Building a real-time web app with Angular/Ngrx and Vert.x

Nowa­days, there are mul­ti­ple tech stacks to build a real-​time web app. What are the best choices to build real-​time An­gu­lar client apps, con­nected to a JVM-​based back­end? This ar­ti­cle de­scribes an An­gu­lar+Vertx real-​time ar­chi­tec­ture with a Proof of Con­cept demo app.

This is a re-​publication of the fol­low­ing Medium post


Wel­come to the real-​time web! It’s time to move on from tra­di­tional syn­chro­nous HTTP re­quest/re­sponse ar­chi­tec­tures to re­ac­tive apps with con­nected clients (ouch… that’s a lot of buzz­words in just one sen­tence)!

Image source:

To build this kind of app, Me­te­orJS is the new cool kid on the block (v1.0 re­leased in oc­to­ber 2014): a full stack Javascript plat­form to build connected-​client re­ac­tive ap­pli­ca­tions. It al­lows JS de­vel­op­ers to build and de­ploy amaz­ing mod­ern web and mo­bile apps (iOS/An­droid) in no time, using a uni­fied back­end+fron­tend code within a sin­gle app repo. That’s a pretty am­bi­tious ap­proach but it re­quires a very opin­ion­ated and highly cou­pled JS tech stack and it’s still a pretty niche frame­work.

More­over, we are a Java shop on the back­end. At Ago­ra­Pulse, we rely heav­ily on :

  • An­gu­lar and Ionic for the JS fron­tend (with a shared busi­ness/data ar­chi­tec­ture based on Ngrx),
  • Groovy and Grails ecosys­tem for the JVM back­end.

So my ques­tion is:

What are the best choices to build real-​time An­gu­lar client apps, con­nected to a JVM-​based back­end these days?

Our re­quire­ments are pretty basic. We don’t need full Me­teor’s end-​to-end ap­pli­ca­tion model. We just want to be able to :

  1. build a re­ac­tive app with an event bus on the JVM, and
  2. ex­tend the event bus down to the browser to be able to pub­lish/sub­scribe to real-​time events from an An­gu­lar app.

Server side (JVM)

Re­ac­tive apps is a hot topic nowa­days and there are many great libs/plat­forms to build this type of event-​driven ar­chi­tec­ture on the JVM:

Client side

Re­ac­tJS and An­gu­lar are the two most pop­u­lar frame­work right now to build mod­ern JS apps. Most plat­forms use SockJS to han­dle real-​time con­nec­tions:

  • Vertx-​web pro­vides a SockJS server im­ple­men­ta­tion with an event bus bridge and a vertx-​evenbus.js client li­brary (very easy to use),
  • Spring pro­vides web­socket SockJS sup­port though Spring Mes­sag­ing and Web­socket libs (see an ex­am­ple here)

Final choice: Vert.x + Angular

In the end, I’ve cho­sen to ex­per­i­ment with Vert.x for its ex­cel­lent Groovy sup­port, dis­trib­uted event bus, scal­a­bil­ity and ease of use.

I en­joyed it very much. Let me show you the re­sult of my ex­per­i­men­ta­tion which is the root of our real-​time fea­tures com­ing very soon in Ago­ra­Pulse v6.0!

Why Vert.x?

Like other re­ac­tive plat­form, Vert.x is event dri­ven and non block­ing. It scales very well (even more that Node.js).

Un­like other re­ac­tive plat­forms, Vert.x is poly­glot: you can use Vert.x with mul­ti­ple lan­guages in­clud­ing Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Cey­lon, Scala and Kotlin.

Un­like Node.js, Vert.x is a gen­eral pur­pose tool-​kit and un­opin­ion­ated. It’s a ver­sa­tile plat­form suit­able for many things: from sim­ple net­work util­i­ties, so­phis­ti­cated mod­ern web ap­pli­ca­tions, HTTP/REST mi­croser­vices or a full blown back-​end message-​bus ap­pli­ca­tion.

Like other re­ac­tive plat­forms, it looks scary in the be­gin­ing when you read the doc­u­men­ta­tion… ;) But once you start play­ing with it, it re­mains fun and sim­ple to use, es­pe­cially with Groovy! Vert.x re­ally al­lows you to build sub­stan­tial sys­tems with­out get­ting tan­gled in com­plex­ity.

In my case, I was mainly in­ter­ested by the dis­trib­uted event-​bus pro­vided (a core fea­ture of Vert.x).

To val­i­date our ap­proach, we built pro­to­types with the fol­low­ing goals:

  • share and syn­chro­nize a com­mon (Ngrx-​based) state be­tween mul­ti­ple con­nected clients, and
  • dis­trib­ute real-​time (Ngrx-​based) ac­tions across mul­ti­ple con­nected clients, which im­pact local states/re­duc­ers.

