Centralized logging for Vert.x applications using the ELK stack

This post entry de­scribes a so­lu­tion to achieve cen­tral­ized log­ging of Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions using the ELK stack, a set of tools in­clud­ing Logstash, Elas­tic­search, and Kibana that are well known to work to­gether seam­lessly.


This post was writ­ten in con­text of the project ti­tled “De­vOps tool­ing for Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tions”, one of the Vert.x projects tak­ing place dur­ing the 2016 edi­tion of Google Sum­mer of Code, a pro­gram that aims to bring to­gether stu­dents with open source or­ga­ni­za­tions, in order to help them to gain ex­po­sure to soft­ware de­vel­op­ment prac­tices and real-​world chal­lenges.


Cen­tral­ized log­ging is an im­por­tant topic while build­ing a Mi­croser­vices ar­chi­tec­ture and it is a step for­ward to adopt­ing the De­vOps cul­ture. Hav­ing an over­all so­lu­tion par­ti­tioned into a set of ser­vices dis­trib­uted across the In­ter­net can rep­re­sent a chal­lenge when try­ing to mon­i­tor the log out­put of each of them, hence, a tool that helps to ac­com­plish this re­sults very help­ful.


As shown in the di­a­gram below, the gen­eral cen­tral­ized log­ging so­lu­tion com­prises two main el­e­ments: the ap­pli­ca­tion server, which runs our Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion; and a sep­a­rate server, host­ing the ELK stack. Both el­e­ments are linked by File­beat, a highly con­fig­urable tool ca­pa­ble of ship­ping our ap­pli­ca­tion logs to the Logstash in­stance, i.e., our gate­way to the ELK stack.

Overview of centralized logging with ELK

App logging configuration

The ap­proach de­scribed here is based on a File­beat + Logstash con­fig­u­ra­tion, that means first we need to make sure our app logs to a file, whose records will be shipped to Logstash by File­beat. Luck­ily, Vert.x pro­vides the means to con­fig­ure al­ter­na­tive log­ging frame­works (e.g., Log4j, Log4j2 and SLF4J) be­sides the de­fault JUL log­ging. How­ever, we can use File­beat in­de­pen­dently of the log­ging frame­work cho­sen.

Log4j Logging

The demo that ac­com­pa­nies this post re­lies on Log4j2 as the log­ging frame­work. We in­structed Vert.x to use this frame­work fol­low­ing the guide­lines and we made sure our log­ging calls are made asyn­chro­nous, since we don’t want them to block our ap­pli­ca­tion. For this pur­pose, we opted for the AsyncAppender and this was in­cluded in the Log4J con­fig­u­ra­tion to­gether with the log out­put for­mat de­scribed in a XML con­fig­u­ra­tion avail­able in the ap­pli­ca­tion’s Re­source folder.

    <RollingFile name="vertx_logs" append="true" fileName="/var/log/vertx.log" filePattern="/var/log/vertx/$${date:yyyy-MM}/vertx-%d{MM-dd-yyyy}-%i.log.gz">
      <PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} %-5p %c:%L - %m%n" />
    <Async name="vertx_async">
      <AppenderRef ref="vertx_logs"/>
    <Root level="DEBUG">
      <AppenderRef ref="vertx_async" />

Filebeat configuration

Now that we have con­fig­ured the log out­put of our Vert.x ap­pli­ca­tion to be stored in the file sys­tem, we del­e­gate to File­beat the task of for­ward­ing the logs to the Logstash in­stance. File­beat can be con­fig­ured through a YAML file con­tain­ing the logs out­put lo­ca­tion and the pat­tern to in­ter­pret mul­ti­line logs (i.e., stack traces). Also, the Logstash out­put plug­in is con­fig­ured with the host lo­ca­tion and a se­cure con­nec­tion is en­forced using the cer­tifi­cate from the ma­chine host­ing Logstash. We set the document_type to the type of in­stance that this log be­longs to, which could later help us while in­dex­ing our logs in­side Elas­tic­search.

      document_type: trader_dashboard
        - /var/log/vertx.log
        pattern: "^[0-9]+"
        negate: true
        match: after
    enabled: true
      - elk:5044
    timeout: 15
      insecure: false
        - /etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-beats.crt

ELK configuration

To take fully ad­van­tage of the ELK stack with re­spect to Vert.x and our app logs, we need to con­fig­ure each of its in­di­vid­ual com­po­nents, namely Logstash, Elas­tic­search and Kibana.


