TCP Client using Eclipse Vert.x, Kotlin and Gradle build

As part of my hobby project to con­trol Rasp­ber­ryPi using Google Home Mini and/or Alexa, I wanted to write a very sim­ple TCP client that keeps a con­nec­tion open to one of my cus­tom writ­ten server in cloud (I will write an­other blog post to cover the server side on a later date). The re­quire­ment of the client is to send a shared se­cret upon con­nect­ing and then keep wait­ing for mes­sage from server. Vert.x, Kotlin and Gra­dle allow rapid de­vel­op­ment of such project. The gen­er­ated jar can be ex­e­cuted on Rasp­berry Pi. These steps out­line the project setup and re­lated source code to show­case a Vert.x and Kotlin project with Gra­dle.

Project Directory Structure

From com­mand line (or via Win­dows Ex­plorer, what­ever you pre­fer to use) cre­ate a di­rec­tory for project,for in­stance vertx-net-client. Since we are using Kotlin, we will place all Kotlin files in src/main/kotlin folder. The src/main/resources folder will con­tain our log­ging con­fig­u­ra­tion re­lated files.

cd vertx-net-client
mkdir -p src/main/kotlin
mkdir -p src/main/resources

Project Files

We need to add fol­low­ing files in the project

  • .gitignore If you want to check your project into git, you may con­sider adding fol­low­ing .gitignore file at root of your project
...waiting for Gist...
  • logback.xml This ex­am­ple is using slf4j and log­back for log­ging. If you de­cide to use it in your project, you may also add fol­low­ing log­back.xml file in src/main/resources. Mod­ify it as per your re­quire­ments. This ex­am­ple will log on con­sole.
...waiting for Gist...

Gradle Setup

We will use Gra­dle build sys­tem for this project. If you don’t al­ready have Gra­dle avail­able on your sys­tem, down­load and unzip gra­dle in a di­rec­tory of your choice ($GRADLE_HOME is used here to rep­re­sent this di­rec­tory). This gra­dle dis­tri­b­u­tion will be used as a start­ing point to cre­ate Gra­dle wrap­per scripts for our project. These scripts will allow our project to down­load and use cor­rect ver­sion of gra­dle dis­tri­b­u­tion au­to­mat­i­cally with­out mess­ing up sys­tem. Re­ally use­ful when build­ing your project on CI tool or on any other de­vel­oper’s ma­chine.

Run fol­low­ing com­mand in project’s di­rec­tory

$GRADLE_HOME/bin/gradle wrapper

The above com­mands will gen­er­ate fol­low­ing files and di­rec­to­ries.

gradle/  gradlew  gradlew.bat

Gradle build file build.gradle

Cre­ate (and/or copy and mod­ify) fol­low­ing build.gradle in your project’s root di­rec­tory. Our ex­am­ple gra­dle build file is using vertx-​gradle-plugin.

...waiting for Gist...

In the project di­rec­tory, run fol­low­ing com­mand to down­load local gra­dle dis­tri­b­u­tion:


(or .\gradlew.bat if in Win­dows)

At this stage we should have fol­low­ing file struc­ture. This is also a good time to com­mit changes if you are work­ing with git.

  • .gitignore
  • build.gradle
  • gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
  • gradle/wrapper/
  • gradlew
  • gradlew.bat
  • src/main/resources/logback.xml

Now that our project struc­ture is ready, time to add the meat of the project. You may use any IDE of your choice. My pref­er­ence is In­tel­liJ IDEA.

Cre­ate a new pack­age under src/main/kotlin. The pack­age name should be adapted from the fol­low­ing sec­tion of build.gradle

vertx {
    mainVerticle = ""

From the above ex­am­ple, the pack­age name is

Add a new Kotlin Class/file in src/main/kotlin/info/usmans/blog/vertx as NetClientVerticle.kt

The con­tents of this class is as fol­lows

...waiting for Gist...

Explaining the Code

The fun main(args: Array<String>) is not strictly re­quired, it quickly al­lows run­ning the Vert.x ver­ti­cle from within IDE. You will also no­tice a small hack in the method for set­ting sys­tem prop­erty vertx.disableDnsResolver which is to avoid a Netty bug that I ob­served when run­ning on Win­dows ma­chine and re­mote server is down. Of course, since we are using vertx-​gradle-plugin, we can also use gradle vertxRun to run our ver­ti­cle. In this case the main method will not get called.

The override fun start() method calls fireReconnectTimer which in turn calls reconnect method. reconnect method con­tains the con­nec­tion logic to server as well as it calls fireReconnectTimer if it is un­able to con­nect to server or dis­con­nects from server. In reconnect method the socket.handler gets called when server send mes­sage to client.

socket.handler({ data ->
              "Data received: ${data}")
                        //TODO: Do the work here ...

Distributing the project

To cre­ate re­dis­trib­utable jar, use ./gradlew shadowJar com­mand. Or if using In­tel­liJ: from Gra­dle projects, Tasks, shadow, shad­ow­Jar (right click run). This com­mand will gen­er­ate ./build/libs/vertx-net-client-fat.jar.

Executing the client

The client jar can be ex­e­cuted using fol­low­ing com­mand:

 java -DserverHost= -DserverPort=8888 -DconnectMessage="hello" -jar vertx-net-client-full.jar

If you wish to use SLF4J for Vert.x in­ter­nal log­ging, you need to pass sys­tem prop­erty vertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name with value of io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory. The final com­mand would look like:

java -DserverHost= -DserverPort=8888 -DconnectMessage="hello" -Dvertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name="io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory" -jar vertx-net-client-full.jar

You can con­fig­ure Vert.x log­ging lev­els in log­back.xml file if re­quired.


This post de­scribes how easy it is to cre­ate a sim­ple TCP client using Vert.x, Kotlin and Gra­dle build sys­tem. Hope­fully the tech­niques shown here will serve as a start­ing point for your next DIY project.

This post is adapted and re­pro­duced from au­thor’s blog post

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