private Vertx vertx;

  public void setUp(TestContext context) {
    vertx = Vertx.vertx();

  public void test(TestContext context) {
    Async async = context.async();
    vertx.createHttpClient().get(8080, "localhost", "/")
      .handler(response -> {
        context.assertEquals(200, response.statusCode());
        response.bodyHandler(buffer -> {
          context.assertEquals("hello vert.x", buffer.toString("utf-8"));

First, the test class is an­no­tated with @RunWith(VertxUnitRunner.class), in­struct­ing JUnit to use this spe­cial run­ner. This run­ner lets you in­ject a TestContext pa­ra­me­ter into every test meth­ods (as well as @Before and @After) to han­dle the asyn­chro­nous as­pect of the test.

In the setUp method, it cre­ates a new in­stance of Vertx and de­ploy the ver­ti­cle. Thanks to context.asyncAssertSuccess(), it waits until the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the ver­ti­cle de­ploy­ment. In­deed, the de­ploy­ment is asyn­chro­nous, and we must be sure that the ver­ti­cle has been de­ployed and has com­pleted its ini­tial­iza­tion be­fore start­ing to test it.

The test() method cre­ates an Async ob­ject that will be used to re­port when the test has been com­pleted. Then it cre­ates an HTTP client to emit a re­quest on the server from our ver­ti­cle and check that:

  1. the HTTP code is 200 (OK)
  2. the body is hello vert.x

As you can see, to im­ple­ment the checks, the as­ser­tions method are called on the TestContext ob­ject, which con­trol the test ex­e­cu­tion. When every­thing has been tested, we call async.complete() to end the test. If an as­ser­tion failed, the test is ob­vi­ously stopped. This would not be the case if you would use reg­u­lar Junit as­ser­tions.

Using the Hamcrest Matchers

In the pre­vi­ous ex­am­ple, we used the the as­ser­tions avail­able from the TestContext in­stance. How­ever it pro­vides a lim­ited set of meth­ods. Ham­crest is a li­brary of match­ers, which can be com­bined in to cre­ate flex­i­ble ex­pres­sions of in­tent in tests. It is very con­ve­nient when test­ing com­plex ap­pli­ca­tions.

Ham­crest can­not be used di­rectly as it would not re­port the fail­ure on the TestContext. For this pur­pose we cre­ate a VertxMatcherAssert class:

public class VertxMatcherAssert {

  public static <T> void assertThat(TestContext context, T actual,
    Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
    assertThat(context, "", actual, matcher);

  public static <T> void assertThat(TestContext context, String reason,
    T actual, Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
    if (!matcher.matches(actual)) {
      Description description = new StringDescription();
          .appendText("\nExpected: ")
          .appendText("\n     but: ");
      matcher.describeMismatch(actual, description);;

  public static void assertThat(TestContext context, String reason,
    boolean assertion) {
    if (!assertion) {;

This class pro­vides assertThat method that re­ports error on the given TestContext. The com­plete code is avail­able here.

With this class, we can re-​implement our test as fol­lows:

public void testWithHamcrest(TestContext context) {
  Async async = context.async();
  vertx.createHttpClient().get(8080, "localhost", "/").handler(response -> {
    assertThat(context, response.statusCode(), is(200));
    response.bodyHandler(buffer -> {
      assertThat(context, buffer.toString("utf-8"), is("hello vert.x"));

To ease the usage, I’ve added two im­port sta­tic:

import static io.vertx.unit.example.VertxMatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static;

You can use any Ham­crest matcher, or even im­ple­ment your own as soon as you use the assertThat method pro­vided by VertxMatcherAssert.


In this post we have seen how you can com­bine Ham­crest and Vert.x Unit. So, you are not lim­ited any­more by the set of as­sert meth­ods pro­vided by Vert.x Unit, and can use the whole ex­pres­sive­ness of Ham­crest Match­ers.

Don’t for­get that you still can’t use the assert meth­ods from Junit, as they don’t re­port on the TestContext.

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