JWT Authorization for Vert.x with Keycloak


In this blog post you’ll learn:

  • JWT foun­da­tions
  • How to pro­tect routes with a JWT Au­tho­riza­tion
  • How to ex­tract claims from a JWT en­coded token
  • How to apply RBAC with Key­cloak Realm roles

Hello again

Hi there! In my last blog post Easy SSO for Vert.x with Key­cloak, we learned how to con­fig­ure sin­gle sign-​on for a Vert.x web ap­pli­ca­tion with Key­cloak and OpenID con­nect. This time, we’ll see how we can pro­tect an ap­pli­ca­tion with Vert.x’s JWT Au­tho­riza­tion sup­port and Key­cloak.

Keycloak Setup

To se­cure our Vert.x app, we need to use a Key­cloak server for ob­tain­ing JWT to­kens. Al­though Key­cloak has a great get­ting started guide I wanted to make it a bit eas­ier to put every­thing to­gether, there­fore I pre­pared a local Key­cloak docker con­tainer as de­scribed here, which comes with all the re­quired con­fig­u­ra­tion in place, that you can start eas­ily.

The pre­con­fig­ured Key­cloak realm vertx con­tains a vertx-service OpenID con­nect client for our Vert.x app and a set of users for test­ing. To ease test­ing, the vertx-service is con­fig­ured with Direct Access Grant en­abled in Key­cloak, which en­ables sup­port for the OAuth2 re­source owner pass­word cre­den­tials grant (ROPC) flow.

To start Key­cloak with the pre­con­fig­ured realm, just start the docker con­tainer with the fol­low­ing com­mand:

docker run \
  -it \
  --name vertx-keycloak \
  --rm \
  -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin \
  -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/vertx-realm.json \
  -v $PWD/vertx-realm.json:/tmp/vertx-realm.json \
  -v $PWD/data:/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/data \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Vert.x App

The ex­am­ple app con­sists of a sin­gle Verticle, that runs on http://localhost:3000 and pro­vides a few routes with pro­tected re­sources. You can find the com­plete ex­am­ple here.

Our web app con­tains the fol­low­ing pro­tected routes with han­dlers:

  • /api/greet - The greet­ing re­source, which re­turns a greet­ing mes­sage, only au­then­ti­cated users can ac­cess this re­source.
  • /api/user - The user re­source, which re­turns some in­for­ma­tion about the user, only users with role user can ac­cess this re­source.
  • /api/admin - The user re­source, which re­turns some in­for­ma­tion about the admin, only users with role admin can ac­cess this re­source.

This ex­am­ple is built with Vert.x ver­sion 3.9.3.

Running the app in the console

To run the app, we need to build it first:

cd jwt-service-vertx
mvn clean package

This cre­ates a jar, which we can run:

java -jar target/*.jar

Note, that we need to start Key­cloak first, since our app fetches the con­fig­u­ra­tion from Key­cloak on startup.

Running the app in the IDE

We can also run the app di­rectly from your favourite IDE like In­tel­liJ Idea or Eclipse. To run the app from an IDE, we need to cre­ate a launch con­fig­u­ra­tion and use the main class io.vertx.core.Launcher. Then set the the pro­gram ar­gu­ments to run demo.MainVerticle and use the class­path of the jwt-service-vertx mod­ule. With that in place we should be able to run the app.

JWT Authorization

JWT Foundations

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open stan­dard to se­curely ex­change in­for­ma­tion be­tween two par­ties in the form of Base64URL en­coded JSON ob­jects. A stan­dard JWT is just a string which com­prises three base64url en­coded parts header, pay­load and a sig­na­ture, which are sep­a­rated by a ”.” char­ac­ter. There are other vari­ants of JWT that can have more parts.

An ex­am­ple JWT can look like this:


The header and pay­load sec­tions con­tain in­for­ma­tion as a JSON ob­ject, whereas the sig­na­ture is just a plain string. JSON ob­jects con­tain key value pairs which are called claims.

