Time scheduling with Chime

Eclipse Vert.x ex­e­cutes pe­ri­odic and de­layed ac­tions with pe­ri­odic and one-​shot timers. This is the base for time sched­ul­ing and reach fea­ture ex­ten­sion must be rather in­ter­est­ing. Be no­ti­fied at cer­tain date / time, take into ac­count hol­i­days, re­peat no­ti­fi­ca­tions until a given date, apply time zone, take into ac­count day­light sav­ing time etc. There are a lot of use­ful fea­tures time sched­uler may in­tro­duce to the Vert.x stack.


Chime is time sched­uler ver­ti­cle which works on Vert.x event bus and pro­vides:

  • sched­ul­ing with cron-​style, in­ter­val or union timers:
  • at a cer­tain time of day (to the sec­ond);
  • on cer­tain days of the week, month or year;
  • with a given time in­ter­val;
  • with nearly any com­bi­na­tion of all of above;
  • re­peat­ing a given num­ber of times;
  • re­peat­ing until a given time / date;
  • re­peat­ing in­fi­nitely
  • prox­y­ing event bus with con­ven­tional in­ter­faces
  • ap­ply­ing time zones avail­able on JVM with day­light sav­ing time taken into ac­count
  • flex­i­ble timers man­age­ment sys­tem:
  • group­ing timers;
  • defin­ing a timer start or end times
  • paus­ing / re­sum­ing;
  • fire count­ing;
  • lis­ten­ing and send­ing mes­sages via event bus with JSON;
  • pub­lish­ing or send­ing timer fire event to the ad­dress of your choice.

Chime is writ­ten in Cey­lon and is avail­able at Cey­lon Herd.


Ceylon users

De­ploy Chime using Verticle.deployVerticle method.

import io.vertx.ceylon.core {vertx}
import herd.schedule.chime {Chime}

Or with vertx.deployVerticle(\"ceylon:herd.schedule.chime/0.2.1\"); but en­sure that Cey­lon ver­ti­cle fac­tory is avail­able at class path.

Java users

  1. En­sure that Cey­lon ver­ti­cle fac­tory is avail­able at class path.
  2. Put Cey­lon ver­sions to con­sis­tency. For in­stance, Vert.x 3.4.1 de­pends on Cey­lon 1.3.0 while Chime 0.2.1 de­pends on Cey­lon 1.3.2.
  3. De­ploy ver­ti­cle, like:

Ex­am­ple with Maven is avail­able at Github.


Well, Chime ver­ti­cle is de­ployed. Let’s see its struc­ture.
In order to pro­vide flex­i­ble and broad ways to man­age tim­ing two level ar­chi­tec­ture is adopted. It con­sists of sched­ulers and timers. Timer is a unit which fires at a given time. While sched­uler is a set or group of timers and pro­vides fol­low­ing:

  • cre­at­ing and delet­ing timers;
  • paus­ing / re­sum­ing all timers work­ing within the sched­uler;
  • info on the run­ning timers;
  • de­fault time zone;
  • lis­ten­ing event bus at the given sched­uler ad­dress for the re­quests to.

Any timer op­er­ates within some sched­uler. And one or sev­eral sched­ulers have to be cre­ated be­fore start­ing sched­ul­ing.
When Chime ver­ti­cle is de­ployed it starts lis­ten event bus at chime ad­dress (can be con­fig­ured). In order to cre­ate sched­uler send to this ad­dress a JSON mes­sage.

  "operation": "create",
  "name": "scheduler name"

Once sched­uler is cre­ated it starts lis­ten event bus at sched­uler name ad­dress. Send­ing mes­sages to chime ad­dress or to sched­uler name ad­dress are rather equiv­a­lent, ex­cept­ing that chime ad­dress pro­vides ser­vices for every sched­uler, while sched­uler ad­dress pro­vides ser­vices for this par­tic­u­lar sched­uler only.
The re­quest sent to the Chime has to con­tain op­er­a­tion and name keys. Name key pro­vides sched­uler or timer name. While op­er­a­tion key shows an ac­tion Chime has to per­form. There are only four pos­si­ble op­er­a­tions:

  • cre­ate - cre­ate new sched­uler or timer;
  • delete - delete sched­uler or timer;
  • info - re­quest info on Chime or on a par­tic­u­lar sched­uler or timer;
  • state - set or get sched­uler or timer state (run­ning, paused or com­pleted).


Now we have sched­uler cre­ated and timers can be run within. There are two ways to ac­cess a given timer:

  1. Send­ing mes­sage to chime ad­dress with ‘name’ field set to sched­uler name:timer name.
  2. Send­ing mes­sage to sched­uler name ad­dress with ‘name’ field set to ei­ther timer name or sched­uler name:timer name.

Timer re­quest is rather com­pli­cated and con­tains a lot of de­tails. In this blog post only basic fea­tures are con­sid­ered:

  "operation": "create",
  "name": "scheduler name:timer name",
  "description": {}

This is rather sim­i­lar to re­quest sent to cre­ate a sched­uler. The dif­fer­ence is only de­scrip­tion field is added. This de­scrip­tion is an JSON ob­ject which iden­ti­fies par­tic­u­lar timer type and its de­tails.
The other fields not shown here are op­tional and in­cludes:

  • ini­tial timer state (paused or run­ning);
  • start or end date-​time;
  • num­ber of re­peat­ing times;
  • is timer mes­sage to be pub­lished or sent;
  • timer fire mes­sage and de­liv­ery op­tions;
  • time zone.

