Migrate from Vert.x 3 to Vert.x 4

Vert.x 4 ex­tends the Vert.x 3 line with a set of new fea­tures while pro­vid­ing the same Vert.x 3 ex­pe­ri­ence: Vert.x 3 users will feel at home with Vert.x 4.


Vert.x 4 has been de­vel­oped with mi­gra­tion from Vert.x 3 in mind.

Vert.x 4 im­proves asyn­chro­nous pro­gram­ming with fu­tures, how­ever the call­back API are still there to ease the mi­gra­tion from Vert.x 3.

When­ever pos­si­ble, Vert.x 4 APIs have been made avail­able in Vert.x 3 with a dep­re­ca­tion of the old API, giv­ing the op­por­tu­nity to im­prove a Vert.x 3 ap­pli­ca­tion with a bet­ter API while al­low­ing the ap­pli­ca­tion to be ready for a Vert.x 4 mi­gra­tion.

Vert.x 3 support

Vert.x 3 will con­tinue to get bug fix re­leases of­fi­cially until Jan­u­ary 2023.

Vert.x is an open source project of the Eclipse Foun­da­tion, grant­ing the com­mu­nity the op­por­tu­nity to con­tribute fixes be­yond that dead­line and pos­si­bly ex­tend the sup­port.

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What's new in Vert.x 4

See an overview of all new and exciting features in Vert.x 4, including futures, distributed tracing, reactive database clients, SQL templating, and more.

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Eclipse Vert.x 4 released!

Vert.x 4 has just been released and it’s the best thing since sliced buffers.

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