Easy SSO for Vert.x with Keycloak


In this blog post you’ll learn:

  • How to im­ple­ment Sin­gle Sign-​on with OpenID Con­nect
  • How to use Key­cloak’s OpenID Dis­cov­ery to infer OpenID provider con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • How to ob­tain user in­for­ma­tion
  • How to check for au­tho­riza­tion
  • How to call a Bearer pro­tected ser­vice with an Ac­cess Token
  • How to im­ple­ment a form based lo­gout

Hello Blog

This is my first post in the Vert.x Blog and I must admit that up until now I have never used Vert.x in a real project. “Why are you here?”, you might ask… Well I cur­rently have two main hob­bies, learn­ing new things and se­cur­ing apps with Key­cloak. So a few days ago, I stum­bled upon the In­tro­duc­tion to Vert.x video se­ries on youtube by Deven Phillips and I was im­me­di­ately hooked. Vert.x was a new thing for me, so the next log­i­cal step was to fig­ure out how to se­cure a Vert.x app with Key­cloak.

For this ex­am­ple I build a small web app with Vert.x that shows how to im­ple­ment Sin­gle Sign-​on (SSO) with Key­cloak and OpenID Con­nect, ob­tain in­for­ma­tion about the cur­rent user, check for roles, call bearer pro­tected ser­vices and prop­erly han­dling lo­gout.


Key­cloak is a Open Source Iden­tity and Ac­cess Man­age­ment so­lu­tion which pro­vides sup­port for OpenID Con­nect based Singe-​Sign on, among many other things. I briefly looked for ways to se­cur­ing a Vert.x app with Key­cloak and quickly found an older Vert.x Key­cloak in­te­gra­tion ex­am­ple in this very blog. Whilst this is a good start for be­gin­ners, the ex­am­ple con­tains a few is­sues, e.g.:

  • It uses hard­coded OpenID provider con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • Fea­tures a very sim­plis­tic in­te­gra­tion (for the sake of sim­plic­ity)
  • No user in­for­ma­tion used
  • No lo­gout func­tion­al­ity is shown

That some­how nerd­sniped me a bit and so it came that, after a long day of con­sult­ing work, I sat down to cre­ate an ex­am­ple for a com­plete Key­cloak in­te­gra­tion based on Vert.x OpenID Con­nect / OAuth2 Sup­port.

So let’s get started!

Keycloak Setup

To se­cure a Vert.x app with Key­cloak we of course need a Key­cloak in­stance. Al­though Key­cloak has a great get­ting started guide I wanted to make it a bit eas­ier to put every­thing to­gether, there­fore I pre­pared a local Key­cloak docker con­tainer as de­scribed here that you can start eas­ily, which comes with all the re­quired con­fig­u­ra­tion in place.

The pre­con­fig­ured Key­cloak realm named vertx con­tains a demo-client for our Vert.x web app and a set of users for test­ing.

docker run \
  -it \
  --name vertx-keycloak \
  --rm \
  -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin \
  -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/vertx-realm.json \
  -v $PWD/vertx-realm.json:/tmp/vertx-realm.json \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Vert.x Web App

The sim­ple web app con­sists of a sin­gle Verticle, runs on http://localhost:8090 and pro­vides a few routes with pro­tected re­sources. You can find the com­plete ex­am­ple here.

The web app con­tains the fol­low­ing routes with han­dlers:

  • / - The un­pro­tected index page
  • /protected - The pro­tected page, which shows a greet­ing mes­sage, users need to login to ac­cess pages be­neath this path.
  • /protected/user - The pro­tected user page, which shows some in­for­ma­tion about the user.
  • /protected/admin - The pro­tected admin page, which shows some in­for­ma­tion about the admin, only users with role admin can ac­cess this page.
  • /protected/userinfo - The pro­tected user­info page, ob­tains user in­for­ma­tion from the bearer token pro­tected user­info end­point in Key­cloak.
  • /logout - The pro­tected lo­gout re­source, which trig­gers the user lo­gout.

