OpenAPI (fka Swagger) 3 support in Eclipse Vert.x now in test stage!

Now on upstream!

We have pub­lished this pack­age with name vertx-web-api-contract

As GSoC 2017’s stu­dent, I’m ac­tu­ally work­ing on an em­bed­ded sup­port to Ope­nAPI 3 stan­dard in­side Eclipse Vert.x frame­work. Now, after a lot of work, you can try it!

Why OpenAPI 3?

Ope­nAPI 2 is the most im­por­tant industry-​grade stan­dard for API Spec­i­fi­ca­tions. As you can see on of­fi­cial blog of Ope­nAPI Ini­tia­tive, the re­lease of ver­sion 3 is be­hind the cor­ner, so we want to give to our com­mu­nity the lat­est tools for the lat­est stan­dards!

Vert.x project ob­jec­tive is to give you more in­te­grated tools. With this new sup­port, it gives you the abil­ity to use the De­sign Dri­ven (or De­sign First) ap­proach with­out load­ing any thirds par­ties li­braries.


The ac­tu­ally sup­ported fea­tures are the fol­low­ing (we reefer to Ope­nAPI ver­sion 3.0.0):

  • Ope­nAPI 3 com­pli­ant API spec­i­fi­ca­tion val­i­da­tion with load­ing of ex­ter­nal Json schemas
  • Au­to­matic re­quest val­i­da­tion
  • Au­to­matic mount of se­cu­rity val­i­da­tion han­dlers
  • Au­to­matic 501 re­sponse for not im­ple­mented op­er­a­tions
  • Router fac­tory to pro­vide all this fea­tures to users

Au­to­matic re­quest val­i­da­tion is pro­vided by a new han­dler: ValidationHandler. You can also de­fine your own ValidationHandler with­out API spec­i­fi­ca­tions, but I will dis­cuss it later.

The re­quest val­i­da­tion (pro­vided by sub­class OpenAPI3RequestValidationHandler) ac­tu­ally sup­ports:

  • Pa­ra­me­ters de­fined in Pa­ra­me­ter ob­ject. We sup­port every type of pa­ra­me­ter, in­clud­ing object and array. We also sup­port every type de­scrip­tion field (for ex­am­ple format, minimum, maximum, etc). Also, at the mo­ment, we sup­port every com­bi­na­tion of style and explode field (ex­cluded styles matrix and label)
  • Body de­fined in new Re­quest­Body ob­ject. In par­tic­u­lar:
    • For application/json the val­i­da­tion han­dler will take schema that you have de­fined in schema ob­ject and will val­i­date json bod­ies with it
    • For application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data the val­i­da­tion han­dler will take care of val­i­date every pa­ra­me­ters in form at­trib­utes. It ac­tu­ally sup­ports only comma sep­a­rated val­ues for object and arrays
    • For other pa­ra­me­ter types it will check Content-Type header

Re­quest val­i­da­tion er­rors will be car­ried with RoutingContext en­cap­su­lated in an ob­ject called ValidationHandler, so you have to at­tach fail­ure han­dler to check if some­thing went wrong dur­ing val­i­da­tion. Also the RoutingContext carry a new ob­ject called RequestParameters that en­cap­su­late all re­quest pa­ra­me­ters de­se­ri­al­ized and parsed.

Router fac­tory is in­tended to give you a re­ally sim­ple user in­ter­face to use Ope­nAPI 3 sup­port. Most im­por­tant fea­tures are:

  • Async load­ing of spec­i­fi­ca­tion and its schema de­pen­den­cies
  • Au­to­matic con­vert Ope­nAPI style paths to Vert.x style paths
  • Lazy meth­ods: op­er­a­tions (com­bi­na­tion of paths and HTTP meth­ods) are mounted in de­f­i­n­i­tion order in­side spec­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Au­to­matic mount of se­cu­rity val­i­da­tion han­dlers

Also, it’s planned to re­lease a project skele­ton gen­er­a­tor based on API spec.

Startup your project

We are in a test­ing stage, so the vertx-​web of­fi­cial repo doesn’t con­tain it. To in­clude the mod­i­fied ver­sion of vertx-​web re­place your vertx-​web maven de­pen­dency with this one:


Now you can start using Ope­nAPI 3 in­side your Vert.x pow­ered app!

