The RSS reader tutorial

This tu­to­r­ial is ded­i­cated for users who’d like to know how to use the Eclipse Vert.x Cas­san­dra client in prac­tice.

Before you start this tutorial

Be­fore start­ing, you should

You also may find it use­ful to read the RSS 2.0 spec­i­fi­ca­tion, be­cause the re­sulted app is, ba­si­cally, a stor­age of RSS 2.0 feeds.

To give you an idea of what the App is about, here is how it looks like from the fronted side:

see how it looks

In the image, we see that browser space is split into 2 parts:

  1. Saved feed names
  2. List of ar­ti­cles for the se­lected feed

Here you also can enter a link to a new feed, so the App will fetch and parse the feed. After that, it will ap­pear in the left col­umn along with other saved feeds.


For com­plet­ing this tu­to­r­ial you need:

  • Java 8 or higher
  • Git
  • 1 hour of your time
  • You fa­vorite code ed­i­tor

For run­ning the ex­am­ple you should en­sure that Cas­san­dra ser­vice is run­ning lo­cally on port 9042. As an op­tion, you can run Cas­san­dra with ccm(Cas­san­dra Clus­ter Man­ager). Fol­low this in­struc­tions for in­stalling ccm. After in­stalling you will be able to run a sin­gle node clus­ter:

$ ccm create rss_reader -v 3.11.2 -n 1 -s
$ ccm start

Be­fore com­plet­ing this step make sure that you have suc­cess­fully cloned the RSS reader repos­i­tory and checked out the step_1 branch:

$ git clone
$ cd rss-reader
$ git checkout step_1

Now you can try to tun this ex­am­ple and see if it works:

$ ./gradlew vertxRun


If you are fa­mil­iar with Apache Cas­san­dra, you should know that the way your data is stored in Cas­san­dra is de­pen­dent on queries you are run­ning. It means that you need first to fig­ure out what kind of queries you will be run­ning, and then you can pro­duce a stor­age scheme.

In our case, we’d like our ap­pli­ca­tion to have 3 end­points:

  1. POST /user/{user_id}/rss_link - for adding links to a user’s feed
  2. GET /user/{user_id}/rss_channels - for re­triev­ing in­for­ma­tion about RSS chan­nels a user sub­scribed on
  3. GET /articles/by_rss_link?link={rss_link} - for re­triev­ing in­for­ma­tion about ar­ti­cles on a spe­cific RSS chan­nel

For im­ple­ment­ing this end­points, the schema should look as fol­lows:

CREATE TABLE rss_by_user (login text , rss_link text, PRIMARY KEY (login, rss_link));
CREATE TABLE articles_by_rss_link(rss_link text, pubDate timestamp, title text, article_link text, description text, PRIMARY KEY ( rss_link , pubDate , article_link));
CREATE TABLE channel_info_by_rss_link(rss_link text, last_fetch_time timestamp,title text, site_link text, description text, PRIMARY KEY(rss_link));

What to do in this step

In this step, we will im­ple­ment only the first end­point

Project overview

There are two no­table classes in the project: AppVerticle and FetchVerticle. The first one is a Ver­ti­cle re­spon­si­ble for HTTP re­quest han­dling and stor­age schema ini­tial­iza­tion. The sec­ond one is a Ver­ti­cle as well, but re­spon­si­ble for RSS feeds fetch­ing.

The idea is sim­ple. When the ap­pli­ca­tion is start­ing the AppVerticle is de­ployed, then it tries to ini­tial­ize stor­age schema, de­scribed in src/main/resources/schema.cql file by read­ing it and ex­e­cut­ing listed queries line by line. After the schema ini­tial­iza­tion the AppVerticle de­ploys FetchVerticle and starts a HTTP server.

Implementing the endpoint

Now, it is time to im­ple­ment the first end­point. Pay at­ten­tion to TODOs, they are for point­ing you out about where changes should be made.

Now, let’s have a look at the AppVerticle#postRssLink method. This method is called each time the first end­point is called, so we can fig­ure out what is the posted body and id of the user, who per­formed the re­quest, di­rectly there. There are 2 main things we want to do in this method:

  1. No­ti­fy­ing via the Event Bus the FetchVerticle to fetch given by user link link to an RSS feed.
  2. In­sert­ing an entry to the rss_by_user table.

