Eclipse Vert.x for Scala next steps

This blog post gives an overview of the current plans for the vertx-lang-scala module, in particular with respect to the upcoming Vert.x 4.

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VS Code Vert.x Starter Extension

Today, we are really excited to announce the Visual Studio Code Vert.x Starter extension. It allows you to create a Vert.x project, customize the creation, and search for dependencies.

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New community channels

In order to better support the community, we (the core team and module maintainers) now also provide help on Stack Overflow and Gitter.

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Google Summer of Code 2018

It's this time of year again! Google Summer of Code 2018 submission period has just started!

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An Eclipse Vert.x Gradle Plugin

The new Vert.x Gradle plugin offers an opinionated plugin for building Vert.x applications with Gradle.

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Preview of a guide for Java developers

We are introducing the book “A gentle guide to asynchronous programming with Eclipse Vert.x for enterprise application developers”.

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