Building services and APIs with AMQP 1.0

Mi­croser­vices and APIs are every­where. Every­one talks about them, pre­sen­ta­tion slides are full of them … some peo­ple are ac­tu­ally even build­ing them. Mi­croser­vices and APIs are of course not com­pletely new con­cepts and they are a bit over-​hyped. But in gen­eral the ideas be­hind them are not bad. Un­for­tu­nately, many peo­ple seem to be­lieve that the only way how to im­ple­ment an API in mi­croser­vice is to use HTTP and REST. That is of course not true. Mi­croser­vices and APIs can be based on many dif­fer­ent pro­to­cols and tech­nolo­gies. My fa­vorite one is of course AMQP. Don’t take me wrong, HTTP and REST is not nec­es­sar­ily bad. But in some cases AMQP is sim­ply bet­ter and cre­at­ing AMQP based APIs does not need to be com­pli­cated.

This is a re-​publication of the fol­low­ing blog post

LiveScore service

For demon­stra­tion, I will use a very sim­ple ser­vice for keep­ing scores of foot­ball games. It has very basic API. It has only three calls:

  • Add a new game
  • Up­date a score of ex­ist­ing game
  • List the scores The AMQP vari­ants will be ad­di­tion­ally able to push live up­dates to the clients.

The demo is using Java and Vert.x toolkit. Vert.x is cool and I def­i­nitely rec­om­mend it to every­one. But most of the stuff from the demo should be pos­si­ble also in any other pro­gram­ming lan­guages and/or frame­work.


HTTP im­ple­men­ta­tion of my ser­vice is a typ­i­cal REST API. Since it is very sim­ple, it ac­cepts re­quests only on one end­point – /api/v1.0/scores. New games are added as POST op­er­a­tions, scores are up­dated with PUT op­er­a­tions and list of all scores can be ob­tained with GET.

With Vert.x, cre­at­ing HTTP/REST API is very easy. First the web router has to be cre­ated with all planned API calls:

router = Router.router(vertx);  

Then the HTTP server has to be cre­ated and linked with the router:

HttpServerOptions httpOptions = new HttpServerOptions();  
server = vertx.createHttpServer(httpOptions)  

And fi­nally the han­dlers which will be trig­gered for each API call have to be im­ple­mented as well. The full code is on GitHub.

The HTTP API doesn’t pro­vide any way how to au­to­mat­i­cally push the score up­dates to the clients. The clients sim­ply have to poll the ser­vice pe­ri­od­i­cally to get the up­dates. HTTP has of course some ways how to push live up­dates to clients. For ex­am­ple, with Web­Sock­ets or with chun­ked trans­fers. How­ever, these are not that easy to im­ple­ment. The ser­vice would also need to keep sep­a­rate con­nec­tion with every client and push the up­dates for each of them sep­a­rately.


Cre­at­ing the HTTP API was re­ally easy. Cre­at­ing an AMQP API has to be more com­pli­cated, right? We would need an AMQP server, which will lis­ten on some port, ac­cept the con­nec­tions, ses­sions, links and so on. There are usu­ally no nice and sim­ple to use li­braries for this.

Sure, this is one way how to do it. There is ac­tu­ally a nice li­brary called Apache Qpid Pro­ton. It has Java and C ver­sions and bind­ings into many other lan­guages (Go, C++, Python, …). It makes cre­at­ing your own AMQP server lot eas­ier. It will take care of de­cod­ing and en­cod­ing the AMQP pro­to­col, han­dling the con­nec­tions, ses­sions etc. But still, Qpid Pro­ton is not even nearly as easy to use as the HTTP router used for the HTTP API.

API with AMQP server

Are there any eas­ier op­tions? What if all what is needed to cre­ate AMQP based API is a sim­ple AMQP client? Nor­mally, that should not be a pos­si­ble be­cause we need the API to lis­ten on some port for the clients to con­nect to it and send re­quests. And clients usu­ally don’t lis­ten on any ports. How­ever, Apache Qpid has some­thing called Dis­patch. It works as a light­weight AMQP router. Dis­patch will serve as the AMQP server which was miss­ing. It will take care of han­dling client con­nec­tions, se­cu­rity and shield the ser­vice from the ac­tual clients. All the ser­vice needs to do is to use AMQP client to con­nect to Dis­patch on pre­de­fined ad­dress and wait for the re­quest.

AMQP API with Dispatch router

Dis­patch needs to be con­fig­ured with three API entry points as ad­dresses:

address {  
    prefix: /setScore  
    distribution: balanced  
address {  
    prefix: /getScore  
    distribution: balanced  
address {  
    prefix: /addGame  
    distribution: balanced  

LiveScore ser­vice will con­nect to these ad­dresses as a re­ceiver / con­sumer. Clients will con­nect to them as senders /pro­duc­ers. And Dis­patch will take care of rout­ing the mes­sages be­tween the clients and the ser­vice. Clients can also cre­ate ad­di­tional re­ceivers so that the ser­vice is able to re­spond to their re­quests and spec­ify the ad­dress of the re­ceiver as the reply-​to header in the re­quest mes­sage. LiveScore ser­vice will au­to­mat­i­cally send the re­sponse to this ad­dress. But spec­i­fy­ing a reply-​to is not manda­tory. If the client wants, it can sim­ply fire the re­quest and for­get about the re­sponse.

