Intro to Vert.x Shell

Vert.x Shell pro­vides an ex­ten­si­ble com­mand line for Vert.x, ac­ces­si­ble via SSH, Tel­net or a nice Web in­ter­face. Vert.x Shell comes out of the box with plenty of com­mands for Vert.x which makes it very handy for doing sim­ple man­age­ment op­er­a­tions like de­ploy­ing a Ver­ti­cle or get­ting the list of de­ployed Ver­ti­cles. One power fea­ture of Vert.x Shell is its ex­ten­si­bil­ity: one can eas­ily aug­ment Vert.x Shell with its own com­mands. Let’s build an http-​client in JavaScript!

Booting the Shell

Vert.x Shell can be started in a cou­ple of lines de­pend­ing on the con­nec­tors you con­fig­ure. The doc­u­men­ta­tion pro­vides sev­eral ex­am­ples show­ing the Shell Ser­vice con­fig­u­ra­tion. For test­ing our com­mand, we will use the Tel­net pro­to­col be­cause it is easy to con­fig­ure and use, so we just need to copy the cor­re­spond­ing sec­tion in vertx-​http-client.js:

var ShellService = require("vertx-shell-js/shell_service");
var service = ShellService.create(vertx, {
  "telnetOptions" : {
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 4000

We can run it:

Juliens-MacBook-Pro:java julien$ vertx run vertx-http-client.js
Succeeded in deploying verticle

And con­nect to the shell:

Juliens-MacBook-Pro:~ julien$ telnet localhost 4000
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
__      __ ______  _____  _______  __   __
\ \    / /|  ____||  _  \|__   __| \ \ / /
 \ \  / / | |____ | :_) |   | |     \   /
  \ \/ /  |  ____||   __/   | |      > /
   \  /   | |____ | |\ \    | |     / //\
    \/    |______||_| \_\   |_| o  /_/ \_\


You can now al­ready use the shell, the help com­mand lists the avail­able com­mands.

Creating a command

For the sake of sim­plic­ity we will write a sin­gle script that starts the Shell ser­vice and de­ploys our com­mand. In the real world you would prob­a­bly have the com­mand in one file and the de­ploy­ment in an­other.

The doc­u­men­ta­tion ex­plains how to add a new com­mand to Vert.x shell, we can just copy this sec­tion and ap­pend it to the vertx-​http-client.js script:

var CommandBuilder = require("vertx-shell-js/command_builder");
var CommandRegistry = require("vertx-shell-js/command_registry");

var builder = CommandBuilder.command("http-client");
builder.processHandler(function (process) {

  // Write a message to the console
  process.write("Implement the client\n");

  // End the process

// Register the command
var registry = CommandRegistry.getShared(vertx);

Now you can use the com­mand just to see it in ac­tion:

% http-client
Implement the client

Checking arguments

The http-​client re­quires an url ar­gu­ment, an ar­gu­ment check is per­formed at the be­gin­ning of the process han­dler:

// Check the url argument
if (process.args().length < 1) {
  process.write("Missing URL\n").end();
var url = process.args()[0];

Implementing the command

The final step of this tu­to­r­ial is the ac­tual im­ple­men­ta­tion of the client logic based on Vert.x Http­Client:

// Create the client request
var request = client.getAbs(url, function(response) {

  // Print the response in the shell console
  response.handler(function(buffer) {

  // End the command when the response ends
  response.endHandler(function() {

// Set a request handler to end the command with error
request.exceptionHandler(function(err) {
  process.write("Error: " + err.getMessage());

// End the http request

And we can test the com­mand in the shell:

% http-client
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en><head><title>Vert.x</title>...


We have seen how easy it is to ex­tend Vert.x with a shell and cre­ate an http-​client cus­tom com­mand, you can get the full source code here.

Our com­mand is very sim­ple, it only im­ple­ments the very min­i­mum, in fu­ture posts we will im­prove the com­mand with sup­port with more HTTP meth­ods, SSL sup­port or header sup­port with the the Vert.x CLI API.

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