My first Vert.x 3 Application

Let’s say, you heard some­one say­ing that Vert.x is awe­some. Ok great, but you may want to try it by your­self. Well, the next nat­ural ques­tion is “where do I start?”. This post is a good start­ing point. It shows how is built a very sim­ple vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion (noth­ing fancy), how it is tested and how it is pack­aged and ex­e­cuted. So, every­thing you need to know be­fore build­ing your own ground­break­ing ap­pli­ca­tion.

The code de­vel­oped in this post is avail­able on github. This post is part of the In­tro­duc­tion to Vert.x se­ries. The code of this post in in the post-1 branch.

Let’s start!

First, let’s cre­ate a project. In this post, we use Apache Maven, but you can use Gra­dle or the build process tool you pre­fer. You could use the Maven jar ar­che­type to cre­ate the struc­ture, but ba­si­cally, you just need a di­rec­tory with:

  1. a src/main/java di­rec­tory
  2. a src/test/java di­rec­tory
  3. a pom.xml file

So, you would get some­thing like:

├── pom.xml
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── java
│   └── test
│       └── java

Let’s cre­ate the pom.xml file with the fol­low­ing con­tent:

<project xmlns=""




This pom.xml file is pretty straight­for­ward:

  • it de­clares a de­pen­dency on vertx-core
  • it con­fig­ures the maven-​compiler-plugin to use Java 8.

This sec­ond point is im­por­tant, Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions re­quire Java 8.

Let’s code!

Ok, now we have made the pom.xml file. Let’s do some real cod­ing… Cre­ate the src/main/java/io/vertx/blog/first/ file with the fol­low­ing con­tent:


import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.core.Future;

public class MyFirstVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

  public void start(Future<Void> fut) {
        .requestHandler(r -> {
          r.response().end("<h1>Hello from my first " +
              "Vert.x 3 application</h1>");
        .listen(8080, result -> {
          if (result.succeeded()) {
          } else {

This is ac­tu­ally our not fancy ap­pli­ca­tion. The class ex­tends AbstractVerticle. In the Vert.x world, a ver­ti­cle is a com­po­nent. By ex­tend­ing AbstractVerticle, our class gets ac­cess to the vertx field.

The start method is called when the ver­ti­cle is de­ployed. We could also im­ple­ment a stop method, but in this case Vert.x takes care of the garbage for us. The start method re­ceives a Future ob­ject that will let us in­form Vert.x when our start se­quence is com­pleted or re­port an error. One of the par­tic­u­lar­ity of Vert.x is its asyn­chro­nous / non-​blocking as­pect. When our ver­ti­cle is going to be de­ployed it won’t wait until the start method has been com­pleted. So, the Future pa­ra­me­ter is im­por­tant to no­tify of the com­ple­tion.

The start method cre­ates a HTTP server and at­taches a re­quest han­dler to it. The re­quest han­dler is a lambda, passed in the requestHandler method, called every time the server re­ceives a re­quest. Here, we just reply Hello ... (noth­ing fancy I told you). Fi­nally, the server is bound to the 8080 port. As this may fails (be­cause the port may al­ready be used), we pass an­other lambda ex­pres­sion check­ing whether or not the con­nec­tion has suc­ceeded. As men­tioned above it calls ei­ther fut.complete in case of suc­cess or to re­port an error.

Let’s try to com­pile the ap­pli­ca­tion using:

mvn clean compile

For­tu­nately, it should suc­ceed.

That’s all for the ap­pli­ca­tion.

Let’s test

Well, that’s good to have de­vel­oped an ap­pli­ca­tion, but we can never be too care­ful, so let’s test it. The test uses JUnit and vertx-​unit - a frame­work de­liv­ered with vert.x to make the test­ing of vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion more nat­ural.

Open the pom.xml file to add the two fol­low­ing de­pen­den­cies:


Now cre­ate the src/test/java/io/vertx/blog/first/ with the fol­low­ing con­tent:


import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.ext.unit.Async;
import io.vertx.ext.unit.TestContext;
import io.vertx.ext.unit.junit.VertxUnitRunner;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class MyFirstVerticleTest {

  private Vertx vertx;

  public void setUp(TestContext context) {
    vertx = Vertx.vertx();

  public void tearDown(TestContext context) {

  public void testMyApplication(TestContext context) {
    final Async async = context.async();

    vertx.createHttpClient().getNow(8080, "localhost", "/",
     response -> {
      response.handler(body -> {

This is a JUnit test for our ver­ti­cle. The test uses vertx-​unit, so we use a cus­tom run­ner. vert.x-​unit makes easy to test asyn­chro­nous in­ter­ac­tions, which are the basis of vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions.