The claims in­for­ma­tion can be ver­i­fied and trusted be­cause it is dig­i­tally signed with the pri­vate key from a pub­lic/pri­vate key-​pair. The sig­na­ture can later be ver­i­fied with a cor­re­spond­ing pub­lic key. The iden­ti­fier of the pub­lic/pri­vate key-​pair used to sign a JWT can be con­tained in a spe­cial claim called kid (key iden­ti­fier) in the header sec­tion of the JWT.

An ex­am­ple for a JWT header that ref­er­ences a pub­lic/pri­vate key-​pair looks like this:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "c7M1_hdZ0-X3re9uvfKHTCQdqarPbpLnUI0ymvAtSTs"

It is quite com­mon to use JWTs to con­vey in­for­ma­tion about au­then­ti­ca­tion (user iden­tity) and au­tho­riza­tion (scopes, user roles, per­mis­sions and other claims). OpenID providers such as Key­cloak sup­port is­su­ing OAuth2 ac­cess to­kens after au­then­ti­ca­tion for users to clients in the form of JWTs. An ac­cess token can then be used to ac­cess other ser­vices or APIs on be­half of the user. The server pro­vid­ing those ser­vices or APIs is often called resource server.

An ex­am­ple JWT pay­load gen­er­ated by Key­cloak looks like this:

  "exp": 1601318422,
  "iat": 1601318122,
  "jti": "7635f5a1-f1d7-457d-b869-ad492352f4d2",
  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/vertx",
  "aud": "account",
  "sub": "27b3fac0-9aec-4421-81cf-d4b02428f901",
  "typ": "Bearer",
  "azp": "vertx-service",
  "session_state": "68708213-40b7-458a-aee1-39d6f9da07ad",
  "acr": "1",
  "realm_access": {
    "roles": [
  "scope": "email profile",
  "email_verified": true,
  "name": "Theo Tester",
  "preferred_username": "tester",
  "given_name": "Theo",
  "family_name": "Tester",
  "email": "tom+tester@localhost"

If a resource server re­ceives a re­quest with such an ac­cess token, it needs to ver­ify and in­spect the token be­fore it can trust its con­tent. To ver­ify the token, the resource server needs to ob­tain the public key to check the token sig­na­ture. This public key can ei­ther be con­fig­ured sta­t­i­cally or fetched dy­nam­i­cally from the OpenID Provider by lever­ag­ing the kid in­for­ma­tion from the JWT header sec­tion. Note that most OpenID providers, such as Key­cloak, pro­vide a ded­i­cated end­point for dy­namic pub­lic key lookups, e.g. http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/vertx/protocol/openid-connect/certs. A stan­dard for pro­vid­ing pub­lic key in­for­ma­tion is JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). The JWKS in­for­ma­tion is usu­ally cached by the re­source server to avoid the over­head of fetch­ing JWKS for every re­quest.

An ex­am­ple re­sponse for Key­cloak’s JWKS end­point looks like this:


The keys array con­tains the JWKS struc­ture with the pub­lic key in­for­ma­tion that be­longs to the pub­lic/pri­vate key-​pair which was used to sign the JWT ac­cess token from above. Note the match­ing kid claim from our ear­lier JWT header ex­am­ple.

Now that we have the ap­pro­pri­ate pub­lic key, we can use the in­for­ma­tion from the JWT header to val­i­date the sig­na­ture of the JWT ac­cess token. If the sig­na­ture is valid, we can go on and check ad­di­tional claims from the pay­load sec­tion of the JWT, such as ex­pi­ra­tion, al­lowed is­suer and au­di­ence etc.

Now that we have the nec­es­sary build­ing blocks in place, we can fi­nally look at how to con­fig­ure JWT au­tho­riza­tion in Vert.x.

JWT Authorization in Vert.x

Set­ting up JWT au­tho­riza­tion in Vert.x is quite easy. First we need to add the vertx-auth-jwt mod­ule as a de­pen­dency to our project.


In our ex­am­ple, the whole JWT au­tho­riza­tion setup hap­pens in the method setupJwtAuth.