First of all you need to load the spec­i­fi­ca­tion and con­struct the router fac­tory:

// Load the api spec. This operation is asynchronous
OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(this.vertx, "src/main/resources/petstore.yaml", ar -> {
    if (ar.succeeded()) {
        // Spec loaded with success
        OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = ar.result();
    } else {
        // Something went wrong during router factory initialization
        Throwable exception = ar.cause();
        logger.error("Ops!", exception);

Handlers mounting

Now load han­dlers to your op­er­a­tions. Use addHandlerByOperationId(String operationId, Handler<RoutingContext> handler) to add an han­dler to a route that matches the operationId. To add a fail­ure han­dler use addFailureHandlerByOperationId(String operationId, Handler<RoutingContext> failureHandler)

You can, of course, add mul­ti­ple han­dlers to same op­er­a­tion, with­out over­writ­ing the ex­ist­ing ones.

This is an ex­am­ple of addHandlerByOperationId():

// Add an handler with operationId
routerFactory.addHandlerByOperationId("listPets", routingContext -> {
    // Handle listPets operation (GET /pets)
}, routingContext -> {
    // Handle failure

Request parameters

Now you can freely use re­quest pa­ra­me­ters. To get the RequestParameters ob­ject:

RequestParameters params = routingContext.get("parsedParameters");

The RequestParameters ob­ject pro­vides all meth­ods to ac­cess to query, cookie, header, path, form and en­tire body pa­ra­me­ters. Here are some ex­am­ples of how to use this ob­ject.

Pa­ra­me­ter with name awesomeParameter with type integer in query:

RequestParameter awesomeParameter = params.queryParameter("awesomeParameter");
if (awesomeParameter != null) {
    // awesomeParameter parameter exists, but we are not sure that is empty or not (query parameters can be empty with allowEmptyValue: true)
    if (!awesomeParameter.isEmpty()) {
      // Now we are sure that it exists and it's not empty, so we can extract it
      Integer awesome = awesomeParameter.getInteger();
    } else {
      // Parameter exists, but it's empty value
} else {
    // Parameter doesn't exist (it's not required)

As you can see, every pa­ra­me­ter is mapped in re­spec­tive ob­jects (integer in Integer, integer with format: int64 in Long, float in Float and so on)

Comma sep­a­rated array with name awesomeParameters with type integer in query:

RequestParameter awesomeParameters = params.queryParameter("awesomeParameters");
if (awesomeParameters != null && !awesomeParameters.isEmpty()) {
    List<RequestParameter> awesomeList = awesomeParameters.getArray();
    for (RequestParameter awesome : awesomeList) {
      Integer a = awesome.getInteger();
} else {
  // awesomeParameters not found or empty string

JSON Body:

RequestParameter body = params.body();
if (body != null)
  JsonObject jsonBody = body.getJsonObject();

Security handling

You can mount only one se­cu­rity han­dler for a com­bi­na­tion of schema and scope.

To add a se­cu­rity han­dler only with a schema name:

routerFactory.addSecurityHandler("security_scheme_name", routingContext -> {
    // Handle security here and then call next();

To add a se­cu­rity han­dler with a com­bi­na­tion of schema name and scope:

routerFactory.addSecuritySchemaScopeValidator("security_scheme_name", "scope_name", routingContext -> {
    // Handle security here and then call next();

You can de­fine se­cu­rity han­dlers where you want but de­fine it! | Dur­ing Router in­stan­ti­a­tion, if fac­tory finds a path that re­quire a se­cu­rity schema with­out an as­signed han­dler, It will throw a RouterFactoryException

Error handling

Every time you add an han­dler for an op­er­a­tion you can add a fail­ure han­dler. To han­dle a ValidationException:

Throwable failure = routingContext.failure();
if (failure instanceof ValidationException)
    // Handle Validation Exception

Also the router fac­tory pro­vides two other tools:

  • It au­to­mat­i­cally mounts a 501 Not Implemented han­dler for op­er­a­tions where you haven’t mounted any han­dler
  • It can load a de­fault ValidationException fail­ure han­dler

Both these op­tions are con­fig­urable with RouterFactoryOptions

And now use it!

Now you are ready to gen­er­ate the Router!

Router router = routerFactory.getRouter();

// Now you can use your Router instance
HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions().setPort(8080).setHost("localhost"));
Lazy methods!

getRouter() gen­er­ate the Router ob­ject, so you don’t have to care about code de­f­i­n­i­tion order

And now?

You can find a com­plete ex­am­ple on vertx-examples

You can ac­cess to doc­u­men­ta­tion here and Javadoc here

We want you!

Please give us your feed­back open­ing an issue here

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