Eclipse Vert.x 3.9.0 released!

We are ex­tremely pleased to an­nounce that the Eclipse Vert.x ver­sion 3.9.0 has been re­leased.

SQL Client fluent queries

The query API be­comes flu­ent with the ad­di­tion of a Query API for queries cre­ation and con­fig­u­ra­tion.

Col­lec­tors query now be­comes part of the Query in­ter­face.

This is a break­ing API change done under the tech pre­view sta­tus given that SQL client is a Vert.x 4 fea­ture back-​ported to Vert.x 3.

client.prepareQuery(sql).execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

// With a collector
client.preparedQuery(sql).collecting(Collectors.toList()).execute(tuple, ar -> ...);

You can read more about this new fea­ture here.

Redis client backport

For Vert.x 4.0 we are doing a full re­boot to the redis client. The func­tion­al­ity for the new client is ready to test on the mas­ter branch. In order to give users the op­por­tu­nity to test and make the up­com­ing client even bet­ter it has been back­ported to the 3.9.0 re­lease. The new client will allow users to con­nect to a sin­gle node, sen­tinel or clus­ter of redis nodes. The eas­i­est way to start is:

      new RedisOptions()
      .send(Request.cmd(Command.PING), send -> {
        if (send.succeeded()) {
          // Should have received a pong...

Same-site cookies

SameSite Cookie pol­icy has been added to the HTTP Server Cook­ies.

This is also ap­plic­a­ble to web which al­lows cookie ses­sions to use SameSite cook­ies:


Same-​site cook­ies let servers re­quire that a cookie shouldn’t be sent with cross-​site (where Site is de­fined by the reg­is­tra­ble do­main) re­quests, which pro­vides some pro­tec­tion against cross-​site re­quest forgery at­tacks (CSRF).

Kafka client upgrade

The Kafka client has been up­graded to Kafka 2.4.0 .

Our re­ac­tive client ex­poses the Kafka Admin API. As of 2.4.0 this API has been re­placed by a new Kafka Admin API and there­fore the Vert.x Kafka Admin API changes, e.g list­ing con­sumers groups

adminClient.listConsumerGroups(ar -> {
    System.out.println("ConsumerGroups= " + ar.result());

Future API

With the re­cent ad­di­tion of Future#onComplete(...) sup­port­ing sev­eral han­dlers per Future in 3.9 made the Future#setHandler(...) method feel awk­ward. In­deed setHandler con­veys the mean­ing that the Future man­ages a sin­gle han­dler. In 3.9 we dep­re­cate Future#setHandler in favor of Future#onComplete.

EDNS disabled by default

EDNS is an ex­ten­sion mech­a­nism for DNS ( that should be dis­abled by de­fault. It might cause un­wanted issue and should be dis­abled by de­fault.

Auth Deprecation warnings

As of 3.9.0 many APIs will be start warn­ing about dep­re­ca­tions. There is a big refac­tor­ing and some break­ing API changes com­ing on 4.0.0 and these warn­ings are just to give users a heads up that API will change on the up­com­ing ver­sion.

For more in­for­ma­tion about the up­com­ing 4.0 changes you can read 4.0.0-​Deprecations-and-breaking-changes

Dependency upgrades

In 3.9 we up­date a few ver­sions:

  • Netty 4.1.48.Final
  • Jack­son 2.10.2
  • Guava 25.1-jre
  • GraphQL Java 14


The 3.9.0 re­lease notes can be found on the wiki, as well as the list of dep­re­ca­tions and break­ing changes

Docker im­ages are avail­able on Docker Hub.

The Vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion can be down­loaded on the web­site but is also avail­able from SD­KMan and Home­Brew.

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge is avail­able from:

The re­lease ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

That’s it! Happy cod­ing and see you soon on our user or dev chan­nels.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.9.1 released!

The new version comes with many enhancements including an SQL client for DB2 and out-of-the-box support for HTTP/2 on JDK 8.

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