We use a WebClient to dy­nam­i­cally fetch the pub­lic key in­for­ma­tion from the /protocol/openid-connect/certs JWKS end­point rel­a­tive to our Key­cloak is­suer URL. After that, we con­fig­ure a JWTAuth in­stance and cus­tomize the JWT val­i­da­tion via JWTOptions and JWTAuthOptions. Note that we use Key­cloak’s realm roles for role based au­tho­riza­tion via the JWTAuthOptions#setPermissionsClaimKey(..) method.

private Future<Startup> setupJwtAuth(Startup startup) {

    var jwtConfig = startup.config.getJsonObject("jwt");
    var issuer = jwtConfig.getString("issuer");
    var issuerUri = URI.create(issuer);

    // derive JWKS uri from Keycloak issuer URI
    var jwksUri = URI.create(jwtConfig.getString("jwksUri", String.format("%s://%s:%d%s",
            issuerUri.getScheme(), issuerUri.getHost(), issuerUri.getPort(), issuerUri.getPath() + "/protocol/openid-connect/certs")));

    var promise = Promise.<JWTAuth>promise();

    // fetch JWKS from `/certs` endpoint
    webClient.get(jwksUri.getPort(), jwksUri.getHost(), jwksUri.getPath())
            .send(ar -> {

                if (!ar.succeeded()) {
                    startup.bootstrap.fail(String.format("Could not fetch JWKS from URI: %s", jwksUri));

                var response = ar.result();

                var jwksResponse = response.body();
                var keys = jwksResponse.getJsonArray("keys");

                // Configure JWT validation options
                var jwtOptions = new JWTOptions();

                // extract JWKS from keys array
                var jwks = ((List<Object>) keys.getList()).stream()
                        .map(o -> new JsonObject((Map<String, Object>) o))

                // configure JWTAuth
                var jwtAuthOptions = new JWTAuthOptions();
                jwtAuthOptions.setPermissionsClaimKey(jwtConfig.getString("permissionClaimsKey", "realm_access/roles"));

                JWTAuth jwtAuth = JWTAuth.create(vertx, jwtAuthOptions);

    return promise.future().compose(auth -> {
        jwtAuth = auth;
        return Future.succeededFuture(startup);

Protecting routes with JWTAuthHandler

Now that our JWTAuth is con­fig­ured, we can use the JWTAuthHandler in the setupRouter method to apply JWT au­tho­riza­tion to all routes match­ing the path pat­tern /api/*. The JWTAuthHandler val­i­dates re­ceived JWTs and per­forms ad­di­tional checks like ex­pi­ra­tion and al­lowed is­suers. With that in place, we con­fig­ure our ac­tual routes in setupRoutes.

private Future<Startup> setupRouter(Startup startup) {

    router = Router.router(vertx);


    return Future.succeededFuture(startup);

private Future<Startup> setupRoutes(Startup startup) {


    return Future.succeededFuture(startup);

Extracting user information from JWTUser

To ac­cess user in­for­ma­tion in our handleGreet method, we cast the re­sult of the io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext#user method to JWTUser which al­lows us to ac­cess token claim in­for­ma­tion via the io.vertx.ext.auth.jwt.impl.JWTUser#principal JSON ob­ject.

If we’d like to use the JWT ac­cess token for other ser­vice calls, we could ex­tract the token from the Authorization header.

private void handleGreet(RoutingContext ctx) {

    var jwtUser = (JWTUser) ctx.user();
    var username = jwtUser.principal().getString("preferred_username");
    var userId = jwtUser.principal().getString("sub");

    var accessToken = ctx.request().getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION).substring("Bearer ".length());
    // Use accessToken for down-stream calls if needed...

    ctx.request().response().end(String.format("Hi %s (%s) %s%n", username, userId, Instant.now()));

Obtaining an Access Token from Keycloak for user tester

To test our ap­pli­ca­tion we can use the fol­low­ing curl com­mands in a bash like shell to ob­tain an JWT ac­cess token to call one of our end­points as the user tester with the role user.

