Eclipse Vert.x 3.9.1 released!

We are ex­tremely pleased to an­nounce that the Eclipse Vert.x ver­sion 3.9.1 has been re­leased.

Among all bug fixes you can find in 3.9.1 these en­hance­ment.

JDK 8 HTTP/2 support

Pre­vi­ously using the Jetty ALPN agent or netty-​tcnative was re­quired to use HTTP/2 on JDK 8.

TLS ALPN sup­port has been back-​ported to JDK 8 re­cently and Vert.x has been up­graded to sup­port it, which means now you can have HTTP/2 on JDK 8 out of the box. You need to most re­cent ver­sion of Open­JDK 8 or Or­a­cle JDK 8.


The 3.9.1 re­lease notes can be found on the wiki, as well as the list of dep­re­ca­tions and break­ing changes

Docker im­ages are avail­able on Docker Hub.

The Vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion can be down­loaded on the web­site but is also avail­able from SD­KMan and Home­Brew.

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge is avail­able from:

The re­lease ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

That’s it! Happy cod­ing and see you soon on our user or dev chan­nels.

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Eclipse Vert.x 4 milestone 5 released!

We are extremely pleased to announce the fifth 4.0 milestone release of Eclipse Vert.x. This release aims to provide a reliable distribution of the current development of Vert.x 4.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.9.0 released!

New features include fluent queries in SQL clients, a new Redis client, an updated Kafka client, an improved Future API, and many more things.

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