Eclipse Vert.x metrics now with

Vert.x has al­ready been pro­vid­ing met­rics for some time, through the vertx-​dropwizard-metrics and vertx-​hawkular-metrics mod­ules. Both of them im­ple­ment a ser­vice provider in­ter­face (SPI) to col­lect the Vert.x met­rics and make them avail­able to their re­spec­tive back­ends.

A new mod­ule, vertx-​micrometer-metrics, is now added to the fam­ily. It im­ple­ments the same SPI, which means that it is able to pro­vide the same met­rics. Mi­crom­e­ is a pretty new met­rics li­brary, quite com­pa­ra­ble to drop­wiz­ard met­rics in that it col­lects met­rics in a local, in-​memory reg­istry and is able to store them in var­i­ous back­ends such as Graphite or In­fluxDB. It has sev­eral ad­van­tages as we will see below.

Tell me more about Micrometer

Mi­crom­e­ de­scribes it­self as a a vendor-​neutral ap­pli­ca­tion met­rics fa­cade. It pro­vides a well de­signed API, in Java, to de­fine gauges, coun­ters, timers and dis­tri­b­u­tion sum­maries.

Among the avail­able back­ends, Mi­crom­e­ter na­tively sup­ports Graphite, In­fluxDB, JMX, Prometheus and sev­eral oth­ers. Prometheus is very pop­u­lar in the Ku­ber­netes and mi­croser­vices ecosys­tems, so its sup­port by Mi­crom­e­ter was a strong mo­ti­va­tion for im­ple­ment­ing it in Vert.x.

For the the mo­ment, our im­ple­men­ta­tion in Vert.x sup­ports Prometheus, In­fluxDB and JMX. More should quickly come in the near fu­ture.


An­other in­ter­est­ing as­pect in Mi­crom­e­ter is that it han­dles met­rics di­men­sion­al­ity: met­rics can be as­so­ci­ated with a set of key/value pairs (some­times ref­ered as tags, some­times as la­bels). Every value brings a new di­men­sion to the met­ric, so that in Prometheus or any other back­end that sup­ports di­men­sion­al­ity, we can query for dat­a­points of one or sev­eral di­men­sions, or query for dat­a­points ag­gre­gated over sev­eral di­men­sions.

Ex­am­ple: our met­ric vertx_http_server_connections ac­cepts la­bels local and remote, that are used to store ad­dresses on HTTP con­nec­tions

Prometheus is used in the fol­low­ing ex­am­ples, but equiv­a­lent queries can be per­formed with In­fluxDB.

In Prometheus, the query vertx_http_server_connections will re­turn as many time­series as there are com­bi­na­tions of local and remote val­ues. Ex­am­ple:


To query on a sin­gle di­men­sion, we must pro­vide the la­bels:

vertx_http_server_connections{local="",remote=""}. It will re­turn a sin­gle time­series.

To get an ag­gre­gate, Prometheus (PromQL) pro­vides sev­eral ag­gre­ga­tion op­er­a­tors:

sum(vertx_http_server_connections) will re­turn the sum across all di­men­sions.

So what are the Vert.x metrics?

Peo­ple al­ready fa­mil­iar with the ex­ist­ing met­rics mod­ules (drop­wiz­ard or hawku­lar) will not be too dis­ori­ented. They are roughly the same. The main dif­fer­ence is where pre­vi­ously, some met­ric names could have a vari­able part within - such as vertx.eventbus.handlers.myaddress - here we take ad­van­tage of di­men­sion­al­ity and we will have vertx_eventbus_handlers{address="myaddress"}.

Some other met­rics are no longer use­ful, for in­stance the drop­wiz­ard’s vertx.eventbus.messages.pending, vertx.eventbus.messages.pending-local and vertx.eventbus.messages.pending-remote are now just vertx_eventbus_pending{side=local} and vertx_eventbus_pending{side=remote} in mi­crom­e­ter. The sum of them can eas­ily be com­puted at query time.

The met­rics pro­vided by Vert.x are dis­patched into eight big fam­i­lies:

  • Net client: dis­tri­b­u­tion sum­maries of bytes sent and re­ceived, num­ber of con­nec­tions, etc.
  • Net server: dis­tri­b­u­tion sum­maries of bytes sent and re­ceived, num­ber of con­nec­tions, etc.
  • HTTP client: counter of re­quests, re­sponse times, etc.
  • HTTP server: counter of re­quests, pro­cess­ing times, etc.
  • Event bus: counter of han­dlers, mes­sages sent and re­ceived, etc.
  • Pool: for worker pools and some data­source pools, queue size and wait­ing time, pro­cess­ing time, etc.
  • Ver­ti­cles: num­ber of ver­ti­cles de­ployed.

The full list of col­lected met­rics is avail­able here.

Getting started

This sec­tion will guide you through a quick setup to run a Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion with Mi­crom­e­ter. The code ex­am­ples used here are taken from the micrometer-metrics-example in vertx-examples repos­i­tory, in Java, using maven. But the same could be done with other Vert.x sup­ported lan­guages, as well as gra­dle in­stead of maven.

Maven configuration

The con­fig­u­ra­tion and the maven im­ports will vary ac­cord­ing to the back­end stor­age that will be used. For maven, the com­mon part is al­ways:

  • Then, to re­port to In­fluxDB:
  • Or Prometheus:

Re­mark that, since Prometheus pulls met­rics from their source, they must be ex­posed on an HTTP end­point. That’s why vertx-web is im­ported here. It is not ab­solutely nec­es­sary (it’s pos­si­ble to get the met­rics reg­istry con­tent and ex­pose it in any other way) but it’s prob­a­bly the eas­i­est way to do.

