Eclipse Vert.x meets GraphQL

I re­cently added GraphQL sup­port to Gen­tics Mesh and I thought it would be a good idea to boil down the essence of my im­ple­men­ta­tion in ex­am­ple so that I could share it in a sim­pler form. The ex­am­ple I’m about to show will not cover all as­pects that I have added to the Gen­tics Mesh API (e.g. pag­ing, search and error han­dling) but it will give you a basic overview of the parts that I put to­gether. GraphQL does not re­quire a GraphDB even if the name might sug­gest it.

Using a graphdb in com­bi­na­tion with GraphQL does nev­er­the­less pro­vide you with some ad­van­tages which I will high­light later on.

What is GraphQL? What is it good for?

GraphQL as the name sug­gests is a new query lan­guage which can be used to load ex­actly the amount of data which you ask for.

The query is de­fined in way that the query fields cor­re­late to the JSON data that is being re­trieved. In our Star­Wars Demo do­main model this query will load the name of human 1001 which is Darth Vader.

  vader: human(id: 1001) {

Would re­sult in:

  "data": {
    "vader": {
      "name": "Darth Vader"

The Demo App

The demo ap­pli­ca­tion I build makes use of the graphql-​java li­brary. The data is being stored in a graph data­base. I use Ori­entDB in com­bi­na­tion with the OGM Ferma to pro­vide a data ac­cess layer. GraphQL does not nec­es­sar­ily re­quire a graph data­base but in this ex­am­ple I will make use of one and high­light the ben­e­fits of using a GraphDB for my use­case.

You can find the sources here:​graphql-example


The Star­Wars­Data class cre­ates a Graph which con­tains the Star Wars Movies and Char­ac­ters, Plan­ets and their re­la­tions. The model is fairly sim­ple. There is a sin­gle Star­Wars­Root ver­tex which acts as a start el­e­ment for var­i­ous ag­gre­ga­tion ver­tices: Movies are stored in Movie­Root, Plan­ets in Plan­et­s­Root, Char­ac­ters are stored in Hu­man­s­Root and Droid­s­Root.

The model classes are used for wrap­pers of the spe­cific graph ver­tices. The Ferma OGM is used to pro­vide these wrap­pers. Each class con­tains meth­ods which can be used to tra­verse the graph to lo­cate the needed ver­tices. The found ver­tices are in turn again wrapped and can be used to lo­cate other graph el­e­ments.


The next thing we need is the GraphQL schema. The schema de­scribes each el­e­ment which can be re­trieved. It also de­scribes the prop­er­ties and re­la­tion­ships for these el­e­ments.

The graphql-​java li­brary pro­vides an API to cre­ate the ob­ject types and schema in­for­ma­tion.

private GraphQLObjectType createMovieType() {
  return newObject().name("Movie")
    .description("One of the films in the Star Wars universe.")

    // .title
        .description("Title of the episode.")
        .dataFetcher((env) -> {
          Movie movie = env.getSource();
          return movie.getName();

    // .description
        .description("Description of the episode.")


A type can be ref­er­enced via a GraphQLTypeReference once it has been cre­ated and added to the schema. This is es­pe­cially im­por­tant if you need to add fields which ref­er­ence other types. Data fetch­ers are used to ac­cess the con­text, tra­verse the graph and re­trieve prop­er­ties from graph el­e­ments.

An­other great source to learn more about the schema op­tions is the Garfield­Schema ex­am­ple.

Fi­nally all the cre­ated types must be ref­er­enced by a cen­tral ob­ject type Query­Type. The query type ob­ject is ba­si­cally the root ob­ject for the query. It de­fines what query op­tions are ini­tially pos­si­ble. In our case it is pos­si­ble to load the hero of the sage, spe­cific movies, hu­mans or droids.


The GraphQLVer­ti­cle is used to ac­cept the GraphQL re­quest and process it.

The ver­ti­cle also con­tains a Sta­ticHan­dler to pro­vide the Graphiql Browser web in­ter­face. This in­ter­face will allow you to quickly dis­cover and ex­per­i­ment with GraphQL.

The query han­dler ac­cepts the query JSON data.