Logstash is the com­po­nent within the ELK stack that is in charge of ag­gre­gat­ing the logs from each of the sources and for­ward­ing them to the Elas­tic­search in­stance.
Con­fig­ur­ing Logstash is straight­for­ward with the help of the spe­cific input and out­put plu­g­ins for Beats and Elas­tic­search, re­spec­tively. In the pre­vi­ous sec­tion we men­tioned that File­beat could be eas­ily cou­pled with Logstash. Now, we see that this can be done by just spec­i­fy­ing Beat as the input plug­in and set the pa­ra­me­ters needed to be reached by our ship­pers (lis­ten­ing port, ssl key and cer­tifi­cate lo­ca­tion).

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
    ssl => true
    ssl_certificate => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-beats.crt"
    ssl_key => "/etc/pki/tls/private/logstash-beats.key"

Now that we are ready to re­ceive logs from the app, we can use Logstash fil­ter­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties to spec­ify the for­mat of our logs and ex­tract the fields so they can be in­dexed more ef­fi­ciently by Elas­tic­search.
The grok fil­ter­ing plug­in comes handy in this sit­u­a­tion. This plug­in al­lows to de­clare the logs for­mat using pre­de­fined and cus­tomized pat­terns based in reg­u­lar ex­pres­sions al­low­ing to de­clare new fields from the in­for­ma­tion ex­tracted from each log line. In the fol­low­ing block, we in­struct Logstash to rec­og­nize our Log4j pat­tern in­side a message field, which con­tains the log mes­sage shipped by File­beat. After that, the date fil­ter­ing plug­in parses the timestamp field ex­tracted in the pre­vi­ous step and re­places it for the one set by File­beat after read­ing the log out­put file.

filter {
  grok {
    break_on_match => false
    match =>  [ "message", "%{LOG4J}"]
    match => [ "timestamp_string", "ISO8601"]
    remove_field => [ "timestamp_string" ]

The Log4j pat­tern is not in­cluded within the Logstash con­fig­u­ra­tion, how­ever, we can spec­ify it using pre­de­fined data for­mats shipped with Logstash and adapt it to the spe­cific log for­mats re­quired in our ap­pli­ca­tion, as shown next.

# Pattern to match our Log4j format
SPACING (?:[\s]+)
LOGGER (?:[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*\.)*[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z$_0-9]*
LOG4J %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp_string} %{LOGLEVEL:log_level}%{SPACING}%{LOGGER:logger_name}:%{LINE:loc_line} - %{JAVALOGMESSAGE:log_message}

Fi­nally, we take a look at Logstash’s out­put con­fig­u­ra­tion. This sim­ply points to our elas­tic­search in­stance, in­structs it to pro­vide a list of all clus­ter nodes (sniffing), de­fines the name pat­tern for our in­dices, as­signs the doc­u­ment type ac­cord­ing to the meta­data com­ing from File­beat, and al­lows to de­fine a cus­tom index tem­plate for our data.

