An Introduction to the Vert.x Context Object

Under the hood, the vert.x Con­text class plays a crit­i­cal part in main­tain­ing the thread-​safety guar­an­tees of ver­ti­cles. Most of the time, vert.x coders don’t need to make use of Con­text ob­jects di­rectly. How­ever, some­times you may need to. This ar­ti­cle pro­vides a brief in­tro­duc­tion to the vert.x Con­text class, which cov­ers why it’s im­por­tant, and why and when you might wish to make use of the Con­text di­rectly, based on the au­thor’s ex­pe­ri­ence of build­ing a generic async li­brary which can be used with vert.x.

This is a re-​publication of the fol­low­ing blog post


Re­cently I’ve been look­ing at the pos­si­bil­ity of build­ing an asyn­chro­nous ver­sion of the pac4j li­brary, with a view to then mi­grat­ing the vertx-​pac4j im­ple­men­ta­tion to use the asyn­chro­nous ver­sion of pac4j by de­fault.

I’m keen (for ob­vi­ous rea­sons) that the async ver­sion of pac4j is not tightly cou­pled to one par­tic­u­lar asyn­chro­nous/non-​blocking frame­work, I de­cided to ex­pose the API via the Com­pletable­Fu­ture class, using this to wrap val­ues which will be de­ter­mined in the fu­ture. How­ever, I opted to use the vert.x frame­work for my asyn­chro­nous test­ing as a way of test­ing the API as it emerged. This in turn has led me to learn some as­pects of the vert.x Con­text class which I didn’t re­ally un­der­stand be­fore.

The in­for­ma­tion pre­sented re­lates to Vert.x ver­sion 3.3.3. It is con­ceiv­able that later ver­sions of vert.x could ren­der as­pects of this ar­ti­cle in­cor­rect.

Introduction to the Context class

When­ever a vert.x Han­dler is ex­e­cuted, or the start or step method of a ver­ti­cle is called, then that ex­e­cu­tion is as­so­ci­ated with a spe­cific con­text. Gen­er­ally a con­text is an event-​loop con­text and is there­fore as­so­ci­ated with an event loop thread (ex­cep­tions are cov­ered in the Fur­ther Read­ing ref­er­enced below). Con­texts are prop­a­gated. When a han­dler is set by code run­ning on a spe­cific con­text, then that han­dler will also be ex­e­cuted on the same con­text. This means for ex­am­ple, that if the start method of a ver­ti­cle in­stance sets a num­ber of event bus han­dlers (as many do), then they will all run on the same con­text as the start method for that ver­ti­cle (so all han­dlers for that ver­ti­cle in­stance will share a com­mon con­text).

A schematic of the re­la­tion­ships be­tween non-​worker ver­ti­cles, con­texts and event­loop threads is shown in Fig­ure 1.

Vertx Context/Thread/Verticle Relationships

Note that each ver­ti­cle ef­fec­tively has only one con­text for han­dlers cre­ated by its start method, and each con­text is bound to a sin­gle event-​loop thread. A given event-​loop thread can, how­ever, have mul­ti­ple con­texts bound to it.

When are contexts not propagated?

When a ver­ti­cle’s start method is called, a new con­text is cre­ated. If 4 iden­ti­cal ver­ti­cles are de­ployed via the in­stances pa­ra­me­ter on De­ploy­men­tOp­tions, the start method of each will be on a new con­text. This is log­i­cal as we may not want all non-​worker ver­ti­cles to be bound to a sin­gle event­loop thread when mul­ti­ple event­loop threads are avail­able.

Threading Guarantees

There are cer­tain con­se­quences of the prop­a­ga­tion of con­texts to han­dlers as men­tioned above. The most im­por­tant one is that since all han­dlers in a given event­loop ver­ti­cle run on the same con­text (the one on which its start method ran), they all run on the same event­loop thread. This gives rise to the thread­ing guar­an­tee within vert.x, that as long as a given ver­ti­cle is the only one to ever ac­cess a piece of state, then that state is being ac­cessed by only one thread, so no syn­chro­niza­tion will be nec­es­sary.