Running the app

To run the app, we need to build our app via:

cd keycloak-vertx
mvn clean package

This cre­ates a runnable jar, which we can run via:

java -jar target/*.jar

Note, that you need to start Key­cloak, since our app will try to fetch con­fig­u­ra­tion from Key­cloak.

If the ap­pli­ca­tion is run­ning, just browse to: http://localhost:8090/.

An ex­am­ple in­ter­ac­tion with the app can be seen in the fol­low­ing gif:

Vert.x Keycloak Integration Demo

Router, SessionStore and CSRF Protection

We start the con­fig­u­ra­tion of our web app by cre­at­ing a Router where we can add cus­tom han­dler func­tions for our routes. To prop­erly han­dle the au­then­ti­ca­tion state we need to cre­ate a SessionStore and at­tach it to the Router. The SessionStore is used by our OAuth2/OpenID Con­nect in­fra­struc­ture to as­so­ciate au­then­ti­ca­tion in­for­ma­tion with a ses­sion. By the way, the SessionStore can also be clus­tered if you need to dis­trib­ute the server-​side state.

Note that if you want to keep your server state­less but still want to sup­port clus­ter­ing, then you could pro­vide your own im­ple­men­ta­tion of a SessionStore which stores the ses­sion in­for­ma­tion as an en­crypted cookie on the Client.

Router router = Router.router(vertx);

// Store session information on the server side
SessionStore sessionStore = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx);
SessionHandler sessionHandler = SessionHandler.create(sessionStore);

In order to pro­tected against CSRF at­tacks it is good prac­tice to pro­tect HTML forms with a CSRF token. We need this for our lo­gout form that we’ll see later.

To do this we con­fig­ure a CSRFHandler and add it to our Router:

// CSRF handler setup required for logout form
String csrfSecret = "zwiebelfische";
CSRFHandler csrfHandler = CSRFHandler.create(csrfSecret);
router.route().handler(ctx -> {
            // Ensures that the csrf token request parameter is available for the CsrfHandler
            // after the logout form was submitted.
            // See "Handling HTML forms" https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-core/java/#_handling_requests
            ctx.request().endHandler(v -> csrfHandler.handle(ctx));

Keycloak Setup via OpenID Connect Discovery

Our app is reg­is­tered as a con­fi­den­tial OpenID Con­nect client with Au­tho­riza­tion Code Flow in Key­cloak, thus we need to con­fig­ure client_id and client_secret. Con­fi­den­tial clients are typ­i­cally used for server-​side web ap­pli­ca­tions, where one can se­curely store the client_secret. You can find out more aboutThe dif­fer­ent Client Ac­cess Types in the Key­cloak doc­u­men­ta­tion.

Since we don’t want to con­fig­ure things like OAuth2 / OpenID Con­nect End­points our­selves, we use Key­cloak’s OpenID Con­nect dis­cov­ery end­point to infer the nec­es­sary Oauth2 / OpenID Con­nect end­point URLs.

String hostname = System.getProperty("http.host", "localhost");
int port = Integer.getInteger("http.port", 8090);
String baseUrl = String.format("http://%s:%d", hostname, port);
String oauthCallbackPath = "/callback";

OAuth2ClientOptions clientOptions = new OAuth2ClientOptions()
    .setSite(System.getProperty("oauth2.issuer", "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/vertx"))
    .setClientID(System.getProperty("oauth2.client_id", "demo-client"))
    .setClientSecret(System.getProperty("oauth2.client_secret", "1f88bd14-7e7f-45e7-be27-d680da6e48d8"));

KeycloakAuth.discover(vertx, clientOptions, asyncResult -> {

    OAuth2Auth oauth2Auth = asyncResult.result();

    if (oauth2Auth == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not configure Keycloak integration via OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint. Is Keycloak running?");

    AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(oauth2Auth, baseUrl + oauthCallbackPath)
        // Additional scopes: openid for OpenID Connect

    // session handler needs access to the authenticated user, otherwise we get an infinite redirect loop

