Send web requests and assert results with vertx-junit5-web-client

In the last Vert.x 3.8 re­lease, we added a new mod­ule called vertx-junit5-web-client, that brings Vert.x Web Client in­jec­tion into tests and pro­vides an API called TestRequest to sim­plify the cre­ation and as­ser­tions on WebClient re­quests:

import static io.vertx.junit5.web.TestRequest.*;

  VertxExtension.class, // VertxExtension MUST be configured before VertxWebClientExtension
public class TestRequestExample {

  public void test1(WebClient client, VertxTestContext testContext) {
    testRequest(client, HttpMethod.GET, "/hello") // Build the request
        queryParam("name", "francesco"), // Add query param
        requestHeader("x-my", "foo") // Add request header
        // Assert that response is a JSON with a specific body
        jsonBodyResponse(new JsonObject().put("value", "Hello Francesco!")),
        // Assert that response contains a particular header
        responseHeader("x-my", "bar")
      .send(testContext); // Complete (or fail) the VertxTestContext


testRequest() will use Vert.x Web Client to send the re­quest. When the re­sponse is re­ceived, It suc­ceds the test or it cor­rectly prop­a­gates as­ser­tion fail­ures, if any.

You can also send mul­ti­ple re­quests using Checkpoint:

import static io.vertx.junit5.web.TestRequest.*;

  VertxExtension.class, // VertxExtension MUST be configured before VertxWebClientExtension
public class MultiTestRequestExample {

  public void test2(WebClient client, VertxTestContext testContext) {
    Checkpoint checkpoint = testContext.checkpoint(2); // Create the Checkpoint to flag when request succeds

        client    // Create the test request using WebClient APIs
          .addQueryParam("name", "francesco")
          .putHeader("x-my", "foo")
        jsonBodyResponse(new JsonObject().put("value", "Hello Francesco!")),
        responseHeader("x-my", "bar")
      .send(testContext, checkpoint); // Pass the checkpoint to flag

          .addQueryParam("name", "julien")
          .putHeader("x-my", "foo")
        jsonBodyResponse(new JsonObject().put("value", "Hello Julien!")),
        responseHeader("x-my", "bar")
      .send(testContext, checkpoint);


Look at Vert.x JUnit 5 Web Client doc­u­men­ta­tion for more de­tails

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.8.4

This version is a bug fix release of Vert.x 3.8.3, which addresses quite a few bugs reported by the community.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.8.3

This new version is a minor bug fix release that addresses issues reported in Eclipse Vert.x 3.8.2. We would like to thank you all for reporting these bugs.

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