Timer descriptions

Cur­rently, three types of timers are sup­ported:

  • In­ter­val timer which fires after each given time pe­riod (min­i­mum 1 sec­ond):
  "type": "interval",
  "delay": "timer delay in seconds, Integer"
  • Cron style timer which is de­fined with cron-​style:
  "type": "cron",  
  "seconds": "seconds in cron style, String",  
  "minutes": "minutes in cron style, String",  
  "hours": "hours in cron style, String",  
  "days of month": "days of month in cron style, String",  
  "months": "months in cron style, String",  
  "days of week": "days of week in cron style, String, optional",  
  "years": "years in cron style, String, optional"  

Cron timer is rather pow­er­ful and flex­i­ble. In­ves­ti­gate spec­i­fi­ca­tion for the com­plete list of fea­tures.

  • Union timer which com­bines a num­ber of timers into a one:
  "type": "union",  
  "timers": ["list of the timer descriptions"]  

Union timer may be use­ful to fire at a list of spe­cific dates / times.

Timer events

Once timer is started it sends or pub­lishes mes­sages to sched­uler name:timer name ad­dress in JSON for­mat. Two types of events are sent:

  • fire event which oc­curs when time reaches next timer value:
  "name": "scheduler name:timer name, String",  
  "event": "fire",  
  "count": "total number of fire times, Integer",  
  "time": "ISO formated time / date, String",  
  "seconds": "number of seconds since last minute, Integer",  
  "minutes": "number of minutes since last hour, Integer",  
  "hours": "hour of day, Integer",  
  "day of month": "day of month, Integer",  
  "month": "month, Integer",  
  "year": "year, Integer",  
  "time zone": "time zone the timer works in, String"
  • com­plete event which oc­curs when timer is ex­hausted by some cri­te­ria given at timer cre­ate re­quest:
  "name": "scheduler name:timer name, String",  
  "event": "complete",  
  "count": "total number of fire times, Integer"  

Ba­si­cally, now we know every­thing to be happy with Chime: sched­ulers and re­quests to them, timers and timer events. Will see some ex­am­ples in the next sec­tion.


Ceylon example

Let’s con­sider a timer which has to fire every month at 16-30 last Sun­day.

// listen the timer events
eventBus.consumer (
  "my scheduler:my timer",
  (Throwable|Message<JsonObject?> msg) {
    if (is Message<JsonObject?> msg) { print(msg.body()); }
    else { print(msg); }  
// create scheduler and timer
eventBus.send<JsonObject> (
  JsonObject {
    "operation" -> "create",
    "name" -> "my scheduler:my timer",
    "description" -> JsonObject {
      "type" -> "cron",
      "seconds" -> "0",
      "minutes" -> "30",
      "hours" -> "16",
      "days of month" -> "*",
      "months" -> "*",
      "days of week" -> "SundayL"

’*’ means any, ‘Sun­dayL’ means last Sun­day.

If ‘cre­ate’ re­quest is sent to Chime ad­dress with name set to ‘sched­uler name:timer name’ and cor­re­spond­ing sched­uler hasn’t been cre­ated be­fore then Chime cre­ates both new sched­uler and new timer.

Java example

Let’s con­sider a timer which has to fire every Mon­day at 8-30 and every Fri­day at 17-30.

// listen the timer events
MessageConsumer<JsonObject> consumer = eventBus.consumer("my scheduler:my timer");
consumer.handler (
  message -> {
// description of timers
JsonObject mondayTimer = (new JsonObject()).put("type", "cron")
  .put("seconds", "0").put("minutes", "30").put("hours", "8")
  .put("days of month", "*").put("months", "*")
  .put("days of week", "Monday");
JsonObject fridayTimer = (new JsonObject()).put("type", "cron")
  .put("seconds", "0").put("minutes", "30").put("hours", "17")
  .put("days of month", "*").put("months", "*")
  .put("days of week", "Friday");
// union timer - combines mondayTimer and fridayTimer
JsonArray combination = (new JsonArray()).add(mondayTimer)
JsonObject timer = (new JsonObject()).put("type", "union")
  .put("timers", combination);
// create scheduler and timer
eventBus.send (
  (new JsonObject()).put("operation", "create")
    .put("name", "my scheduler:my timer")
    .put("description", timer)

En­sure that Cey­lon ver­ti­cle fac­tory with right ver­sion is avail­able at class path.

At the end

herd.schedule.chime mod­ule pro­vides some fea­tures not men­tioned here:

  • con­ve­nient builders use­ful to fill in JSON de­scrip­tion of var­i­ous timers;
  • prox­y­ing event bus with con­ven­tional in­ter­faces;
  • read­ing JSON timer event into an ob­ject;
  • at­tach­ing JSON mes­sage to the timer fire event;
  • man­ag­ing time zones.

There are also some ideas for the fu­ture:

  • cus­tom or user-​defined timers;
  • lim­it­ing the timer fire time / date with cal­en­dar;
  • ex­tract­ing timer fire mes­sage from ex­ter­nal source.

This is very quick in­tro­duc­tion to the Chime and if you are in­ter­ested in you may read more in Chime doc­u­men­ta­tion or even con­tribute to.

Thank’s for the read­ing and enjoy with cod­ing!

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