Checklist for Migrating from Vert.x 2.1.x to Vert.x 3 - Part One

This blog post presents feed­backs from a project mi­gra­tion using Vert.x 2 to Vert.x 3.

We are in the process of converting our Vert.x 2.1.5 application to Vert.x 3.0.

So while up­grad­ing our ap­pli­ca­tion, I thought I should note down all the changes that we had to do in the process. Since Vert.x 3 is a major up­grade from the pre­vi­ous ver­sion, with so many changes.

It re­quires re-​thinking your cur­rent 2.x Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion. There are new classes, new apis, and a new pack­age struc­ture that has greatly sim­pli­fied things that we used to have to work around. There­fore in our up­grade it re­quired us to refac­tor and re­move any un­nec­es­sary “hacks” that weren’t avail­able in 2 that are now a part of Vert.x 3 that you re­ally want and need to take ad­van­tage of. (I don’t mean there are hacks in 3.x, just that we had in our ap­pli­ca­tion with Vert.x 2.x)

There are Met­rics, and Clus­tered shared data, with lock­ing and many more fea­tures that are amaz­ing new ad­di­tions. These are things we had to hack into our ap­pli­ca­tion with Vert.x 2.x. We added our own MetricsRegistry from Drop­Wiz­ard which meant mak­ing our own Main class that called Vert.x’s Starter class after start­ing up the reg­istry, but only in our De­vops server de­ploys, not our de­vel­oper ma­chines. And we had to build our own dis­trib­uted locked of clus­tered data that also re­quired writ­ing a com­pre­hen­sive dis­trib­uted timers. (The timers got fixed with a bet­ter actor model). But now we can use what Vert.x gives us in­ter­nally for those use cases.

This blog post is part one, as I am sure there will be some new changes that we need to do that we haven’t got­ten to yet. Which as we go, will post in part two. Also that this post is a work in progress in that when­ever you are up­grad­ing and refac­tor­ing your code, it doesn’t leave much time for tak­ing de­tailed notes, or writ­ing beau­ti­ful prose. I am a ter­ri­ble writer even when I can fully con­cen­trate on it. So the first draft will just be a list of my notes. These notes are not in any par­tic­u­lar order, but some things like tests you might want to save for last. (Just DON’T delete your tests, tests are very im­por­tant)

One of the first things that Vert.x has changed is the whole class­loader setup. Read the Vert.x Docs for more in­for­ma­tion but ba­si­cally, we have a flat class­loader sys­tem now. YAY! And one of the first things I no­ticed that is gone is the Platform mod­ule.

Changes we have made.

Dependency changes

  1. So the first thing we did was to re­move the vert.x-platform de­pen­dency from our pom file (Build de­pen­dency file of what­ever build sys­tem you use) This also means that you will be re­mov­ing any im­port state­ments from your code that has .platform. Which leads us to the next point.

  2. Change all the im­ports for Vertx. from org.vertx to io.vertx. This could be a lot of work, as it is in every class you use Vert.x in. We had at least 250 lo­ca­tions to change here. Some classes have moved pack­ages and “jars” that have them, so there will be some new jars to in­clude as de­pen­den­cies and dif­fer­ent im­port state­ments for them.

  3. If using a lan­guage other than Java, change the de­pen­dency to vertx-lang-<<language>>

  4. Re­move any mod­ules ref­er­ences that are using Vert.x 2.x stuff. You can get an odd error like The type­ject can­not be re­solved. It is in­di­rectly ref­er­enced from re­quired .class files.

  5. testtools de­pen­dency is gone. There is now Vertx-​unit. So all your pre­vi­ous tests need to be com­pletely re-​written in the new style. This can be re­ally dif­fi­cult and time con­sum­ing as the tests you al­ready have writ­ten re­ally do need to be re-​written from scratch. But these tests are also the back­bone in know­ing if your code is work­ing. So this could take months if you have a re­ally full set of test suites al­ready. Also note the list below is to con­vert your JUnit In­te­gra­tion tests. as vertx-​unit first and fore­most pro­vides its own test­ing frame­work/suite but it also works in JUnit, and if you are using JUnit you need to do the fol­low­ing

  • Re­move all the im­ports to TestTools, in­clud­ing VertxAssert. I would do a find/re­place to re­place all the VertxAssert to testContext for when you have to add TestContext to all your @Test meth­ods. I rec­om­mend nam­ing the pa­ra­me­ter testContext, just to put more con­text, into your con­text. Be­cause if you just have context as your pa­ra­me­ter name, how do you know what con­text the con­text is? Sorry, that was too much fun. Ba­si­cally, what I am say­ing is if you have say Spring ApplicationContext in with your in­te­gra­tion tests with Vert.x what does context rep­re­sent? Spring or Vert.x test con­text.
  • Add @RunWith(VertxUnitRunner.class) above your test class
  • Re­move any VertxAssert.testComplete() those are gone. It needs TestContext.async().complete(). It is also im­por­tant to un­der­stand what async() means. When to call it, when to com­plete it. It also al­lows you to do mul­ti­ple async() calls and nested ones. I think I needed that when I had a test that was a longer use case of many mes­sages being sent, but only after re­sponses to other ones oc­curred. For in­stance, to do chat in our app, you have to con­nect, sub­scribe, friend some­one, then you can send a chat mes­sage. So that is 4 total Vert.x Mes­sages sent from the Test client. And you can sub­scribe until con­nect com­pleted, and you can send or re­ceive mes­sages un­less you are sub­scribed and have a friend. So we need to have a few async() calls in that sce­nario.
  • What is in your start method over­ride. Make that an @Before.
  • What is in your stop method over­ride. Make that an @After.
  • If you have your as­ser­tions have cus­tom mes­sage strings to log out when they fail, that pa­ra­me­ter is now at the end of the assert method call. Yes, this one can be painful.