    // protect resources beneath /protected/* with oauth2 handler

    // configure route handlers
    configureRoutes(router, webClient, oauth2Auth);


Route handlers

We con­fig­ure our route han­dlers via configureRoutes:

private void configureRoutes(Router router, WebClient webClient, OAuth2Auth oauth2Auth) {



    // extract discovered userinfo endpoint url
    String userInfoUrl =  ((OAuth2AuthProviderImpl)oauth2Auth).getConfig().getUserInfoPath();
    router.get("/protected/userinfo").handler(createUserInfoHandler(webClient, userInfoUrl));


The index han­dler ex­poses an un­pro­tected re­source:

private void handleIndex(RoutingContext ctx) {
    respondWithOk(ctx, "text/html", "<h1>Welcome to Vert.x Keycloak Example</h1><br><a href=\"/protected\">Protected</a>");

Extract User Information from the OpenID Connect ID Token

Our app ex­poses a sim­ple greet­ing page which shows some in­for­ma­tion about the user and pro­vides links to other pages.

The user greet­ing han­dler is pro­tected by the Key­cloak OAuth2 / OpenID Con­nect in­te­gra­tion. To show in­for­ma­tion about the cur­rent user, we first need to call the ctx.user() method to get an user ob­ject we can work with. To ac­cess the OAuth2 token in­for­ma­tion, we need to cast it to OAuth2TokenImpl.

We can ex­tract the user in­for­ma­tion like the user­name from the IDToken ex­posed by the user ob­ject via user.idToken().getString("preferred_username"). Note, there are many more claims like (name, email, give­nanme, fam­i­ly­name etc.) avail­able. The OpenID Con­nect Core Spec­i­fi­ca­tion con­tains a list of avail­able claims.

We also gen­er­ate a list with links to the other pages which are sup­ported:

private void handleGreet(RoutingContext ctx) {

    OAuth2TokenImpl oAuth2Token = (OAuth2TokenImpl) ctx.user();

    String username = oAuth2Token.idToken().getString("preferred_username");

    String greeting = String.format("<h1>Hi %s @%s</h1><ul>" +
            "<li><a href=\"/protected/user\">User Area</a></li>" +
            "<li><a href=\"/protected/admin\">Admin Area</a></li>" +
            "<li><a href=\"/protected/userinfo\">User Info (Remote Call)</a></li>" +
            "</ul>", username, Instant.now());

    String logoutForm = createLogoutForm(ctx);

    respondWithOk(ctx, "text/html", greeting + logoutForm);

The user page han­dler shows in­for­ma­tion about the cur­rent user:

private void handleUserPage(RoutingContext ctx) {

    OAuth2TokenImpl user = (OAuth2TokenImpl) ctx.user();

    String username = user.idToken().getString("preferred_username");
    String displayName = oAuth2Token.idToken().getString("name");

    String content = String.format("<h1>User Page: %s (%s) @%s</h1><a href=\"/protected\">Protected Area</a>",
                                   username, displayName, Instant.now());
    respondWithOk(ctx, "text/html", content);

Authorization: Checking for Required Roles

Our app ex­poses a sim­ple admin page which shows some in­for­ma­tion for ad­mins, which should only be vis­i­ble for ad­mins. Thus we re­quire that users must have the admin realm role in Key­cloak to be able to ac­cess the admin page.

This is done via a call to user.isAuthorized("realm:admin", cb). The han­dler func­tion cb ex­poses the re­sult of the au­tho­riza­tion check via the AsyncResult<Boolean> res. If the cur­rent user has the admin role then the re­sult is true oth­er­wise false:

private void handleAdminPage(RoutingContext ctx) {

    OAuth2TokenImpl user = (OAuth2TokenImpl) ctx.user();

    // check for realm-role "admin"
    user.isAuthorized("realm:admin", res -> {

        if (!res.succeeded() || !res.result()) {
            respondWith(ctx, 403, "text/html", "<h1>Forbidden</h1>");

        String username = user.idToken().getString("preferred_username");

        String content = String.format("<h1>Admin Page: %s @%s</h1><a href=\"/protected\">Protected Area</a>",
                                        username, Instant.now());
        respondWithOk(ctx, "text/html", content);

Call Services protected with Bearer Token

Often we need to call other ser­vices from our web app that are pro­tected via Bearer Au­then­ti­ca­tion. This means that we need a valid access token to ac­cess a re­source pro­vided on an­other server.

