HTTP response validation with the Vert.x Web Client

By de­fault, a Vert.x Web Client re­quest ends with an error only if some­thing wrong hap­pens at the net­work level. In other words, a 404 Not Found re­sponse, or a re­sponse with the wrong con­tent type, are not con­sid­ered as fail­ures.

Hence, you would usu­ally per­form san­ity checks man­u­ally after the re­sponse is re­ceived:

  .get(8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .send(ar -> {
    if (ar.succeeded()) {
      HttpResponse<Buffer> response = ar.result();
      if (response.statusCode() == 200 && response.getHeader("content-type").equals("application/json")) {
        // Decode the body as a json object
        JsonObject body = response.bodyAsJsonObject();
      } else {
        System.out.println("Something went wrong " + response.statusCode());
    } else {
      System.out.println("Something went wrong " + ar.cause().getMessage());

Start­ing with Vert.x 3.6, you can can trade flex­i­bil­ity for clar­ity and con­cise­ness using re­sponse pred­i­cates.

Response predicates

Re­sponse pred­i­cates can fail a re­quest when the re­sponse does not match cri­te­rion.

The Web Client mod­ule comes with a set of ready-​to-use pred­i­cates:

  .get(8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .send(ar -> {
    if (ar.succeeded()) {
      HttpResponse<Buffer> response = ar.result();
      // Safely decode the body as a json object
      JsonObject body = response.bodyAsJsonObject();
    } else {
      System.out.println("Something went wrong " + ar.cause().getMessage());

The web is full of HTTP/JSON end­points, so there is no doubt the ResponsePredicate.SC_SUCCESS and ResponsePredicate.JSON can be handy.

Nev­er­the­less, you might also need to check that the sta­tus code is whithin a spe­cific range:

  .get(8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .expect(ResponsePredicate.status(200, 202))
  .send(ar -> {
    // ....

Or that the con­tent is of a spe­cific type:

  .get(8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .send(ar -> {
    // ....

Please refer to the ResponsePredicate doc­u­men­ta­tion for a full list of pre­de­fined pred­i­cates.

Custom predicates

Even­tu­ally, pred­i­cates were not de­signed for sta­tus code and con­tent type check­ing only, so feel free to cre­ate your own val­i­da­tion code:

// Check CORS header allowing to do POST
Function<HttpResponse<Void>, ResponsePredicateResult> methodsPredicate = resp -> {
  String methods = resp.getHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods");
  if (methods != null) {
    if (methods.contains("POST")) {
      return ResponsePredicateResult.success();
  return ResponsePredicateResult.failure("Does not work");

// Send pre-flight CORS request
  .request(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, 8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .putHeader("Origin", "")
  .putHeader("Access-Control-Request-Method", "POST")
  .send(ar -> {
    if (ar.succeeded()) {
      // Process the POST request now
    } else {
      System.out.println("Something went wrong " + ar.cause().getMessage());

Note that re­sponse pred­i­cates are eval­u­ated be­fore the re­sponse body is re­ceived. There­fore you can’t in­spect the re­sponse body in a pred­i­cate test func­tion, only sta­tus code, sta­tus mes­sage and re­sponse head­ers.

Dealing with failures

By de­fault, re­sponse pred­i­cates (in­clud­ing the pre­de­fined ones) use a generic error con­verter which dis­cards the re­sponse body and con­veys a sim­ple mes­sage. You can cus­tomize the ex­cep­tion class by chang­ing the error con­verter:

ResponsePredicate predicate = ResponsePredicate.create(ResponsePredicate.SC_SUCCESS, result -> {
  return new MyCustomException(result.message());

Be­ware that cre­at­ing ex­cep­tions in Java comes with the per­for­mance cost of cap­tur­ing the call stack. The generic error con­verter gen­er­ates ex­cep­tions that do not cap­ture it.

Reading details in error responses

Many web APIs pro­vide de­tails in error re­sponses. For ex­am­ple, the Mar­vel API uses this JSON ob­ject for­mat:

  "code": "InvalidCredentials",
  "message": "The passed API key is invalid."

To avoid los­ing this in­for­ma­tion, it is pos­si­ble to wait for the re­sponse body to be fully re­ceived be­fore the error con­verter is called:

ErrorConverter converter = ErrorConverter.createFullBody(result -> {

  // Invoked after the response body is fully received
  HttpResponse<Buffer> response = result.response();

  if (response.getHeader("content-type").equals("application/json")) {
    // Error body is JSON data
    JsonObject body = response.bodyAsJsonObject();
    return new MyCustomException(body.getString("code"), body.getString("message"));

  // Fallback to defaut message
  return new MyCustomException(result.message());

ResponsePredicate predicate = ResponsePredicate.create(ResponsePredicate.SC_SUCCESS, converter);

That’s it! Feel free to com­ment here or ask ques­tions on our com­mu­nity chan­nels.

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