Note that this ex­am­ple uses the cli tool jq for JSON pro­cess­ing.

KC_RESPONSE=$(curl  -k \
        -d "username=$KC_USERNAME" \
        -d "password=$KC_PASSWORD" \
        -d 'grant_type=password' \
        -d "client_id=$KC_CLIENT" \
        -d "client_secret=$KC_CLIENT_SECRET" \
        "$KC_URL/realms/$KC_REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
    | jq .)

KC_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $KC_RESPONSE| jq -r .access_token)

Here we use the JWT ac­cess token in the Authorization header with the Bearer pre­fix to call our greet route:

curl --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer $KC_ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:3000/api/greet

Ex­am­ple out­put:

Hi tester (27b3fac0-9aec-4421-81cf-d4b02428f901) 2020-09-28T21:03:59.254230700Z

Applying Role-based Access-Control with JWTUser

To lever­age sup­port for role based ac­cess con­trol (RBAC) we can use the io.vertx.ext.auth.User#isAuthorised method to check whether the cur­rent user has the re­quired role. If the role is present we re­turn some data about the user, oth­er­wise we send a re­sponse with sta­tus code 403 and a forbidden error mes­sage.

private void handleUserData(RoutingContext ctx) {

    var jwtUser = (JWTUser) ctx.user();
    var username = jwtUser.principal().getString("preferred_username");
    var userId = jwtUser.principal().getString("sub");

    jwtUser.isAuthorized("user", res -> {

        if (!res.succeeded() || !res.result()) {
            toJsonResponse(ctx).setStatusCode(403).end("{\"error\": \"forbidden\"}");

        JsonObject data = new JsonObject()
                .put("type", "user")
                .put("username", username)
                .put("userId", userId)
                .put("timestamp", Instant.now());


private void handleAdminData(RoutingContext ctx) {

    var jwtUser = (JWTUser) ctx.user();
    var username = jwtUser.principal().getString("preferred_username");
    var userId = jwtUser.principal().getString("sub");

    jwtUser.isAuthorized("admin", res -> {

        if (!res.succeeded() || !res.result()) {
            toJsonResponse(ctx).setStatusCode(403).end("{\"error\": \"forbidden\"}");

        JsonObject data = new JsonObject()
                .put("type", "admin")
                .put("username", username)
                .put("userId", userId)
                .put("timestamp", Instant.now());

curl --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer $KC_ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:3000/api/user


curl --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer $KC_ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:3000/api/admin


{"error": "forbidden"}

Obtaining an Access Token from Keycloak for user vadmin

To check ac­cess with an admin role, we ob­tain a new token for the user vadmin which has the roles admin and user.

KC_RESPONSE=$(curl  -k \
        -d "username=$KC_USERNAME" \
        -d "password=$KC_PASSWORD" \
        -d 'grant_type=password' \
        -d "client_id=$KC_CLIENT" \
        -d "client_secret=$KC_CLIENT_SECRET" \
        "$KC_URL/realms/$KC_REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
    | jq .)

KC_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $KC_RESPONSE| jq -r .access_token)
curl --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer $KC_ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:3000/api/user


curl --silent -H "Authorization: Bearer $KC_ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:3000/api/admin




We learned how to con­fig­ure a Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion with JWT au­tho­riza­tion pow­ered by Key­cloak. Al­though the con­fig­u­ra­tion is quite com­plete al­ready, there are still some parts that can be im­proved, like the dy­namic JWKS fetch­ing on public-​key pair ro­ta­tion as well as ex­trac­tion of nested roles.

Nev­er­the­less this is a good start­ing point for se­cur­ing your own Vert.x ser­vices with JWT and Key­cloak.

You can check out the com­plete ex­am­ple in keycloak-​vertx Ex­am­ples Repo.

Thank you for your time, stay tuned for more up­dates! If you want to learn more about Key­cloak, feel free to reach out to me. You can find me via thomas­da­ri­mont on twit­ter.

Happy Hack­ing!

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