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost"]
    sniffing => true
    manage_template => true
    index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}"
    template => "/etc/filebeat/vertx_app_filebeat.json"
    template_overwrite => true


Elas­tic­search is the cen­tral com­po­nent that en­ables the ef­fi­cient in­dex­ing and real-​time search ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the stack. To take the most ad­van­tage of Elas­tic­search, we can pro­vide an in­dex­ing tem­plate of our in­com­ing logs, which can help to op­ti­mize the data stor­age and match the queries is­sued by Kibana at a later point.
In the ex­am­ple below, we see an index tem­plate that would be ap­plied to any index match­ing the pat­tern filebeat-*. Ad­di­tion­ally, we de­clare our new log fields type, host, log_level, logger_name, and log_message, which are set as not_analyzed ex­cept for the last two that are set as analyzed al­low­ing to per­form queries based on reg­u­lar ex­pres­sions and not re­stricted to query the full text.

  "mappings": {
    "_default_": {
      "_all": {
        "enabled": true,
        "norms": {
          "enabled": false
      "dynamic_templates": [
          "template1": {
            "mapping": {
              "doc_values": true,
              "ignore_above": 1024,
              "index": "not_analyzed",
              "type": "{dynamic_type}"
            "match": "*"
      "properties": {
        "@timestamp": {
          "type": "date"
        "offset": {
          "type": "long",
          "doc_values": "true"
        "type": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
        "host": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
        "log_level": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
        "logger_name": { "type": "string", "index": "analyzed" },
        "log_message": { "type": "string", "index": "analyzed" }
  "settings": {
    "index.refresh_interval": "5s"
  "template": "filebeat-*"


Al­though we could fetch all our logs from Elas­tic­search through its API, Kibana is a pow­er­ful tool that al­lows a more friendly query and vi­su­al­iza­tion. Be­sides the op­tion to query our data through the avail­able in­dexed field names and search boxes al­low­ing typ­ing spe­cific queries, Kibana al­lows cre­at­ing our own Vi­su­al­iza­tions and Dash­boards. Com­bined, they rep­re­sent a pow­er­ful way to dis­play data and gain in­sight in a cus­tomized man­ner. The ac­com­pa­nied demo ships with a cou­ple of sam­ple dash­boards and vi­su­al­iza­tions that take ad­van­tage of the log fields that we spec­i­fied in our index tem­plate and throw valu­able in­sight. This in­cludes: vi­su­al­iz­ing the num­ber of log mes­sages re­ceived by ELK, ob­serve the pro­por­tion of mes­sages that each log source pro­duces, and di­rectly find out the sources of error logs.

Kibana Dashboard" width="550

Log shipping challenge

The so­lu­tion pre­sented here re­lied on File­beat to ship log data to Logstash. How­ever, if you are fa­mil­iar with the Log4j frame­work you may be aware that there ex­ists a Sock­e­tAp­pen­der that al­lows to write log events di­rectly to a re­mote server using a TCP con­nec­tion. Al­though in­clud­ing the File­beat + Logstash com­bi­na­tion may sound an un­nec­es­sary over­head to the log­ging pipeline, they pro­vide a num­ber of ben­e­fits in com­par­i­son to the Log4j socket al­ter­na­tive:

  • The Sock­e­tAp­pen­der re­lies on the spe­cific se­ri­al­iza­tion of Log4j’s Lo­gEvent ob­jects, which is no an in­ter­change­able for­mat as JSON, which is used by the Beats so­lu­tion. Al­though there are at­tempts to out­put the logs in a JSON for­mat for Logstash, it doesn’t sup­port mul­ti­line logs, which re­sults in mes­sages being split into dif­fer­ent events by Logstash. On the other hand, there is no of­fi­cial nor sta­ble input plugin for Log4j ver­sion 2.
  • While en­abling Log4j’s async log­ging mode in an ap­pli­ca­tion del­e­gates log­ging op­er­a­tions to sep­a­rate threads, given their co­ex­is­tence in the same JVM there is still the risk of data loss in case of a sud­den JVM ter­mi­na­tion with­out proper log chan­nel clos­ing.
  • File­beat is a data ship­per de­signed to deal with many con­straints that arise in dis­trib­uted en­vi­ron­ments in a re­li­able man­ner, there­fore it pro­vides op­tions to tai­lor and scale this op­er­a­tion to our needs: the pos­si­bil­ity to load bal­ance be­tween mul­ti­ple Logstash in­stances, spec­ify the num­ber of si­mul­ta­ne­ous File­beat work­ers that ship log files, and spec­ify a com­pres­sion level in order to re­duce the con­sumed band­width. Be­sides that, logs can be shipped in spe­cific batch sizes, with max­i­mum amount of re­tries, and spec­i­fy­ing a con­nec­tion time­out.
  • Lastly, al­though File­beat can for­ward logs di­rectly to Elas­tic­search, using Logstash as an in­ter­me­di­ary of­fers the pos­si­bil­ity to col­lect logs from di­verse sources (e.g., sys­tem met­rics).