In the setUp method, we cre­ates an in­stance of Vertx and de­ploy our ver­ti­cle. You may have no­ticed that un­like the tra­di­tional JUnit @Before method, it re­ceives a TestContext. This ob­ject lets us con­trol the asyn­chro­nous as­pect of our test. For in­stance, when we de­ploy our ver­ti­cle, it starts asyn­chro­nously, as most Vert.x in­ter­ac­tions. We can­not check any­thing until it gets started cor­rectly. So, as sec­ond ar­gu­ment of the deployVerticle method, we pass a re­sult han­dler: context.asyncAssertSuccess(). It fails the test if the ver­ti­cle does not start cor­rectly. In ad­di­tion it waits until the ver­ti­cle has com­pleted its start se­quence. Re­mem­ber, in our ver­ti­cle, we call fut.complete(). So it waits until this method is called, and in the case of a fail­ures, fails the test.

Well, the tearDown method is straight­for­ward, and just ter­mi­nates the vertx in­stance we cre­ated.

Let’s now have a look to the test of our ap­pli­ca­tion: the testMyApplication method. The test emits a re­quest to our ap­pli­ca­tion and checks the re­sult. Emit­ting the re­quest and re­ceiv­ing the re­sponse is asyn­chro­nous. So we need a way to con­trol this. As the setUp and tearDown meth­ods, the test method re­ceives a TestContext. From this ob­ject we cre­ates an async han­dle (async) that lets us no­tify the test frame­work when the test has com­pleted (using async.complete()).

So, once the async han­dle is cre­ated, we cre­ate a HTTP client and emits a HTTP re­quest han­dled by our ap­pli­ca­tion with the getNow() method (getNow is just a short­cut for get(...).end()). The re­sponse is han­dled by a lambda. In this lambda we re­trieves the re­sponse body by pass­ing an­other lambda to the handler method. The body ar­gu­ment is the re­sponse body (as a buffer ob­ject). We check that the body con­tains the "Hello" String and de­clare the test com­plete.

Let’s take a minute to men­tion the as­ser­tions. Un­like in tra­di­tional JUnit tests, it uses context.assert.... In­deed, if the as­ser­tion fails, it will in­ter­rupt the test im­me­di­ately. So it’s pretty im­por­tant to al­ways uses these as­ser­tion meth­ods be­cause of the asyn­chro­nous as­pect of the Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion and so tests.

Our test can be run from an IDE, or using Maven:

mvn clean test


So, let’s sum up. We have an ap­pli­ca­tion and a test. Well, let’s now pack­age the ap­pli­ca­tion. In this post we pack­age the ap­pli­ca­tion in a fat jar. A fat jar is a stand­alone ex­e­cutable Jar file con­tain­ing all the de­pen­den­cies re­quired to run the ap­pli­ca­tion. This is a very con­ve­nient way to pack­age Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions as it’s only one file. It also make them easy to ex­e­cute.

To cre­ate a fat jar, edit the pom.xml file and add the fol­low­ing code just be­fore </plugins>:


It uses the maven-​shade-plugin to cre­ate the fat jar. In the manifestEntries it in­di­cates the name of our ver­ti­cle. You may won­der from where comes the Starter class. It’s ac­tu­ally a class from vert.x, that is going to cre­ate the vertx in­stance and de­ploy our ver­ti­cle.

So, with this plug­in con­fig­ured, let’s launch:

mvn clean package

This is going to cre­ate target/my-first-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar em­bed­ding our ap­pli­ca­tion along with all the de­pen­den­cies (in­clud­ing vert.x it­self).

Executing our application

Well, it’s nice to have a fat jar, but we want to see our ap­pli­ca­tion run­ning! As said above, thanks to the fat jar pack­ag­ing, run­ning Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion is easy as:

java -jar target/my-first-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar

Then, open a browser to http://lo­cal­host:8080.

To stop the ap­pli­ca­tion, hit CTRL+C.


This Vert.x 3 crash class has pre­sented how you can de­velop a sim­ple ap­pli­ca­tion using Vert.x 3, how to test it, pack­age it and run it. So, you now know every­thing you need to build amaz­ing sys­tem on top of Vert.x 3. Next time we will see how to con­fig­ure our ap­pli­ca­tion.

Happy cod­ing & Stay tuned !

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Vert.x Application Configuration

In our previous post, we developed a very simple Vert.x 3 application, and saw how this application can be tested, packaged and executed. That was nice, wasn’t it?

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Vert.x 3 says “hello” to NPM users

In programming literature it has become the standard to create a hello world program as the first example. In this article, I'll demonstrate how NPM users can quickly get started with Vert.x.

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