Eclipse Vert.x goes Native

I this blog post, I would like to give you a pre­view on na­tive image gen­er­a­tion of Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions using GraalVM.

With GraalVM it is pos­si­ble to gen­er­ate na­tive ex­e­cuta­bles. These ex­e­cuta­bles can be di­rectly run with­out the need of an in­stalled JVM.


  • The start up time is way faster. It is no longer re­quired to wait for the start up of the JVM. The ap­pli­ca­tion is usu­ally up and run­ning in a mat­ter of mil­lisec­onds.

  • Re­duced mem­ory foot­print. I mea­sured 40 MB mem­ory usage (RSS) for the Vert.x Web ap­pli­ca­tion which I’m going to show­case.

  • Smaller Con­tain­ers. No JVM means no over­head. All the needed parts are al­ready con­tained within the ex­e­cutable. This can be very ben­e­fi­cial when build­ing de­ploy­able con­tainer im­ages.

Demo Project

For the demo ap­pli­ca­tion I choose a very basic hello world Vert.x Web server.

package de.jotschi.examples;


import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;

public class Runner {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Use logback for logging
    File logbackFile = new File("config", "logback.xml");
    System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", logbackFile.getAbsolutePath());
    System.setProperty(LoggerFactory.LOGGER_DELEGATE_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME, SLF4JLogDelegateFactory.class.getName());
    Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Runner.class);

    // Setup the http server"Starting server for: http://localhost:8080/hello");
    Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
    Router router = Router.router(vertx);

    router.route("/hello").handler(rc -> {"Got hello request");





GraalVM runs a sta­tic analy­sis on the gen­er­ated ap­pli­ca­tion in order to find the reach­able code. This process which is run within the Sub­strate VM will lead to the gen­er­a­tion of the na­tive image.


Due to the na­ture of the sta­tic analy­sis Sub­strate VM also has some lim­i­ta­tions.

Dy­namic class load­ing and un­load­ing for ex­am­ple is not sup­ported be­cause this would in essence alter the avail­able code dur­ing run­time.

Re­flec­tion is only par­tially sup­ported and re­quires some man­ual steps which we will cover later on.

Patches / Workarounds

Work in progress

Next we need to apply some patches / workarounds. Keep in mind that na­tive image gen­er­a­tion is a fairly new topic and the these workarounds will hope­fully no longer be re­quired once the Sub­strate VM and Netty have bet­ter sup­port for each other.

I did not man­age to get na­tive epoll, kqueue and SSL in­te­gra­tion to work with na­tive im­ages. These parts are heav­ily op­ti­mized within Netty and use JNI to di­rectly ac­cess the OS fea­tures. Sub­strate VM sup­ports JNI and could in the­ory in­te­grate these na­tive li­braries.

I cre­ated a re­pro­ducer and an issue so hope­fully these prob­lems can be ad­dressed soon.

Vert.x Transport

First I needed to patch the class in order to pre­vent the load­ing of EPoll and KQueue na­tive sup­port. Oth­er­wise Sub­strate VM will try to load these classes and fail.

public class Transport {
   * The native transport, it may be {@code null} or failed.
  public static Transport nativeTransport() {
    // Patched: I remove the native transport discovery. 
    // The imports would be picked up by substrate 
    // and cause further issues. 
    return null;

Netty SSL

Na­tive SSL sup­port is an­other prob­lem­atic area. I cre­ated a patched dummy io.netty.handler.ssl.ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine class in order to pre­vent Sub­strate VM from dig­ging deeper into the SSL code of Netty.

Next we need to set up the re­flec­tion con­fig­u­ra­tion within reflectconfigs/netty.json.

Netty uses re­flec­tion to in­stan­ti­ate the socket chan­nels. This is done in the Re­flec­tiveChan­nelFac­tory. We need to tell Sub­strate VM how classes of type NioServer­Sock­etChan­nel and NioSock­etChan­nel can be in­stan­ti­ated.

    "name" : "",
    "methods" : [
      { "name" : "<init>", "parameterTypes" : [] }
    "name" : "",
    "methods" : [
      { "name" : "<init>", "parameterTypes" : [] }

If you want to learn more about the state of Netty and GraalVM I can rec­om­mend this GraalVM Blog­post by Co­drut Stancu.


Fi­nally we can build our maven project to gen­er­ate a shaded jar.

mvn clean package

Next we need the GraalVM pack­age. You can down­load it from the GraalVM web­site.

We use the shaded jar as the input source for the native-image com­mand which will gen­er­ate the ex­e­cutable.

$GRAALVMDIR/bin/native-image \
 --verbose \
 --no-server \
 -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true  \
 -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=./reflectconfigs/netty.json \
 -H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime \
 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
 -jar target/vertx-graalvm-native-image-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Fi­nally we end up with an 27 MB vertx-graalvm-native-image-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ex­e­cutable which we can run.

$ ldd vertx-graalvm-native-image-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (0x00007ffc65be8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e892f0000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e890d3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e88eb9000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e88cb1000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e88a79000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f8e886da000)
  /lib64/ (0x00007f8e8afb7000)


/usr/bin/time -f "\nmaxRSS\t%MkB" java -jar target/vertx-graalvm-native-image-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
/usr/bin/time -f "\nmaxRSS\t%MkB" ./vertx-graalvm-native-image-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT 
  • Na­tive Image: 40 MB
  • Java 10: 125 MB

The full project can be found on GitHub.

If you want to read more on the topic I can also rec­om­mend this ar­ti­cle by Re­nato Athay­des in which he demon­strates how to cre­ate a very small light weight low mem­ory ap­pli­ca­tion using GraalVM.

Thanks for read­ing. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions or feed­back don’t hes­i­tate to send me a tweet to @Jotschi.

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