This post is ac­com­pa­nied by a demo based on the Vert.x Mi­croser­vices work­shop, where each of them is shipped in a Docker con­tainer sim­u­lat­ing a dis­trib­uted sys­tem com­posed of in­de­pen­dent ad­dress­able nodes.
Also, the ELK stack is pro­vi­sioned using a pre­con­fig­ured Docker image by Sébastien Pu­jadas.

Fol­low­ing the guide­lines in this post, this demo con­fig­ures each of the Mi­croser­vices of the work­shop, sets up a File­beat process on each of them to ship the logs to a cen­tral con­tainer host­ing the ELK stack.


In order to run this demo, it is nec­es­sary to have Docker in­stalled, then pro­ceed with:

  • Cloning or down­load­ing the demo repos­i­tory.
  • Sep­a­rately, ob­tain­ing the source code of the branch of the Mi­croser­vices work­shop adapted for this demo.

Building the example

The Docker im­ages be­long­ing to the Vert.x Mi­croser­vices work­shop need to be built sep­a­rately to this project be­fore this project can be launched.

Building the Vert.x Microservices workshop Docker images.

Build the root project and the Trader Dash­board fol­lowed by each of the mod­ules con­tained in the so­lu­tion folder. Issue the fol­low­ing com­mands for this:

mvn clean install
cd trader-dashboard
mvn package docker:build
cd ../solution/audit-service
mvn package docker:build
cd ../compulsive-traders
mvn package docker:build
cd ../portfolio-service
mvn package docker:build
cd ../quote-generator/
mvn package docker:build

Running the example

After build­ing the pre­vi­ous im­ages, build and run the ex­am­ple in vertx-elk using the fol­low­ing com­mand:

docker-compose up

The demo

You can watch the demo in ac­tion in the fol­low­ing screen­cast:


The ELK stack is a pow­er­ful set of tools that ease the ag­gre­ga­tion of logs com­ing from dis­trib­uted ser­vices into a cen­tral server. Its main pil­lar, Elas­tic­search, pro­vides the in­dex­ing and search ca­pa­bil­i­ties of our log data. Also, it is ac­com­pa­nied by the con­ve­nient input/out­put com­po­nents: Logstash, which can be flex­i­bly con­fig­ured to ac­cept dif­fer­ent data sources; and Kibana, which can be cus­tomized to present the in­for­ma­tion in the most con­ve­nient way.

Logstash has been de­signed to work seam­lessly with File­beat, the log ship­per which rep­re­sents a ro­bust so­lu­tion that can be adapted to our ap­pli­ca­tions with­out hav­ing to make sig­nif­i­cant changes to our ar­chi­tec­ture. In ad­di­tion, Logstash can ac­cept var­ied types of sources, fil­ter the data, and process it be­fore de­liv­er­ing to Elas­tic­search. This flex­i­bil­ity comes with the price of hav­ing extra el­e­ments in our log ag­gre­ga­tion pipeline, which can rep­re­sent an in­crease of pro­cess­ing over­head or a point-​of-failure. This ad­di­tional over­head could be avoided if an ap­pli­ca­tion would be ca­pa­ble of de­liv­er­ing its log out­put di­rectly to Elas­tic­search.

Happy log­ging!

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