An Ori­entDB trans­ac­tion is being opened and the query is ex­e­cuted:

demoData.getGraph().asyncTx((tx) -> {
  // Invoke the query and handle the resulting JSON
  GraphQL graphQL = newGraphQL(schema).build();
  ExecutionInput input = new ExecutionInput(query, null, queryJson, demoData.getRoot(), extractVariables(queryJson));
}, (AsyncResult<ExecutionResult> rh) -> {

The ex­e­cute method ini­tially needs a con­text vari­able. This con­text passed along with the query. In our case the con­text is the root el­e­ment of the graph demoData.getRoot(). This con­text el­e­ment also serves as the ini­tial source for our data fetch­ers.

.dataFetcher((env) -> {
  StarWarsRoot root = env.getSource();
  return root.getHero();

The data fetch­ers for the hero type on the other hand will be able to ac­cess the hero el­e­ment since the fetcher above re­turned the el­e­ment. Using this mech­a­nism it is pos­si­ble to tra­verse the graph. It is im­por­tant to note that each in­vo­ca­tion on the do­main model meth­ods will di­rectly ac­cess the graph data­base. This way it is pos­si­ble to in­flu­ence the graph data­base query down to the low­est level. When omit­ting a prop­erty from the graphql query it will not be loaded from the graph. Thus there is no need to write an ad­di­tional data ac­cess layer. All op­er­a­tions are di­rectly mapped to graph data­base.

The StarWarsRoot Ferma class getHero() method in turn de­fines a Tin­ker­Pop Grem­lin tra­ver­sal which is used to load the Ver­tex which rep­re­sents the hero of the Star Wars saga.

Apache Tin­ker­Pop is an open source, vendor-​agnostic, graph frame­work / API which is sup­ported by many graph data­base ven­dors. One part of Tin­ker­Pop is the Grem­lin tra­ver­sal lan­guage which is great to query graph data­bases.

public Droid getHero() {
  // Follow the HAS_ROOT edge and return the first found Vertex which could be found. 
  // Wrap the Vertex explicitly in the Droid Ferma class.  
  return traverse((g) -> g.out(HAS_HERO)).nextOrDefaultExplicit(Droid.class, null);

Once the query has been ex­e­cuted the re­sult han­dler is being in­voked. It con­tains some code to process the re­sult data and po­ten­tial er­rors. It is im­por­tant to note that a GraphQL query will al­ways be an­swered with a 2xx HTTP sta­tus code. If an el­e­ment which is being ref­er­enced in the query can’t be loaded an error will be added to the re­sponse JSON ob­ject.


Test­ing is fairly straight for­ward. Al­though there are mul­ti­ple ap­proaches. One ap­proach is to use unit test­ing di­rectly on the GraphQL types. An­other op­tion is to run queries against the end­point.

The GraphQL­Test class I wrote will run mul­ti­ple queries against the end­point. A Pa­ra­me­ter­ized JUnit test is used it­er­ate over the queries.

A typ­i­cal query does not only con­tain the query data. The as­ser­tions on the re­sponse JSON are di­rectly in­cluded in query using plain com­ments.

I build an As­sertJ as­ser­tion to check the com­ments of a query and ver­ify that the as­ser­tion matches the re­sponse.


Run the example

You can run the ex­am­ple by ex­e­cut­ing the GraphQLServer class and ac­cess the Graphiql browser on http://lo­cal­host:3000/browser/

Where to go from here?

The ex­am­ple is read-​only. GraphQL also sup­ports data mu­ta­tion which can be used to ac­tu­ally mod­ify and store data. I have not yet ex­plored that part of GraphQL but I as­sume it might not be that hard to add mu­ta­tion sup­port to the ex­am­ple.

Ad­di­tion­ally it does not cover how to ac­tu­ally make use of such API. I re­cently up­dated my Vert.x ex­am­ple which shows how to use Vert.x tem­plate han­dlers to build a small server which ren­ders some pages using data which was loaded via GraphQL.

Thanks for read­ing. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions or feed­back don’t hes­i­tate to send me a tweet to @Jotschi or @gen­tic­smesh.

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