The RSS reader tutorial (Step 3)

This is the third installment of our Vert.x Cassandra Client tutorial. We will implement the last RSS endpoint serving a list of articles related to a specific channel.

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The RSS reader tutorial (Step 2)

In this second installment of our Vert.x Cassandra Client tutorial, we will add an endpoint that produces an array of RSS channels for a given user ID.

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The RSS reader tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Eclipse Vert.x Cassandra client in practice. We will develop an RSS reader with three HTTP endpoints.

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Simplified database transaction management with the Vert.x RxJava API

As of Vert.x 3.5, managing database transactions requires a lot of boilerplate code. Vert.x 3.6 provides helpers to easily make a reactive flow transactional.

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Eclipse Vert.x goes Native

This blog post introduces native image generation of Vert.x applications with GraalVM. Generated executables can be run without a JVM.

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Eclipse Vert.x RabbitMQ client gets a new consumer API!

In this blog post, we present the new consumer API of the RabbitMQ client that will be released with Eclipse Vert.x 3.6.0.

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