Exception Handling

Each con­text can have its own ex­cep­tion han­dler at­tached for han­dling ex­cep­tions which occur dur­ing event loop pro­cess­ing.

Why might you not want the default exception handler?

As one ex­am­ple, you might have some ver­ti­cles run­ning whose job it is to mon­i­tor other ver­ti­cles, and if some­thing ap­pears to go wrong with them, un­de­ploy and restart them, a fre­quent pat­tern in an actor-​ or microservices-​ style archic­tec­ture. So one op­tion could be that when a su­per­vised ver­ti­cle en­coun­ters an un­re­cov­er­able error, it could sim­ply no­tify its su­per­vi­sor that it has gone wrong via an event­bus mes­sage, and its su­per­vi­sor could then un­de­ploy and re­de­ploy (and after a num­ber of fail­ures in rapid suc­ces­sion pos­si­bly give up hope or es­ca­late to its own su­per­vi­sor.

Going off-context and getting back onto a particular context

There are sev­eral rea­sons why you might ex­e­cute code off-​context and then want to op­er­ate back on a vert.x con­text when com­plete. I’ll out­line a cou­ple of sce­nar­ios below

Running code on a separate thread

Firstly you might be using an asyn­chro­nous dri­ver which is en­tirely vertx-​unaware. Its code will run on non-​eventloop threads but it’s pos­si­ble you may then want to use the re­sults of that code to up­date in­for­ma­tion within your ver­ti­cle. If you don’t get back onto the cor­rect con­text, you can’t make any guar­an­tees about thread-​safety, so your sub­se­quent pro­cess­ing needs to be run back on the cor­rect event­loop thread.

Using asynchronous Java 8 APIs

APIs such as Com­pletable­Fu­ture are context-​unaware. In one ex­am­ple, I cre­ated an al­ready com­pleted fu­ture on the vert.x event loop in a test. I then at­tached sub­se­quent pro­cess­ing to it via then run:

public class ImmediateCompletionTest {
    public final RunTestOnContext rule = new RunTestOnContext();

    public void testImmediateCompletion(TestContext context) {

        final Async async = context.async();
        final Vertx vertx = rule.vertx();
        final CompletableFuture<Integer> toComplete = new CompletableFuture<>();
        // delay future completion by 500 ms
        final String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        toComplete.thenRun(() -> {
            assertThat(Thread.currentThread().getName(), is(threadName));

Naively one might ex­pect this to au­to­mat­i­cally run on the con­text, since it hasn’t left the event­loop thread on which the fu­ture was com­pleted, and in­deed it’s prov­able that it is on the cor­rect thread. How­ever, it will not be on the cor­rect con­text. This would mean that it wouldn’t, for ex­am­ple, in­voke any mod­i­fied ex­cep­tion han­dler at­tached to the con­text.

Getting back on context

For­tu­nately, once we’ve left the con­text, it’s quite straight­for­ward to re­turn to it. Prior to de­f­i­n­i­tion of the code block within then­Run, we can use Vertx.cur­rent­Con­text() or vertx.getOr­Cre­ate­Con­text() to get a han­dle to the con­text on which our event­loop code is run­ning, We can then ex­e­cute the code block in­side a call to Con­text::runOn­Con­text, sim­i­lar to

final Context currentContext = vertx.getOrCreateContext();
toComplete.thenRun(() -> {
        currentContext.runOnContext(v -> {
        assertThat(Thread.currentThread().getName(), is(threadName));

While get­ting back onto the cor­rect con­text may not be crit­i­cal if you have re­mained on the event loop thread through­out, it is crit­i­cal if you are going to in­voke sub­se­quent vert.x han­dlers, up­date ver­ti­cle state or any­thing sim­i­lar, so it’s a sen­si­ble gen­eral ap­proach.

Further Reading

The vert.x team them­selves offer an ex­cel­lent blog about the Vert.x event­loop, with ex­cel­lent ma­te­r­ial on the con­text, on Github.


Thanks very much to the vert.x core team for their clear github pages on the event­loop, and also to Alexan­der Lehmann for his an­swers to my stu­pid and naive ques­tions on the Vert.x google group.

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