@ngrx/store is a RxJS pow­ered state man­age­ment in­spired by Redux for An­gu­lar apps. It’s cur­rently the most pop­u­lar way to struc­ture com­plex busi­ness logic in An­gu­lar apps.


Source: https://www.smash­ing­​introduction-to-redux/


Here is the repo of our ini­tial proof of con­cept:­rama/ngrx-​realtime-app

The repo is di­vided into two sep­a­rate projects:

  • Vert.x server app, based on Vert.x (ver­sion 3.3), man­aged by Gra­dle, with a main ver­ti­cle de­vel­oped in Groovy lang.
  • An­gu­lar client app, based on An­gu­lar (ver­sion 4.0.1), man­aged by An­gu­lar CLI with state, re­duc­ers and ac­tions logic based on @ngrx/store (ver­sion 2.2.1)

For the demo, we are using the counter ex­am­ple code (ac­tions and re­duc­ers) from @ngrx/store.

The counter client busi­ness logic is based on:

  • CounterState in­ter­face, counter state model,
  • counterReducer re­ducer, counter state man­age­ment based on dis­patched ac­tions, and
  • In­cre­ment, decre­ment and reset counter ac­tions.

State is main­tained server-​side with a sim­ple sin­gle­ton CounterService.

class CounterService {
    static INCREMENT = '[Counter] Increment'
    static DECREMENT = '[Counter] Decrement'
    static RESET = '[Counter] Reset'
    int total = 0
    void handleEvent(event) {
        switch(event.type) {
            case INCREMENT:
            case DECREMENT:
            case RESET:
                total = 0

Client state initialization through Request/Response

Ini­tial state is ini­tial­ized with sim­ple re­quest/re­sponse (or send/reply) on the event bus. Once the client is con­nected, it sends a re­quest to the event bus at the ad­dress counter::total. The server replies di­rectly with the value of CounterService total and the client dis­patches lo­cally a reset ac­tion with the total value from the reply.

Vertx Request Response


Here is an ex­tract of the cor­re­spond­ing code (from AppEventBusService):

initializeCounter() {
    this.eventBusService.send('counter::total', body, (error, message) => {
    // Handle reply
    if (message && message.body) {
            let localAction = new CounterActions.ResetAction();
            localAction.payload = message.body; // Total value

Actions distribution through Publish/Subscribe

Ac­tion dis­tri­b­u­tion/sync uses the pub­lish/sub­scribe pat­tern.

Counter ac­tions are pub­lished from the client to the event bus at the ad­dress counter::ac­tions.

Any client that have sub­scribed to counter::ac­tions ad­dress will re­ceive the ac­tions and re­dis­patch them lo­cally to im­pact app states/re­duc­ers.

Vertx Publish Subscribe


Here is an ex­tract of the cor­re­spond­ing code (from AppEventBusService):

publishAction(action: RemoteAction) {
    if (action.publishedByUser) {
        console.error("This action has already been published");
    action.publishedByUser = this.currentUser;
    this.eventBusService.publish(action.eventBusAddress, action);
subscribeToActions(eventBusAddress: string) {
    this.eventBusService.registerHandler(eventBusAddress, (error, message) => {
        // Handle message from subscription
        if (message.body.publishedByUser === this.currentUser) {
            // Ignore action sent by current manager
        let localAction = message.body;;

The event bus pub­lish­ing logic is achieved through a sim­ple Ngrx Ef­fects. Any ac­tions that ex­tend RemoteAction class will be pub­lished to the event bus.

export class AppEventBusEffects {

    constructor(private actions$: Actions, private appEventBusService: AppEventBusService) {}
    // Listen to all actions and publish remote actions to account event bus
    @Effect({dispatch: false}) remoteAction$ = this.actions$
        .filter(action => action instanceof RemoteAction && action.publishedByUser == undefined)
        .do((action: RemoteAction) => {

    @Effect({dispatch: false}) login$ = this.actions$
        .do(() => {

You can see all of this in ac­tion by lo­cally launch­ing the server and the client app in two sep­a­rate browser win­dows.

Demo app screen

Bonus: the demo app also in­cludes user sta­tus (of­fline/on­line), based of the event bus con­nec­tion sta­tus.

The counter state is shared and syn­chro­nized be­tween con­nected clients and each local ac­tion is dis­trib­uted in real-​time to other clients.

Mis­sion ac­com­plished!

Typescript version of Vertx EventBus Client

The app uses our own Type­script ver­sion of the of­fi­cial JS Vertx Event­Bus Client. It can be found here, any feed­back, im­prove­ment sug­ges­tions are wel­come!

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