LiveScore ser­vice is using Vert.x AMQP Bridge which al­lows easy in­te­gra­tion be­tween the Vert.x Event Bus and the AMQP con­nec­tion to my router. The ser­vice starts the AMQP Bridge and if it suc­cess­fully con­nects to Dis­patch it cre­ates three re­ceivers for the API calls.

AmqpBridgeOptions options = new AmqpBridgeOptions().addEnabledSaslMechanism("ANONYMOUS");  
bridge = AmqpBridge.create(vertx, options);  
bridge.start(amqpHostname, amqpPort, res -> {  
   if (res.succeeded())  

The only other thing which needs to be done is cre­at­ing han­dlers for han­dling the re­quests re­ceived from clients:

public void getScores(Message<Object> msg)  
   if(msg.replyAddress() != null)  
     JsonObject response = new JsonObject();  
     response.put("application_properties", new JsonObject().put("status", 200));  
     response.put("body", new JsonArray(Json.encode(scoreService.getScores())).encode());  
     LOG.warn("Received LiveScore/getScores request without reply to address");  

Live broad­cast­ing of score up­dates is also very easy. New ad­dress has to be added into Dis­patch con­fig­u­ra­tion. This ad­dress will be used in op­po­site di­rec­tion. the ser­vice con­nects to it as sender / pro­ducer and clients which want to re­ceive the live up­dates cre­ate a re­ceiver against this ad­dress. What is im­por­tant, this ad­dress has to be marked as mul­ti­cast. Thanks to that every sin­gle mes­sage will be de­liv­ered to all con­nected clients and not just to one of them:

address {  
    prefix: /liveScores  
    distribution: multicast  

Multicasting messages

Thanks to the mul­ti­cast dis­tri­b­u­tion, the ser­vice doesn’t need to send a sep­a­rate up­date to every sin­gle client. It sends the mes­sage only once and dis­patch takes care of the rest.

public void broadcastUpdates(Game game)  
{"Broadcasting game update " + game);  
   JsonObject message = new JsonObject();  
   message.put("body", new JsonObject(Json.encode(game)).encode());  

Again, the com­plete source codes of the demo ser­vice are avail­able on GitHub.

How to structure AMQP APIs?

Com­pared to HTTP and REST, AMQP gives its users a lot more free­dom when de­sign­ing the API. It isn’t tied up by the avail­able HTTP meth­ods.

My LiveScore ser­vice is using the API end­points named ac­cord­ing to their func­tion:

  • /LiveScore/ad­dGame
  • /LiveScore/setScore
  • /LiveScore/getScores It also uses HTTP sta­tus codes in ap­pli­ca­tion prop­er­ties of the dif­fer­ent mes­sages to de­scribe the re­sult of the re­quest and JSON as the mes­sage pay­load with the ac­tual re­quest and re­sponse.

Is that the best way? To be hon­est, I don’t know. Just for the re­quest en­cod­ing there are many dif­fer­ent op­tions. AMQP has its own en­cod­ings which sup­ports all pos­si­ble basic as well as more ad­vanced data types and struc­tures. But AMQP can also trans­fer any opaque data - be it JSON, XML, Google Pro­to­col Buffers or any­thing else. For sim­ple re­quest, the pay­load can be com­pletely skipped and ap­pli­ca­tion prop­er­ties can be used in­stead. And for every­one who re­ally loves HTTP/REST, one can also model the API in REST style as I did in an al­ter­na­tive im­ple­men­ta­tion of my demo ser­vice.


One of the en­vi­ron­ments where HTTP is so to say “at home” is browser. AMQP will prob­a­bly never be as “na­tive” pro­to­col for any browser as HTTP is. How­ever AMQP can be used even from browsers. It has Web­Socket bind­ing and there are Javascript AMQP li­braries - for ex­am­ple rhea. So AMQP can be also used re­ally every­where.


It is im­por­tant to men­tion that the Dis­patch router doesn’t de­cou­ple the client from the ser­vice. If de­cou­pling is what is needed, it can be eas­ily achieved by re­plac­ing the Dis­patch router with some AMQP bro­ker. The bro­ker would de­cou­ple the client from the ser­vice with­out any changes in the ser­vice or clients.


While cre­at­ing APIs using AMQP can be very easy, it doesn’t mean that AMQP is the best pro­to­col for all APIs. There are def­i­nitely APIs where HTTP is more suit­able. But in some use cases, AMQP has clear ad­van­tages. In my LiveScore ex­am­ple it is es­pe­cially one to many com­mu­ni­ca­tion. It is im­por­tant to keep the mind open and se­lect the best avail­able for given ser­vice.

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