Eclipse Vert.x 3.7.1

We have just re­leased Vert.x 3.7.1, a bug fix re­lease of Vert.x 3.7.x and a few small fea­tures.

Since the re­lease of Vert.x 3.7.0, quite a few bugs have been re­ported. We would like to thank you all for re­port­ing these is­sues.

In ad­di­tion of bug fixes, this re­lease pre­pares the ground for Vert.x 4 with a few en­hance­ments and dep­re­ca­tions.

HTTP client Unix Domain Sockets

Since this re­lease the HttpClient sup­ports Unix Do­main Sock­ets when using Netty’s na­tive trans­ports, which can be re­ally use­ful if you need to con­nect to a local dae­mon such as Docker’s Dae­mon:

HttpClient httpClient = vertx.createHttpClient();

// Only available on BSD and Linux with native transport
SocketAddress addr = SocketAddress.domainSocketAddress("/var/tmp/myservice.sock");

// Send request to the server
httpClient.request(HttpMethod.GET, addr, 8080, "localhost", "/", resp -> {
  // Process response

HTTP client WebSocket connect revisited

The HttpClient Web­Socket meth­ods have been re­vis­ited, in­deed these meth­ods were lack­ing of us­abil­ity in gen­eral or with vertx-​rx due to the op­tional error han­dling:

HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
client.websocket(80, "", "/", websocket -> {
  // connected

// or

client.websocket(80, "", "/", websocket -> {
  // connected
}, err -> {
  // handle error

The new webSocket method pro­vides now the best de­vel­oper ex­pe­ri­ence for con­nect­ing a Web­Socket:

HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
client.webSocket(80, "", "/", ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    // connected
  } else {
    // handler error

With Rx­Java2, you can use now:

HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
Single<WebSocket> single = client.rxWebSocket(80, "", "/");
  ws -> {
    // connected
  err -> {
    // handle error

Vert.x Rx usability improvements

As you may know, the Vert.x Rx­i­fied API is gen­er­ated from the bare Vert.x API.

In this re­lease, vertx-codegen has been im­proved to de­ter­mine if an API ob­ject is an Iterable, Iterator, or Function. Then its Rx­i­fied equiv­a­lent will be an Iterable, Iterator, or Function too.

Let’s take an ex­am­ple. The Vert.x MultiMap class rep­re­sents a multi-​map of String keys to a list of String val­ues. It’s use­ful to rep­re­sent things like HTTP head­ers and pa­ra­me­ters which allow mul­ti­ple val­ues for keys.

Since the bare io.vertx.core.MultiMap im­ple­ments Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>>, you can it­er­ate through the con­tent with a for-each loop. Start­ing with 3.7.1, the same is pos­si­ble with the Rx­i­fied ver­sion:

io.vertx.reactivex.core.MultiMap headers = request.headers();
for (Entry<String, String> header : headers) {
  // inspect header  

Or, for ad­vanced trans­for­ma­tions:

Flowable<Entry<String, String>> headers = Flowable.fromIterable(request.headers());

GraphiQL IDE

Vert.x 3.7.0 added sup­port for build­ing GraphQL servers with Vert.x Web and GraphQL-​Java.

In 3.7.1, the GraphQL han­dler can be con­fig­ured to ex­pose the GraphiQL IDE:

GraphQLHandlerOptions options = new GraphQLHandlerOptions()
  .setGraphiQLOptions(new GraphiQLOptions()

router.route("/graphql").handler(GraphQLHandler.create(graphQL, options));

Vert.x 3.8.0 is the next release

The next ver­sion of Vert.x will be 3.8 and tar­gets end of June / early July with the fol­low­ing themes:

  • In­tro­duc­ing a Promise in­ter­face to be used in­stead of Fu­ture in a cou­ple of places of the code­base such as Verticle start or executeBlocking. The goal is to move the com­ple­tion part in Vert.x 4 from Future to Promise which be­comes the ob­ject to be com­pleted and Future is a view that is con­sumed by clients
  • Json Pointer sup­port
  • The new SQL client will be re­leased as tech pre­view (until v4)
  • Re­dis­Pool as tech pre­view (until v4) bring back con­nec­tion man­age­ment, lazy re­con­nect and scal­ing to all client modes (Sin­gle, Sen­tinel and Clus­ter)

Vert.x 3.7.1 re­lease notes

Vert.x 3.7.1 dep­re­ca­tions and break­ing changes​x3/wiki/wiki/3.7.1-​Deprecations-and-breaking-changes

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge are avail­able from NPM, Bower and as a We­b­Jar:

Docker im­ages are also avail­able on the Docker Hub. The Vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion is also avail­able from SD­KMan and Home­Brew.

The ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

Happy cod­ing and see you soon on our user or dev chan­nels.

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VS Code Vert.x Starter Extension

Today, we are really excited to announce the Visual Studio Code Vert.x Starter extension. It allows you to create a Vert.x project, customize the creation, and search for dependencies.

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Eclipse Vert.x 3.7.0 released!

We are extremely pleased to announce that the Eclipse Vert.x version 3.7.0 has been released.

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