To demon­strate this we use Key­cloak’s /userinfo end­point as a straw man to demon­strate back­end calls with a bearer token.

We can ob­tain the cur­rent valid access token via user.opaqueAccessToken(). Since we use a WebClient to call the pro­tected end­point, we need to pass the access token via the Authorization header by call­ing bearerTokenAuthentication(user.opaqueAccessToken()) in the cur­rent HttpRequest ob­ject:

private Handler<RoutingContext> createUserInfoHandler(WebClient webClient, String userInfoUrl) {

    return (RoutingContext ctx) -> {

        OAuth2TokenImpl user = (OAuth2TokenImpl) ctx.user();

        URI userInfoEndpointUri = URI.create(userInfoUrl);
            .get(userInfoEndpointUri.getPort(), userInfoEndpointUri.getHost(), userInfoEndpointUri.getPath())
            // use the access token for calls to other services protected via JWT Bearer authentication
            .send(ar -> {

                if (!ar.succeeded()) {
                    respondWith(ctx, 500, "application/json", "{}");

                JsonObject body = ar.result().body();
                respondWithOk(ctx, "application/json", body.encode());

Handle logout

Now that we got a work­ing SSO login with au­tho­riza­tion, it would be great if we would allow users to lo­gout again. To do this we can lever­age the built-​in OpenID Con­nect lo­gout func­tion­al­ity which can be called via oAuth2Token.logout(cb).

The han­dler func­tion cb ex­poses the re­sult of the lo­gout ac­tion via the AsyncResult<Void> res. If the lo­gout was suc­cess­full we destory our ses­sion via ctx.session().destroy() and redi­rect the user to the index page.

The lo­gout form is gen­er­ated via the createLogoutForm method.

As men­tioned ear­lier, we need to pro­tect our lo­gout form with a CSRF token to pre­vent CSRF at­tacks.

Note: If we had end­points that would ac­cept data sent to the server, then we’d need to guard those end­points with an CSRF token as well.

We need to ob­tain the gen­er­ated CSRFToken and ren­der it into a hid­den form input field that’s trans­fered via HTTP POST when the lo­gout form is sub­mit­ted:

private void handleLogout(RoutingContext ctx) {

    OAuth2TokenImpl oAuth2Token = (OAuth2TokenImpl) ctx.user();
    oAuth2Token.logout(res -> {

        if (!res.succeeded()) {
            // the user might not have been logged out, to know why:
            respondWith(ctx, 500, "text/html", String.format("<h1>Logout failed %s</h1>", res.cause()));

        ctx.response().putHeader("location", "/?logout=true").setStatusCode(302).end();

private String createLogoutForm(RoutingContext ctx) {

    String csrfToken = ctx.get(CSRFHandler.DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME);

    return "<form action=\"/logout\" method=\"post\">"
            + String.format("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">", CSRFHandler.DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME, csrfToken)
            + "<button>Logout</button></form>";

Some ad­di­tional plumb­ing:

private void respondWithOk(RoutingContext ctx, String contentType, String content) {
    respondWith(ctx, 200, contentType, content);

private void respondWith(RoutingContext ctx, int statusCode, String contentType, String content) {
    ctx.request().response() //
            .putHeader("content-type", contentType) //

More examples

This con­cludes the Key­cloak in­te­gra­tion ex­am­ple.

Check out the com­plete ex­am­ple in keycloak-​vertx Ex­am­ples Repo.

Thank you for your time, stay tuned for more up­dates! If you want to learn more about Key­cloak, feel free to reach out to me. You can find me via thomas­da­ri­mont on twit­ter.

Happy Hack­ing!

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