Build Changes

  1. Re­move all vertx maven plugin code to gen­er­ate mod­ules, in­stead cre­ate fat jars, which re­quires adding the Shade maven plugin to put all jar files into a big fat jar. The vertx-​examples project has simplest-​maven which has the stuff to cre­ate the fat jar. simplest-​gradle is the gra­dle equiv­a­lent.

  2. If you were run­ning your ap­pli­ca­tion with runMod or some­thing like that then you need to cre­ate a fat jar, chang­ing the build file as in this one and cre­ate a Main class like here this one.

Class/Code Changes

  1. Verticle is now an in­ter­face and not a class to ex­tend, so using Groovy as an ex­am­ple you now ex­tend GroovyVerticle. In Java ex­tend AbstractVerticle in­stead.

  2. There is no registerHandler on the event­Bus any­more. So every­where you do that has to change to cre­ate/call consumer() and to un­reg­is­ter that han­dler, you have to have a ref­er­ence to the MessageConsumer that consumer() call re­turns and call its unregister method.

  3. JsonObject.toMap() changed to JsonObject.getMap()

  4. JsonObject also re­moved all the putXXX meth­ods with just one put method with over­loaded ver­sions for dif­fer­ent types.

  5. JsonObjectMessage no longer ex­ists. What re­places de­pends on what you are doing. Mean­ing, if it is an async call­back to a de­ploy, you will get a Message in­stance back that has succeeded() or failed() meth­ods as well as body() to check any re­sults. If it is a Consumer, it is typ­i­cally a straight for­ward JsonObject. If you are in Groovy it is also a JsonObject, but the body() is a Map which you can use di­rectly now, in­stead of hav­ing to con­vert from JsonObject to Map.

  6. There isn’t a container vari­able in Verticles any­more for de­ploy­ing ver­ti­cles and also a con­fig file. You need to use vertx.getOrCreateContext().config() to get to it. I used that in the SockJS Ex­am­ple code below.

  7. SharedData no longer has shared sets. It has a Map of SharedData, so an entry in that Map of shared data could be the name of the set as the key, and a Set as the value. It ac­tu­ally gives you more flex­i­bil­ity of what you put into Shared data, so this is ac­tu­ally a big win for us.

  8. Get­ting the writeHandlerID from a Socket type, is now a method call in­stead of .writeHandlerID, so .writeHandlerID()

  9. SockJSSocket is in vertx-​web pack­age now, so in­clude it to get the class.

  10. There isn’t a SockJSServer class any­more ei­ther. So you will cre­ate a WebServer, a Router and set SSL (if you are using SSL on the Web­Server) then cre­ate a SockJSHandler to as­sign to the router via the route() method and handler() meth­ods in the Router api. Here is an ex­am­ple of our code. Al­though I haven’t tested it yet. ;)

public class MyVerticle extends GroovyVerticle {
  Router router

  void start() throws Exception {
     router = Router.router(vertx)
     (Map<String, Object>) sslConfig =
        (Map<String, Object>)vertx.getOrCreateContext()

     HttpServer sslHttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer(
         SSL: true,
         keyStorePath: sslConfig.get("keystore"),
         keyStorePassword: sslConfig.get("password"))


  private void startWebApiServer(final HttpServer httpServer) {
    def sockHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx, [:])
    sockHandler.socketHandler {
      SockJSSocket ws -> sockJSConnectHandler(ws)


More testing change

Test­ing mes­sages in In­te­gra­tion Tests. To tell the test method that this has async calls put Async async = testContext.async() as the first line in the test method. Yes, this is a lit­tle re­dun­dant from above, but I al­ways for­got to put async() calls in my in­te­gra­tion tests and they would pass so quickly, with­out send­ing any­thing out, be­cause it wasn’t wait­ing any­more

Runtime changes

If you don’t use Vert.x built-​in Log­ging and need to use slf4j, then re­mem­ber that you should set a sys­tem prop­erty called vertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name with the name of a Java class which im­ple­ments the in­ter­face LoggerFactory. Vert.x pro­vides pre-​built im­ple­men­ta­tions for Log4J and SLF4J with the class names io.vertx.core.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory and io.vertx.core.logging.SLF4JLogDelegateFactory.

Still working

Well, that is all I have for you folks so far. We are still not done, as we haven’t got­ten our ap­pli­ca­tion run­ning with real clients just yet. But we do have all our in­te­gra­tion tests from be­fore com­pletely pass­ing so, if some­thing does come up, it should be a small one (KNOCK ON WOOD)

Please feel free to post on the Vert.x Google Group with any com­ments or sug­ges­tions on what to add to this blog post or for Part Two.


Mark S

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