Eclipse Vert.x 3.6.0 released!

We are pleased to an­nounce the Eclipse Vert.x 3.6.0 re­lease.

As al­ways, the com­mu­nity con­tri­bu­tions have been key in achiev­ing this mile­stone. To all of you who par­tic­i­pated: thank you, you are awe­some!

With­out fur­ther ado, let’s take a look at some of the most ex­cit­ing new fea­tures and en­hance­ments.

Vert.x Cassandra client

In this re­lease we in­tro­duce the Vert.x Cas­san­dra client, an ex­ten­sion for in­ter­a­tion with Apache Cas­san­dra.

The client sup­ports:

  • pre­pared queries
  • batch­ing
  • query stream­ing
  • bulk fetch­ing
  • low level fetch­ing

To give you an idea of how the API usage may looks like, we pro­vide this ex­am­ple:

cassandraClient.queryStream("SELECT my_string_col FROM my_keyspace.my_table where my_key = 'my_value'", queryStream -> {
    if (queryStream.succeeded()) {
    CassandraRowStream stream = queryStream.result();

    // resume stream when queue is ready to accept buffers again
    response.drainHandler(v -> stream.resume());

    stream.handler(row -> {
        String value = row.getString("my_string_col");

        // pause row stream when we buffer queue is full
        if (response.writeQueueFull()) {

    // end request when we reached end of the stream
    stream.endHandler(end -> response.end());

    } else {
    // response with internal server error if we are not able to execute given query
        .end("Unable to execute the query");

Vert.x for Kotlin

Vert.x for Kotlin has been up­dated to the very re­cent Kotlin 1.3 (and corou­tines 1.0).

Vert.x 3.5 in­tro­duced a pow­er­ful way to write syn­chro­nous non-​blocking code with Kotlin corou­tines:

val result = awaitResult<ResultSet> { client.queryWithParams("SELECT TITLE FROM MOVIE WHERE ID=?", json { array(id) }, it) };

In this re­lease, awaitResult idiom as ex­ten­sion meth­ods are pro­vided, so now you can di­rectly write:

val result = client.queryWithParamsAwait("SELECT TITLE FROM MOVIE WHERE ID=?", json { array(id) })

Note the Await suf­fix: all Vert.x asyn­chro­nous meth­ods pro­vide now an await­i­fied ex­ten­sion.

Web API gateways

The new Vert.x Web API Ser­vice mod­ule al­lows you to cre­ate Vert.x Web API Con­tract gate­ways.

Web API Service Architecture

@WebApiServiceGen can an­no­tate your ser­vice in­ter­face to han­dle Ope­nAPI 3: Vert.x Web API Ser­vice re­quests:

interface TransactionService {

  void getTransactionsList(String from, String to, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);

  void putTransaction(JsonObject body, OperationRequest context, Handler<AsyncResult<OperationResponse>> resultHandler);

The OpenAPI3RouterFactory web router be­comes an API gate­way send­ing re­quests di­rectly to your ser­vices.

These ser­vices are pow­ered by the Vert.x event bus and ben­e­fits from fea­tures like load bal­anc­ing and clus­ter­ing.

Check the com­plete doc­u­men­ta­tion for more de­tails (a tu­to­r­ial post is com­ing soon!)

Web Client

Our beloved We­b­Client is now ca­pa­ble of han­dling client ses­sions. The WebClientSession is a client ex­ten­sion that is very help­ful when you need to man­age cook­ies on the client side.

// The session is created per user
// from now on cookies are handled by the session
WebClientSession session = WebClientSession.create(client);

Cherry on the cake, the web client is now ca­pa­ble of per­form­ing server side re­sponse checks using re­sponse pred­i­cates:

  .get(8080, "", "/some-uri")
  .send(result -> { ... });

The server side re­sponse must val­i­date the ex­pec­ta­tions de­fined be­fore send­ing the re­quest in order to make the re­sponse suc­cess­ful, re­liev­ing the user code to per­form these checks man­u­ally. Of course many out of box ex­peca­tions are pro­vided and you can al­ways cre­ate your own to im­ple­ment cus­tom checks.

Use templating everywhere

Tem­plate en­gines can now be used out­side the realm of Vert.x Web. One great use case is to use them to gen­er­ate email con­tent:

TemplateEngine template = ...

template.render(new JsonObject(), "my-template.txt, res -> {
   // Send result with the Vert.x Mail client

OpenID Connect Discovery

Oauth2 has been greatly en­hanced to sup­port more of OpenID Con­nect, the most noti­ci­ble is the sup­port of OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.

What this means for the end user is that, con­fig­u­ra­tion is now a triv­ial task, as it is ”dis­coverd” from the server, e.g.:,
  new OAuth2ClientOptions()
  res -> {
    if (res.succeeded()) {
      // the setup call succeeded.
      // at this moment your auth is ready to use and
      // google signature keys are loaded so tokens can be decoded and verified.
    } else {
      // the setup failed.

If you know your cli­en­tId and your provider server URL (of course), all the re­main­ing en­doints, key sig­na­ture al­go­rithms and JSON Web Keys are “dis­cov­ered” for you and con­fig­ured to the auth provider.

Password Hashing strategy

Vert.x auth com­po­nents now sup­port user de­fined pass­word hash­ing strate­gies, If you’re not happy with the pro­vided im­ple­men­ta­tions: SHA512 or PKDBF2 you can now pro­vide your own strat­egy so it can be used with JDBC or Mongo auth.

The hash ver­i­fi­ca­tion al­go­rithm has been im­proved to be time con­stant, re­gard­less of the re­sult, which pro­tects Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions from hash tim­ing at­tacks.

Externalized configuration of Vert.x options

Whether you run your Vert.x app with the CLI or as an ex­e­cutable JAR with the Launcher, you can now pro­vide Vert.x op­tions as a com­mand line pa­ra­me­ter:

java -jar my-app.jar -options /path/to/my/file.json

Or with the CLI:

vertx run my-verticle.js -options /path/to/my/file.json

This is par­tic­u­larly use­ful for com­plex clus­tered event-​bus se­tups (en­cryp­tion, pub­lic host vs clus­ter host…).

And more…

Here are some other im­por­tant im­prove­ments you can find in this re­lease:


The 3.6.0 re­lease notes can be found on the wiki, as well as the list of dep­re­ca­tions and break­ing changes

Docker im­ages are avail­able on Docker Hub.

The Vert.x dis­tri­b­u­tion can be down­loaded on the web­site but is also avail­able from SD­KMan and Home­Brew.

The event bus client using the SockJS bridge is avail­able from:

The re­lease ar­ti­facts have been de­ployed to Maven Cen­tral and you can get the dis­tri­b­u­tion on Bin­tray.

That’s it! Happy cod­ing and see you soon on our user or dev chan­nels.

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The RSS reader tutorial (Step 3)

This is the third installment of our Vert.x Cassandra Client tutorial. We will implement the last RSS endpoint serving a list of articles related to a specific channel.

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