This is how the AppVerticle#postRssLink method should be im­ple­mented:

private void postRssLink(RoutingContext ctx) {
    ctx.request().bodyHandler(body -> {
        JsonObject bodyAsJson = body.toJsonObject();
        String link = bodyAsJson.getString("link");
        String userId = ctx.request().getParam("user_id");
        if (link == null || userId == null) {
        } else {
            vertx.eventBus().send("", link);
            Future<ResultSet> future = Future.future();
            BoundStatement query = insertNewLinkForUser.bind(userId, link);
            client.execute(query, future);
            future.setHandler(result -> {
                if (result.succeeded()) {
                    ctx.response().end(new JsonObject().put("message", "The feed just added").toString());
                } else {

private void responseWithInvalidRequest(RoutingContext ctx) {
            .putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

private JsonObject invalidRequest() {
    return new JsonObject().put("message", "Invalid request");

You may no­tice that insertNewLinkForUser is a PreparedStatement, and should be ini­tial­ized be­fore the AppVerticle start. Let’s do it in the AppVerticle#prepareNecessaryQueries method:

private Future<Void> prepareNecessaryQueries() {
    Future<PreparedStatement> insertNewLinkForUserPrepFuture = Future.future();
    client.prepare("INSERT INTO rss_by_user (login , rss_link ) VALUES ( ?, ?);", insertNewLinkForUserPrepFuture);

    return insertNewLinkForUserPrepFuture.compose(preparedStatement -> {
        insertNewLinkForUser = preparedStatement;
        return Future.succeededFuture();

Also, we should not for­get to fetch a RSS by the link sent to FetchVerticle via the Event Bus. We can do it in the FetchVerticle#startFetchEventBusConsumer method:

vertx.eventBus().localConsumer("", message -> {
    String rssLink = (String) message.body();"fetching " + rssLink);
    webClient.getAbs(rssLink).send(response -> {
        if (response.succeeded()) {
            String bodyAsString = response.result().bodyAsString("UTF-8");
            try {
                RssChannel rssChannel = new RssChannel(bodyAsString);

                BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement();
                BoundStatement channelInfoInsertQuery = insertChannelInfo.bind(
                        rssLink, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), rssChannel.description,, rssChannel.title

                for (Article article : rssChannel.articles) {
                    batchStatement.add(insertArticleInfo.bind(rssLink, article.pubDate,, article.description, article.title));
                Future<ResultSet> insertArticlesFuture = Future.future();
                cassandraClient.execute(batchStatement, insertArticlesFuture);

                insertArticlesFuture.compose(insertDone -> Future.succeededFuture());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Unable to fetch: " + rssLink, e);
        } else {
            log.error("Unable to fetch: " + rssLink);

And, fi­nally, this code would not work if insertChannelInfo and insertArticleInfo state­ments will not be ini­tial­ized at ver­ti­cle start. Let’s to this in the FetchVerticle#prepareNecessaryQueries method:

 private Future<Void> prepareNecessaryQueries() {
        Future<PreparedStatement> insertChannelInfoPrepFuture = Future.future();
        cassandraClient.prepare("INSERT INTO channel_info_by_rss_link ( rss_link , last_fetch_time, description , site_link , title ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", insertChannelInfoPrepFuture);

        Future<PreparedStatement> insertArticleInfoPrepFuture = Future.future();
        cassandraClient.prepare("INSERT INTO articles_by_rss_link ( rss_link , pubdate , article_link , description , title ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", insertArticleInfoPrepFuture);

        return CompositeFuture.all(
                insertChannelInfoPrepFuture.compose(preparedStatement -> {
                    insertChannelInfo = preparedStatement;
                    return Future.succeededFuture();
                }), insertArticleInfoPrepFuture.compose(preparedStatement -> {
                    insertArticleInfo = preparedStatement;
                    return Future.succeededFuture();


After all these changes, you should en­sure that the first end­point is work­ing cor­rectly. You need to run the ap­pli­ca­tion, go to lo­cal­host:8080 in­sert a link to a rss feed there(BBC UK feed news for ex­am­ple) and then click the ENTER but­ton. Now you can con­nect to your local Cas­san­dra in­stance, for in­stance with cqlsh, and find out how RSS feed data had been saved in the rss_reader key­space:

cqlsh> SELECT * FROM rss_reader.rss_by_user limit 1  ;

 login | rss_link
 Pavel |

(1 rows)
cqlsh> SELECT description FROM rss_reader.articles_by_rss_link  limit 1;

 BBC coverage of latest developments

(1 rows)


In this ar­ti­cle we fig­ured out how to im­ple­ment the first end­point of RSS-​reader app. If you have any prob­lems with com­plet­ing this step you can check­out to step_2, where you can find all changes made for com­plet­ing this step:

$ git checkout step_2

Thanks for read­ing this. I hope you en­joyed read­ing this ar­ti­cle. See you soon on our Git­ter chan­nel!

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The RSS reader tutorial (Step 2)

In this second installment of our Vert.x Cassandra Client tutorial, we will add an endpoint that produces an array of RSS channels for a given user ID.

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