Google Summer of Code 2018

It’s this time of year again! Google Sum­mer of Code 2018 sub­mis­sion pe­riod has just started!

Submit through the Eclipse organization

This year, the Eclipse Vert.x project par­tic­i­pates through the Eclipse or­ga­ni­za­tion. Make sure to re­view our GSoC 2018 ideas and to sub­mit be­fore March, 27!

Assessment application

As we did be­fore, we ask can­di­dates to im­ple­ment a sim­ple Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion. This helps us make sure can­di­dates have a basic un­der­stand­ing of asyn­chro­nous pro­gram­ming and the Vert.x toolkit. But sub­mit your pro­posal even if not done with the as­sess­ment ap­pli­ca­tion! Google will not ex­tend the sub­mis­sion pe­riod but we can con­tinue re­view­ing as­sess­ments while eval­u­at­ing the sub­mit­ted pro­pos­als.


If you have ques­tions, feel free to ask pos­si­ble men­tors via email or on our com­mu­nity chan­nels.

All the de­tails for this year (and ideas from past years) can be found on the Vert.x GSoC page.

Look­ing for­ward to your pro­pos­als!

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Eclipse Vert.x metrics now with

The new vertx-micrometer-metrics module provides support for collecting metrics with and storing them in backends such as Graphite or InfluxDB.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.5.1 released!

We have just released Vert.x 3.5.1!

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