  • Or JMX:

At the mo­ment, it is not pos­si­ble to re­port met­rics to sev­eral back­ends at the same time. It might be soon im­ple­mented.

Setting up Vert.x options

A MicrometerMetricsOptions ob­ject must be cre­ated and passed to VertxOptions, with one back­end con­fig­ured (though hav­ing no back­end is pos­si­ble: you would get met­rics sent to a de­fault Mi­crom­e­ter reg­istry, but with­out any per­sis­tent stor­age).

  • In­fluxDB ex­am­ple:
// Default InfluxDB options will push metrics to localhost:8086, db "default"
MicrometerMetricsOptions options = new MicrometerMetricsOptions()
  .setInfluxDbOptions(new VertxInfluxDbOptions().setEnabled(true))
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(options));
// Then deploy verticles with this vertx instance
  • Prometheus ex­am­ple:
// Deploy with embedded server: prometheus metrics will be automatically exposed,
// independently from any other HTTP server defined
MicrometerMetricsOptions options = new MicrometerMetricsOptions()
  .setPrometheusOptions(new VertxPrometheusOptions()
    .setEmbeddedServerOptions(new HttpServerOptions().setPort(8081))
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(options));
// Then deploy verticles with this vertx instance
  • Or Prometheus with the /metrics end­point bound to an ex­ist­ing HTTP server:
// Deploy without embedded server: we need to "manually" expose the prometheus metrics
MicrometerMetricsOptions options = new MicrometerMetricsOptions()
  .setPrometheusOptions(new VertxPrometheusOptions().setEnabled(true))
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(options));

Router router = Router.router(vertx);
PrometheusMeterRegistry registry = (PrometheusMeterRegistry) BackendRegistries.getDefaultNow();
// Setup a route for metrics
router.route("/metrics").handler(ctx -> {
  String response = registry.scrape();
  • JMX ex­am­ple:
// Default JMX options will publish MBeans under domain "metrics"
MicrometerMetricsOptions options = new MicrometerMetricsOptions()
  .setJmxMetricsOptions(new VertxJmxMetricsOptions().setEnabled(true))
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(options));
// Then deploy verticles with this vertx instance

Setup the backend server

  • In­fluxDB, by de­fault, is ex­pected to run on localhost:8086 with­out au­then­ti­ca­tion, data­base “de­fault”. It is con­fig­urable in VertxInfluxDbOptions. If you don’t have a run­ning in­stance of In­fluxDB, the short­est way to start is cer­tainly with docker, just run:
docker run -p 8086:8086 influxdb
  • Prometheus needs some con­fig­u­ra­tion since it pulls met­rics from the sources. Once it is in­stalled, con­fig­ure the scrape end­points in prometheus.yml:
- job_name: 'vertx-8081'
    - targets: ['localhost:8081']

or, when using /metrics end­point bound to an ex­ist­ing HTTP server:

- job_name: 'vertx-8080'
    - targets: ['localhost:8080']
  • For JMX there is noth­ing spe­cial to con­fig­ure.

Collecting Vert.x metrics

From now on, all Vert.x met­rics will be col­lected and sent to the con­fig­ured back­end. In our Vert.x ex­am­ple, we setup an HTTP server met­rics:

Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.get("/").handler(ctx -> {
  ctx.response().end("Hello Micrometer from HTTP!");

And some event bus ping-​pong:

// Producer side
vertx.setPeriodic(1000, x -> {
  vertx.eventBus().send("greeting", "Hello Micrometer from event bus!");
// Consumer side
vertx.eventBus().<String>consumer("greeting", message -> {
  String greeting = message.body();
  System.out.println("Received: " + greeting);
  message.reply("Hello back!");

To trig­ger some ac­tiv­ity on the HTTP server, we can write a small bash script:

while true
do curl http://localhost:8080/
    sleep .8

Viewing the results

Grafana can be used to dis­play the In­fluxDB and Prometheus met­rics. The vertx-examples repos­i­tory con­tains two dash­boards for that: for In­fluxDB and for Prometheus.

HTTP server metrics

HTTP server metrics

Event bus metrics

Event bus metrics

Going further

We’ve seen the basic setup. There is a good bunch of op­tions avail­able, de­tailed in the doc­u­men­ta­tion: how to dis­able some met­rics do­mains, how to fil­ter or re­arrange la­bels, how to ex­port met­rics snap­shots to Json ob­jects, how to add JVM or proces­sor in­stru­men­ta­tion, etc.

Be­fore we fin­ish, there is one im­por­tant point that we can cover here: defin­ing cus­tom met­rics. Be­cause the mod­ule gives you ac­cess to its Mi­crom­e­ter reg­istry, you can add your cus­tom met­rics there.

Get­ting the de­fault reg­istry is straight­for­ward:

MeterRegistry registry = BackendRegistries.getDefaultNow();

Then you have plain ac­cess to the Mi­crom­e­ter API.

For in­stance, here is how you can track the ex­e­cu­tion time of a piece of code that is reg­u­larly called:

MeterRegistry registry = BackendRegistries.getDefaultNow();
Timer timer = Timer
  .description("Time tracker for my extremely sophisticated algorithm")

vertx.setPeriodic(1000, l -> {
  timer.record(() -> myExtremelySophisticatedAlgorithm());

Since it is using the same reg­istry, there is no extra back­end con­fig­u­ra­tion to do.

What’s next?

The vertx-micrometer-metrics mod­ule will con­tinue to be im­proved, with al­ready two planned en­hance­ments:

Would you miss any fea­ture, please ask on GitHub. Con­tri­bu­tions and bug fixes are also wel­come!

Now is time to enter the Met­rics.

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